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Mandatory Reporting

Hunters are Required to Report Hunting Activity by January 31st, 2025

Turkey hunters will owe hunting activity reports (spring and/or fall) for each turkey transport tag purchased. Turkey hunters must report their hunting activity for each tag even if they did not hunt or harvest a bird.

Hunters can submit reports online at or by telephone (toll free at 1-877-945-3492). Hunters who harvest an animal should submit a report within 10 days of harvest and all reports must be submitted by January 31. Hunters who fail to report by January 31 will be subject to a $10 administrative fee, which must be paid before they can purchase a license for the following year. Unsuccessful hunters must also report their hunting activity, including location and days hunted. WDFW will use this information to better monitor hunter effort, distribution, harvest, and trends.

Having a spring and fall season can make reporting confusing for turkey hunters. Any hunter who holds a turkey transport tag during the spring season must submit a spring report for that tag, even if they did not hunt or harvest in the spring. Any hunter who holds an unfilled turkey tag during the fall season must submit a fall report for that tag, even if they did not hunt or harvest in the fall.

For example, if a hunter holds a turkey transport tag during the spring season and is unsuccessful, they can use that tag in the fall, and therefore a report for both spring and fall will be required.

You will need the following information for each tag and season (spring or fall) to submit your turkey hunting activity reports.

  1. Whether or not you hunted turkeys.
  2. If you hunted:
    1. The two Game Management Units (GMU) you hunted in the most. Please refer to or the Big Game Regulations for a GMU map.
    2. The number of days you hunted in each GMU.
  3. If you harvested:
    1. The GMU in which the turkey was harvested.
    2. Month, day, and year of harvest.
    3. Sex of the turkey.

Shoot Clean—Get The Lead Out

  • Lead shot can kill wildlife that ingests it.
  • It only takes a few lead pellets to be toxic to wildlife.
  • Lead shot has resulted in extensive swan mortality in northwestern Washington.
  • Target shooting can be a significant source of lead shot in the environment.
  • Consider switching to nontoxic shot for all shotgun ammunition.

It is unlawful to possess shot (either in shotshells or as loose shot for muzzleloading) other than nontoxic shot for any purpose in the following areas:

  • Well’s Wildlife Area (Bridgeport Bar Unit)
  • Cowlitz Wildlife Area (all units)
  • Whatcom Wildlife Area (all units)
  • Shillapoo Wildlife Area (all units)
  • Skagit Wildlife Area (all units)
  • Snoqualmie Wildlife Area (all units)
  • Sunnyside-Snake River Wildlife Area (Headquarters, Byron and Windmill Ranch units)
  • Sinlahekin Wildlife Area (Driscoll Island, Hegdahl, and Kline Parcel units)
  • Johns River Wildlife Area (Chinook, Chehalis, and Elk River units)
  • South Puget Sound Wildlife Area (Big Beef Creek, Lake Koeneman, Nisqually, Skokomish, and Union River units)
  • Scatter Creek Wildlife Area (all units)
  • North Olympic Wildlife Area (all units)

Please reference WAC 220-414-040 ( for more information on Nontoxic Shot Requirements.

2025 Spring Turkey Pamphlet Cover Photo Contest

The theme for the 2025 Spring Regulation Cover Photo Contest is “Hunting Together”. We celebrate how turkey hunting brings companions and loved ones from all ages and walks of life together. Share your captivating photos showcasing the camaraderie and connection of turkey hunting for a chance to be featured in next year’s regulations pamphlet.

Photo ideas for this theme include learning to hunt with a mentor, celebrating a grandchild’s first harvest, gathering with friends at hunting camp, enjoying a wild turkey meal with family, soaking in a sunrise with a hunting partner, or any other aspect of turkey hunting that brings people together.

Submit your photos by November 1st using the form at

  • Must show only legal activity (no baiting, no electronic decoys, appropriate hunter orange or pink in the fall, etc.).
  • Must not have derogatory language or private advertising on clothing (e.g. private hunt clubs).
  • Must not have hunting felony or any gross misdemeanor fish and wildlife convictions in the past three years.
  • Must be print quality resolution (minimum 300 dpi).
  • Photo must be appropriate (minimal blood etc.).

Submit your photo using the form on the website and provide a background story for your photo (i.e., who, what, when, where, how).

Report Wild Turkey and Upland Bird Sightings

Help manage Washington’s game bird populations by reporting your observations of wild turkeys and upland birds. In July and August, brood surveys that count the number of chicks or poults with hens will help monitor productivity. The rest of the year, your observations will help monitor distribution: where birds are located, what habitats they’re using, and how they might move seasonally.

Go to this webpage for the reporting form and more information: