Antler Point-Deer: A projection off any part of the antler measuring at least one (1) inch in length measured from the longest side. Eye guards are antler points if they are at least one inch long.
Antler Point-Elk: A projection off any part of the antler measuring at least one (1) inch in length measured from the longest side. Eye guards are antler points if they are at least one inch long.
Antlerless: Deer, elk, or cow moose without antlers; doe and fawn deer, cow and calf elk, and calf moose are considered antlerless.
Any Buck/Bull: Only deer/elk/moose with visible antlers may be taken (fawns/calves illegal). Visible antler is a horn-like growth projecting above the hairline.
Bag Limit: Maximum number of game animals or game birds that may be taken, caught, killed, or possessed by a person for a specific period of time, or limits on the size, sex, or species. Bag limits may differ from possession limits for certain species.
Big Game: Elk, deer, bear, moose, pronghorn antelope, mountain goat, bighorn sheep, and cougar.
Black-tailed Deer: Any member of black-tailed/mule deer (species Odocoileus hemionus) found west of a line drawn from the Canadian border south on the Pacific Crest Trail and along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary in Yakima County to the Klickitat River; south down Klickitat River to the Columbia River.
Closed Area: Area where the hunting of some species of wild animals or wild birds is prohibited.
Closed Season: All times, areas, and manners when the taking of wild animals and wild birds is prohibited.
Dashed - - - Lines or Hyphens: "Through" and is inclusive of those items; e.g., Sept. 1-30 means: Sept. 1 through Sept. 30. GMUs 124-136 means: all GMUs from 124 through 136.
Persons with Disabilities: See Persons with Disabilities.
Eastern Washington: Includes all areas lying east of the Pacific Crest Trail and east of the Big White Salmon River in Klickitat and Skamania counties.
Endangered Species: Wildlife designated by the Fish and Wildlife Commission because the species is seriously threatened with extinction.
General Season: Any hunting season that is open to all licensed hunters, excluding special permit-only, damage and landowner damage hunts.
GMU: Game Management Unit Boundary descriptions are used for management purposes.
Horn: A hard body permanent projection that grows on the head of mountain goats and bighorn sheep.
Hunt Choice Number: The four-digit number required on special permit application submissions.
To Hunt: Any effort to kill, capture, injure, or harass a wild animal or wild bird.
Migratory Game Birds: Coots, ducks, geese (including brant), mourning doves, band-tailed pigeons, and snipe.
Military Personnel: Military personnel, permanently stationed at a military installation within the state of Washington, regardless of length of time in the state, are entitled to purchase a resident license. All military personnel must have appropriate license, tags, stamps, or permits to fish or hunt anywhere in the state. See RCW 77.08.075.
Mule Deer: Any member of black-tailed/mule deer (species Odocoileus hemionus) found east of a line drawn from the Canadian border south on the Pacific Crest Trail and along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary in Yakima County to the Klickitat River; south down Klickitat River to the Columbia River.
Non-resident: A person who has not fulfilled the qualifications (90 days) of a resident. (Exception—See Military Personnel)
Open Season: All times, areas, and manner for legally hunting or possessing game animals or game birds. All hunting season dates listed in this pamphlet are inclusive.
Protected Wildlife: Wildlife designated by the Fish and Wildlife Commission that are not to be hunted or fished.
Public Highway: Any road, regardless of surface, maintained by public funds.
Replacement Tag: Reissuing the same species and weapon type of transport tag.
Resident: A person who has maintained a permanent place of abode within this state for at least 90 days immediately preceding an application for a WDFW license; has established by formal evidence (including but not limited to driver's license or voter registration card) an intent to continue residing within this state; and who is not licensed to hunt or fish as a resident in another state; or receiving resident benefits from another state. (RCW 77.08.075 and WAC 220-220-050)
Safety Zone: An area posted to no hunting by the WDFW for safety purposes.
Special Permit Hunting Seasons: Hunting seasons set by rule of the Fish and Wildlife Commission for the purpose of taking specified wildlife with a special hunting permit.
Spike Bull Areas: Elk taken in these units must have at least one antler with no branches originating more than four inches from where the antler attaches to the skull. An animal with a spike on one side (1x2) is legal in spike only units. An animal with more than one antler point more than four inches above where the antler attaches to the skull on both sides (2x2) is illegal.
Three Point Minimum Buck: Any buck deer with at least three antler points on one antler is legal.
3 Point Minimum: A 3 Pt. Min. elk means that a legal elk in these GMUs must have at least 3 antler points on one side. Eye guards are antler points when they are at least one inch long. A 1x3 and a 2x3 are legal elk in a 3 Pt. Min. unit. Antler restrictions apply to all hunters during any open season.
True Spike Bull Restrictions: Bull elk taken in these units must have both antlers with no branching originating more than four inches from where the antlers attach to the skull. Under the true spike restriction, the taking of an elk that has two points on one side or has antler points within one inch of the definitions regarding length of point, or point of origination, is an infraction. All other types of violations of the true spike restriction are subject to current penalties and assessments.
Unclassified Wildlife: Any wildlife not classified as game or threatened, endangered, or otherwise listed as protected.
Valid License: A current unaltered license issued to and signed by the holder prior to participating in license specific hunting or fishing activities.
Valid Tag: A current, unaltered, unnotched tag issued to the holder to hunt for the specified game animal on the tag.
Visible Antler: A horn-like growth on the head of deer, elk, or moose that projects above the hairline.
Western Washington: All areas west of the Pacific Crest Trail and west of (and including) the Big White Salmon River in Klickitat and Skamania counties.
White-tailed Deer: Means any white-tailed deer (species Odocoileus virginianus) except the Columbian White-tailed deer (species Odocoileus virginianus leucurus).
Wild Animals: Includes all mammals except feral domestic mammals and old world rats and mice.
Wild Birds: All species of birds that exist in Washington in the wild state.
Youth: Under 16 years of age at time of license purchase or special permit application purchase.