Mountain Goat Hunt Areas
Mountain Goat Hunt Areas:
Chelan North 2-1:
Beginning at the mouth of Fish Creek on Lake Chelan (Moore Point); then northeast up Fish Creek and USFS trail 1259 to the Sawtooth crest near Deephole Spring; then southeast along the Sawtooth crest, which separates Chelan and Okanogan counties, to Horsethief Basin and the headwaters of Safety Harbor Creek; then south along Safety Harbor Creek to Lake Chelan, then northwest along the north shore of Lake Chelan to the mouth of Fish Creek at Moore Point and the point of beginning.
Methow 2-2:
Begin at Twisp, W along Twisp River Rd (County Rd 4440) to Roads End; W up Twisp Pass Trail 432 to Twisp Pass and Okanogan County line; N on Okanogan County line through Washington Pass to Harts Pass; SE down Harts Pass (Rd 5400) to Lost River; along Lost River-Mazama Rd to Mazama; SW to State Hwy 20; SE on State Hwy 20 to Twisp and point of beginning.
South Lake Chelan 2-3:
Permit Area: GMU 246
Naches Pass 3-6:
Beginning at Chinook Pass; then north along the Pacific Crest Trail to Naches Pass; then east to USFS Road 19 and continuing to State Highway 410; then west along State Highway 410 to Chinook Pass and point of beginning.
Bumping River 3-7:
Beginning on US Forest Service Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest Trail) and SR 410 at Chinook Pass; NE on SR 410 to US Forest Service Rd 1800 (Bumping Lake Rd); SW on the US Forest Service Rd 1800 (Bumping Lake Rd) to US Forest Service Trail 973 (Richmond Mine Rd); SE on US Forest Service Trail 973 (Richmond Mine Rd) to the north fork of Rattlesnake Creek; SE down the north fork of Rattlesnake Creek to US Forest Service Rd 1502 (McDaniel Lake Rd); SE on US Forest Service Rd 1502 (McDaniel Lake Rd) to US Forest Service Rd 1500; S on US Forest Service Rd 1500 to US Hwy 12; W on US Hwy 12 to US Forest Service Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest Trail) at White Pass; N on the US Forest Service Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest Trail) to SR 410 at Chinook Pass and the point of beginning. (Lands within the boundary of Mt. Rainier National Park along the Pacific Crest Trail are not open to hunting.)
Blazed Ridge 3-10:
Beginning at the mouth of Cabin Creek on the Yakima River; then west along Cabin Creek to the headwaters near Snowshoe Butte; then south along the Cascade Crest separating the Green and Yakima river drainage to Pyramid Peak; then southeast along the North Fork, Little Naches, and Naches River to the Yakima River; then north along the Yakima River to the mouth of Cabin Creek and point of beginning.
Chowder Ridge 4-3:
Beginning at the confluence of Wells Creek with the North Fork Nooksack River; then up Wells Creek to the confluence with Bar Creek; then up Bar Creek to the Mazama Glacier; then SW on Mazama Glacier to the summit of Mount Baker; then NW between Roosevelt Glacier and Coleman Glacier to the headwaters of Kulshan Creek; then down Kulshan Creek to the confluence with Grouse Creek; then down Grouse Creek to the confluence with Glacier Creek; then down Glacier Creek to the confluence with the North Fork Nooksack River; then up the North Fork Nooksack River to Wells Creek and the point of beginning.
Lincoln Peak 4-4:
Beginning at the confluence of Glacier Creek and the North Fork Nooksack River; then up Glacier Creek to the confluence with Grouse Creek; then up Grouse Creek to the confluence with Kulshan Creek; then up Kulshan Creek to headwaters; then SE between Coleman and Roosevelt glaciers to the summit of Mount Baker; then SW on Easton Glacier to Baker Pass; then W on the Bell Pass Trail (USFS Trail 603.3) to the intersection with Ridley Creek Trail (Trail No. 696); then W on Ridley Creek Trail to Ridley Creek; then down Ridley Creek to the Middle Fork Nooksack River; then down the Middle Fork Nooksack River to the confluence with Clearwater Creek, then up Clearwater Creek to the confluence with Rocky Creek, then up Rocky Creek to the Washington DNR boundary; then along the National Forest-Washington DNR boundary to Hedrick Creek; then down Hedrick Creek to the North Fork Nooksack River; then up the North Fork Nooksack River to Glacier Creek and the point of beginning.
Avalanche Gorge 4-7:
Beginning on Baker Lake Road and Park Creek; then up Park Creek to headwaters and beginning of Park Glacier; then NW and SW on Park Glacier to Mount Baker summit; then N on the Mazama Glacier to Bar Creek, then down Bar Creek to the confluence with Wells Creek; then SE up Wells Creek to its headwaters; then E about 1 mile to an unnamed peak (indicated elevation 5,831 ft, just W of Ptarmigan Ridge Trail (Trail No. 682.1) (See referenced 1:24k USGS quad map - Shuksan Arm)); then NE to the headwaters of the first tributary of Swift Creek encountered; then SE down said unnamed tributary to the confluence with Swift Creek; then down Swift Creek to the Baker Lake Road (USFS Road 394); then SW along the Baker Lake Road to Park Creek and point of beginning. (Refer to 1:24k USGS quad map Shuksan Arm).
Goat Rocks West 5-4:
Goat Rocks West 5-4 Permit Area: Beginning at US Hwy 12 at the US Forest Service Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail); S on the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail to Lewis County line at Cispus Pass; S and W on the Lewis County line to Johnson Creek Rd (US Forest Service Rd 21); N on Johnson Creek Rd to US Hwy 12; E on US Hwy 12 to the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail and the point of the beginning. Also GMU 364.
Goat Rocks East 5-5:
GMU 364
Permit Area – East Olympic Mountains Unit:
Beginning at the intersection of Lake Cushman Rd and Jorsted Creek Rd (USFS Rd 24); W along Jorsted Creek Rd (USFS Rd 24) to Olympic National Park (ONP) boundary at the northern end of Lake Cushman; N and NE along the ONP-Olympic National Forest (ONF) boundary to the Jefferson-Clallam County line; E along the Jefferson-Clallam County line to its intersection with ONF boundary in Section 33 of T28N R2W; S along the ONF boundary to the intersection of Lake Cushman Rd and Jorsted Creek Rd (USFS Rd 24) and the point of beginning.
Boulder River North 4-8a:
That area within the Boulder River Wilderness of the Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest, beginning at the Boulder River trailhead on U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Rd 2010 (to Boulder Falls), then E along the USFS Boulder River Wilderness boundary to Squire Creek, then southward along the Squire Creek to Squire Creek Pass, then SW up Squire Creek Pass to the headwaters of Copper Creek, then SE down Copper Creek to the unnamed tributary to Copper Creek which heads W up to Windy Pass, then W up said tributary to its headwaters in Windy Pass, then W across Windy Pass to the headwaters of Windy Creek, then W down Windy Creek to the USFS Boulder River Wilderness boundary, then N along the USFS Boulder River Wilderness boundary to the Boulder River trailhead on USFS Rd 2010 and the point of the beginning.
Mt. Margaret Backcountry 5-6:
Beginning at the junction of USFS 99 Rd and USFS 26 Rd; South on USFS 99 Rd to junction of USFS 99 Rd and USFS Trail 227 at Independence Pass trailhead; North on USFS Trail 227 to junction of USFS Trail 227 and USFS Trail 1; West on USFS Trail 1 to junction of USFS Trail 1 and USFS Trail 230; Northwest on USFS Trail 230 to junction of USFS Trail 230 and USFS Trail 211; Northeast to Minnie Peak; West to the USFS property boundary in the SE 1/4 of Section 20, T10N, R5E; North along the USFS property boundary to the Green River; East up the Green River to USFS Rd 2612; East on USFS 2612 to the junction of USFS Rd 2612 and USFS Rd 26; South on USFS Rd 26 to the junction of USFS Rd 26 and USFS Rd 99 and point of beginning.
Mt. St. Helens South 5-7:
Beginning at the junction of USFS Trail 234 and USFS Rd 83; West on USFS Rd 83 to the junction of USFS Rd 83 and USFS Rd 81; Northwest on USFS Rd 81 to the junction of USFS Rd 81 and USFS Rd 8123; North on USFS Rd 8123 to USFS Trail 238 at Blue Lake; North on USFS Trail 238 to USFS Trail 216; North on USFS Trail 216 to the South Fork Toutle River; Up the South Fork Toutle River to Mt. St. Helens crater's edge; East along Mt. St. Helens crater to Ape Canyon Creek; Down Ape Canyon Creek to USFS Trail 216; East on USFS Trail 216 to USFS Trail 234; Southeast on USFS Trail 234 to USFS Rd 83 and point of beginning.
East Olympic Mountains 6-1:
GMUs 621, 636, and 638.