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Elk General Seasons

Modern Firearm General Elk Seasons

Elk Tag Area

2024 Dates

Game Management Units (GMUs)
See Firearm Restriction Areas for Firearm Restrictions

Legal Elk

Eastern Washington

Modern Firearm

Aug. 1 2024-Jan. 20, 2025

Master Hunters Only: Elk Areas 3911 and 3912. Must wear hunter orange and/or hunter pink.

Antlerless only

Sept. 14-29

Elk Area 3722*

Antlerless only

Oct. 26-Nov. 3

101, 105, 108, 111, 113, 117d, 121, 204

Any bull

Oct. 26-Nov. 3

145, 149d, 154,162 through 186, 249, 336 through 368

Spike bull

Oct. 26-Nov. 3

251, 328, 329, 334, 335

True spike bull

Oct. 26-Nov. 3

124 through 142, 372*, 382*, 388

Any elk

Oct. 26-Nov. 15

203, 209 through 248, 250, 254 through 272, 278d, 284, 290, 373d, 379d, 381

Any elk

Aug. 1-31

Master Hunters Only: 371. Must wear hunter orange and/or hunter pink.

Antlerless only

Dec. 9-31

Master Hunters Only: 127 through 142

Antlerless only

Western Washington

Modern Firearm

Nov. 2-13

407, 564, 666

Any elk

Nov. 2-13


Any bull

Nov. 2-13

460, 466, 448, 503, 505, 506a, 510 through 520, 524, (except closed in Elk Area 5066), 530ad, 550, 560, 568, 572, 574, 578d, 601 through 618, 624 (except for Elk Area 6071), 627, 633, 638 (except Master Hunters Only in Elk Area 6064 portion of GMU 638), 642 through 651, 652 (except for Elk Area 6014), 654, 658, 660, 667 through 681, 684d.

3 pt. min.

Nov. 2-13

501, 504, 663, Elk Areas 4601* and 6014

3 pt. min. or antlerless

License Required:

A valid big game hunting license which includes elk as a species option.

Elk Tag:

You must choose either an eastern or western Washington modern firearm elk tag. Multi-season tags can also be used. Elk tag areas are shown on the map on Elk General Information.

Hunting Method:

Bag Limit:

One elk per hunter during the hunting season, except for successful Master Hunter special permit applicants and where otherwise permitted by department rule. No more than 2 elk may be harvested per license year.

Firearm Restrictions & Hunting Closures:

The GMU you hunt in may be affected by a firearm restriction or a hunting closure. See Firearm Restriction Areas for a full list of Commission-designated firearm restrictions by county. See Hunting Access & Closures for a list of restricted or hunting closure areas. Other firearm restriction or hunting closure areas are established by local ordinance. Consult your local sheriff or city for other restriction areas.

Hunter Orange and/or Hunter Pink:

Is required for anyone hunting in an area open to modern firearm general deer or elk seasons. See Mandatory Hunter Reporting.

Night Hunting and Hound Hunting During Deer and Elk Hunting Seasons

Hunting at night:

  • It is unlawful to hunt bobcat and raccoon at night during modern firearm deer or elk general seasons that occur in October and November in eastern and western Washington. A small game license is required to harvest a bobcat or raccoon.
  • Hunting big game with the aid of an artificial light, spotlight, or night vision equipment is prohibited. Night vision equipment includes electronic light amplification devices, thermal imaging devices, and other comparable equipment used to enhance night vision. Coyote may be hunted at night with lights year round, EXCEPT it is unlawful to hunt coyote at night during modern firearm deer or elk general seasons that occur in October and November in eastern and western Washington.

Hound hunting:

  • Dogs may be used to hunt raccoon, EXCEPT it is unlawful to hunt raccoons with dogs during modern firearm deer or elk general seasons that occur in October and November in eastern and western Washington.
  • Dogs may be used to assist with the recovery of wounded big game except bear and cougar (see Prohibited Hunting Methods).

Small Game Seasons

  • Will be published in the Game Bird and Small Game Regulations pamphlet in June.

Archery General Elk Seasons

Elk Tag Area

2024 Dates

Game Management Units (GMUs)

See Firearm Restriction Areas for Firearm Restrictions

Legal Elk

Early Archery General Elk Seasons

Eastern Archery

Aug. 1-31

Master Hunters Only: 371. Must wear hunter orange and/or hunter pink.

Antlerless only

Sept. 7-19

101 through 142, 117d, 204, 243, 247, 249, 250, 272, 278, 284, 290, 373d, 379d, 381, 382, 388

Any elk

Sept. 7-19

145, 149d, 163, 178, 181, 334, 335, 371, Elk Area 1054

Spike bull or antlerless

Sept. 7-19

154,162, 166, 169, 172, 175, 186, 251, 328, 329, 336, 340, 352, 356, 364

Spike bull

Western Archery

Sept. 7-19

407, 454, 564, 666, 684, Elk Area 6014

Any elk

Sept. 7-19

448, 460, 466, 506a through 520, 524, (except closed in Elk Area 5066), 530ad, 550, 560, 572, 601 through 618, 624 (except for Elk Area 6071), 627, 633, 638 (except Master Hunters only in Elk Area 6064), 642 through 651, 658

3 pt. min.

Sept. 7-19

Elk Area 4601*, 501 through 505, 554, 568, 574, 578d, Elk Area 6061, 652 (Except Elk Area 6013 closed to antlerless), 654, 660, 663, 667 through 673, 681, and 699d

3 pt. min. or antlerless

Late Archery General Elk Seasons

Eastern Archery

Aug. 1, 2024-Jan. 20, 2025

Master Hunters Only: Elk Areas 3911 and 3912. Must wear hunter orange and/or hunter pink.

Antlerless only

Oct. 26-Nov. 15

203, 209 through 248, 250, 254 through 272, 278d, 284, 290, 379d, 381 Must wear hunter orange and/or hunter pink.

Any elk

Nov. 20-Dec. 8


Antlerless only

Nov. 25-Dec. 8

101, 105, 108, 117, 121, 204

Any bull

Nov. 25-Dec. 8

124, 127, 373d, 382*, 388

Any elk

Nov. 27-Dec. 8

334, 335

Spike bull or antlerless

Nov. 27-Dec. 8

249, 251, 336, 342, 346, 352, 364, Elk Area 3681

Spike Bull

Dec. 9-31

Master Hunters Only: 127 through 142

Antlerless only

Dec. 9, 2024-Jan. 20, 2025


Antlerless only

Western Archery

Nov. 27-Dec. 15

Elk Area 4601*, 503, 505, 652 (except Elk Area 6013 closed to antlerless), 663, 667, 672, 681, and 699d. Master hunters only in Elk Area 6064 portion of GMU 638.

3 pt. min. or antlerless

Nov. 27-Dec. 15

454, 564d, 666, Elk Area 6014

Any elk

Nov. 27-Dec. 15

448, 506, 530, 603, 612, 615, 638 (except for Elk Area 6064), 648

3 pt. min.

Nov. 25-Dec. 15


Any elk

License Required:

A valid big game hunting license, which includes elk as a species option.

Elk Tag:

You must choose either an eastern or western Washington archery elk tag. Multi-season tags can also be used. Elk tag areas are shown on the map on Elk General Information.

Hunting Method:

Bag Limit:

One elk per hunter during the hunting season, except for successful Master Hunter special permit applicants and where otherwise permitted by department rule. No more than two elk may be harvested per license year.

Hunter Orange and/or Hunter Pink:

Is required for anyone hunting in an area open to modern firearm general deer or elk seasons. See Mandatory Hunter Reporting.

Season Overlaps:

Early archery elk season overlaps the modern firearm damage control Elk Area 3911 Fairview hunt in portions of GMUs: 328, 329, 334, 335

Late archery elk season overlaps late muzzleloader elk in GMUs: 203, 209–248, 250, 254–290, 278, 379, 381, 448, 454, Elk Area 4601, 564, 666, 667, 503, 505, 652

Late archery elk season overlaps modern firearm elk in GMUs: 203, 209–248, 250, 254–290, 278, 379, 381

Note: Grouse, bear, goat, and sheep seasons may be open concurrent with archery seasons.


Muzzleloader General Elk Seasons

Elk Tag Area

2024 Dates

Game Management Units (GMUs)
See Firearm Restriction Areas for Firearm Restriction Areas

Legal Elk

Early Muzzleloader General Elk Seasons

Eastern Muzzleloader

Aug. 1-31

Master Hunters Only: 371. Must wear hunter orange and/or hunter pink.

Antlerless only

Oct. 5-11

101 through 121, 117d, 204, 247

Any bull

Oct. 5-11

124 through 142, 245, 250, 272, 278, 284, 290, 379d

Any elk

Oct. 5-11

145, 149, 154, 162, 163, 166, 172, 175, 178, 181, 249, 336 through 342, 352 through 368

Spike bull

Oct. 5-11

251, 328, 329, 334, 335, Elk Area 2051

True spike bull

Western Muzzleloader

Oct. 5-11

407, 454, 564a, 666, 684d

Any elk

Oct. 5-11

448, 460, 466, 506a, 510, 513, 516, 520, 524, (except closed in Elk Area 5066), 530ad, 550, 554, 560, 568, 572, 574, 578d, 602, 603, 607, 612, 615, 624 (except for Elk Area 6071), 627, 633, 638 (except for Elk Area 6064), 642, 648, 660, 672, 673, 681

3 pt. min.

Oct. 5-11

501, 503, 504, 505, 652 (except Elk Area 6013 closed to antlerless), Elk Area 6014, 654, 663, 667, Elk Area 4601

3 pt. min. or antlerless

Late Muzzleloader General Elk Seasons

Eastern Muzzleloader

Aug. 1, 2024-Jan. 20, 2025

Master Hunters Only: Elk Areas 3911 and 3912. Must wear hunter orange and/or hunter pink.

Antlerless only

Oct. 26-Nov. 15

203, 209 through 248, 250, 254 through 272, 278d, 284, 290, 373d, 379d, 381. Must wear hunter orange and/or hunter pink.

Any elk

Nov. 25-Dec. 8

130 through 142*

Any elk

Dec. 9-31

Master Hunters Only: 127, through 142. Must wear hunter orange and/or hunter pink.

Antlerless only

Western Muzzleloader

Dec. 16-31


Any elk

Nov. 27-Dec. 8

Elk Area 4601*, 501, 503, 504, 505, 652 (except Elk Area 6013 closed to antlerless), 667

3 pt. min. or antlerless

Nov. 27-Dec. 15

454, 564a, 666, 684d, Elk Area 6014

Any elk

Nov. 27-30

568, 574, 578d

3 pt. min.

Nov. 27-Dec. 15

448, 601, 618, 651, 658

3 pt. min.

License Required:

A valid big game hunting license, which includes elk as a species option.

Elk Tag:

You must choose either an eastern or western Washington muzzleloader elk tag. Multi-season tags can also be used. Elk tag areas are shown on the map on Elk General Information.

Hunting Method:

Bag Limit:

One elk per hunter during the hunting season, except for successful Master Hunter special permit applicants and where otherwise permitted by department rule. No more than 2 elk may be harvested per license year.

Season Overlap:

Late muzzleloader elk seasons overlap late archery deer seasons in GMUs: 454, 505, 564, 618, 666, 667

Late muzzleloader elk seasons overlap late archery elk seasons in GMUs: 203, 209–248, 250, 254–290, 278, 379, 381, 448, 454, 564, 666, 667, 503, 505, 652

Firearm Restrictions & Hunting Closures:

The GMU you hunt in may be affected by a firearm restriction or a hunting closure. See Firearm Restriction Areas for a full list of Commission-designated firearm restrictions by county. See Hunting Access & Closures for a list of restricted or hunting closure areas. Other firearm restriction or hunting closure areas are established by local ordinance. Consult your local sheriff or city for other restriction areas.

Hunter Orange and/or Hunter Pink:

Is required for anyone hunting in an area open to modern firearm general deer or elk seasons. See Mandatory Hunter Reporting.