Turn in a Poacher (TIP) Program

The Washington Hunter Education/Turn In A Poacher (HE/TIP) trailer has two primary purposes: a) To engage the hunting public and general public in direct protection of their natural resources; and b) To promote Hunter Education and recruitment of the next generation of hunters needed to continue the heritage of hunting in Washington State. It will be used by Fish and Wildlife Officers throughout the state as a community policing and preventative enforcement tool. Scheduling of the TIP Trailer is determined by the Enforcement Headquarters Lieutenant (360) 902-2923.
Washington State Patrol Phone Numbers:
Aberdeen/Hoquiam - (360) 533-5707
Bellevue - (425) 649-4370
Bellingham - (360) 676-2076
Bremerton - - (360) 478-4646
Burlington - (360) 757-1175
Centralia/Chehalis - (360) 748-6633
Ephrata - (509) 754-3571
Gig Harbor - (253) 858-8800
Long Beach Peninsula - (360) 533-5707
Longview/Kelso - (360) 577-2050
Marysville - (360) 658-1345
Olympia - (360) 596-1999
Port Angeles - (360) 452-3394
Shelton - (360) 426-6674
Spokane - (509) 456-4101
Tacoma - (253) 536-6210
Vancouver - (360) 449-7999
Wenatchee - (509) 663-9721
Yakima - (509) 575-2320
Every year poachers steal hunting and fishing opportunities and hundreds of animals and fish from the citizens of Washington. Poaching is a serious crime conducted by thieves. You can help protect our fish and wildlife resources and critical fish and wildlife habitats by reporting violations.
The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Enforcement Program encourages any citizen who witnesses a fish and wildlife offense to report the violation. There currently is about one Fish and Wildlife Police Officer for every 45,000 citizens. The state encompasses 66,582 square miles and 28,000 combined miles of shoreline. That means information from concerned citizens is critically important in controlling fish and wildlife crime.
The Turn In a Poacher (TIP) program provides the public with the opportunity to anonymously report fish and wildlife violations.
What to Look For:
If you believe you have just witnessed a fish/wildlife violation, gather all the necessary information to report (immediate reporting will significantly increase the ability of an Officer to contact the violator while still in the field):
- Automobile license plate number, make, model, year, general condition (4x4, camper/canopy, etc.).
- Description of person(s) that committed the violation (sex, general age, race, hair color, general build, name/address if known).
- Type of violation, where and when it occurred (time, Game Management Unit, Marine Area, GPS coordinates, road junction), and species involved.
Never confront a poacher. Avoid getting too close to or examining a dead animal because such actions may contaminate the site and make an investigation difficult. So don’t disturb the crime scene.
Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact
The Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact is an agreement that recognizes suspension of fishing, hunting, and trapping licenses in member states. There are currently 45 member states including Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona. This means that illegal activities in one state can affect a person’s fishing or hunting privileges in all participating states.
Options for Reporting Violations/Poaching
Dial 911 To Report Poaching In Progress
For Non-Emergency Violations/Poaching:
- Call WDFW at 360-902-2936 (option 1) 7 days a week, between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Outside of these hours call 911 and ask for State Patrol.
- Use the dedicated WDFW email address ([email protected]); or
- Text your poaching/violation tip anonymously to the WDFW poaching hotline.
- Start a text message on your phone. On the first line of the message type the key word WDFWTIP. Then add a space and type in the violation information.
- Then, from the phone’s menu, select SEND TO: and type in 847411 (TIP411), and press send (Note: The text message is sent to a special computer server that will mask your identity and assign an alias); or
- Report the crime on-line to WDFW by using the following web address: https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/enforcement/report; or
- Call the nearest Washington State Patrol Communications Center.
- For further information see https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/enforcement.
For Other Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Questions:
Call Enforcement WILDCOMM at (360) 902-2936.
For Reporting Hunting Accidents:
First call Enforcement WILDCOMM at (360) 902-2936. If WILDCOMM staff are not available, call the nearest WDFW Regional Office (Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife), or the Washington State Patrol (State Recreation Lands & Water Access Sites).
For Non-Emergency Dangerous Wildlife Observations:
Call Enforcement WILDCOMM at (360) 902-2936.
For Aquatic Invasive Species Reports:
Call toll-free 1-888-933-9247 (1-888-WDFW-AIS).
Reward Program
Information that contributes substantially to an arrest of another person for violation of Title 77.15 RCW or WAC 220, including the loss of fish, wildlife, or damage to WDFW property, could be eligible for a cash reward. Annually, over $10,000 is paid in rewards.
Hunting bonus points (up to 10) may be awarded for violation information about illegal hunting or killing of big game or an endangered species. Bonus points provide a greatly improved chance of drawing special permits for hunting.