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Youth Hunting





Combination License (12 - 17 years old) - Includes Angling, Hunting, Shellfish and Columbia Rvr Basin Endorsement


Youth Sports Pac - Includes Combination Hunting, Angling, and Shellfish License, Combined Angling Harvest Tag, Upland Game Bird and Waterfowl Validations, plus a General or Controlled Deer, General or Controlled Elk, Cougar, General or Controlled Bear, and Spring or Fall Turkey tag. A Youth Sports Pac also includes the Columbia Rvr Basin Endorsement.



Oregon offers numerous youth hunting opportunities intended to promote a safe, enjoyable experience with an increased chance for success. License prices are reduced to make it easier for families to introduce kids to hunting.

Licensing Requirements

  • Youth 12 to 17 years of age must purchase a Combination License or Youth Sports Pac to hunt, participate in the big game controlled hunt drawing, or purchase preference points.
  • Youth 11 years of age and under do not need a license to hunt game birds, small game, or unprotected wildlife.
  • Youth 9 to 11 years of age and older may apply for preference point savers through the controlled hunt drawing provided they purchase a Combination License or Youth Sports Pac. The free Youth Game Bird Hunting License does not allow a youth to participate in the controlled hunt drawing or apply for preference points.
  • Youth between 9 and 12 years of age may possess both a free Youth Game Bird Hunting License and a Combination License or Youth Sports Pac.
  • A Combination License or Youth Sports Pac purchased by a youth 17 year of age will be valid for the entire calendar year even if the youth turns age 18 before the end of the calendar year. However, youths may not hunt with youth hunt tags once they turn 18 years of age.

Hunter Education

Before hunting, youth 17 years of age or younger must:

  • Complete a Hunter Education Course (Any U.S. state, Canada or Mexico).
  • Have in their possession a Hunter Education Certificate or a Department issued document with their Hunter Education Certificate number to hunt anywhere except land owned by their parent or legal guardian. See exceptions under the Mentored Youth Hunter Program.

Hunter Education can be completed with a conventional classroom course or independent study with a hands-on field day. For more information visit:

Hunter Orange

No person younger than 18 years of age shall hunt with any firearm for any game mammal or upland game bird (excluding turkey) unless the person is wearing in a manner visible from all directions a hat or exterior garment of hunter orange.

Youth Specific Regulations

  • No youth 11 years of age or younger may hunt for big game except for youth participating in the Mentored Youth Hunter Program.
  • Any youth 13 years of age and under must be accompanied by an adult 21 years of age or older while hunting on property other than land owned by their parent or legal guardian.

Controlled Hunts

  • A Combination License or Youth Sports Pac is required for a youth to participate in the controlled hunt drawing.
  • A youth 11 years of age may apply in the controlled hunt drawing provided the youth is 12 years of age or older and has completed a Hunter Education Course by the time they participate in the hunt.
  • Youth 9 to 11 years of age may purchase point saver applications in the controlled hunt drawing provided they possess a valid Combination License or Youth Sports Pac.
  • Only youth 12 to 17 years of age at the time of the hunt may participate in Youth Controlled Hunts.
  • Youth are not limited to applying for Youth Controlled Hunts and may choose to apply for other controlled hunts.

Youth First Time Hunt Program

Resident youth are eligible to receive one buck deer (100 series), one antlerless deer (600 series) and one antlerless elk (200 series) provided they have not previously been successful in the controlled hunt drawing for that series. This program provides an opportunity for families to have a back-up plan that ensures beginning youth hunters will get a chance to hunt even if they are unsuccessful in the controlled hunt drawing.

Who May Apply:

  • Resident youth 12 to 17 years of age. Youth 11 years of age may apply if they will be 12 years of age by the time they hunt. Youths may not hunt with “First Time” tags once they turn 18 years of age.
  • Youth that applied but were unsuccessful for 100, 200, and/or 600 series controlled hunts in the current year controlled hunt drawing and have never drawn a controlled hunt for that respective series.

Eligible Hunts

  • The Youth “First Time” Hunt Program applies to all controlled hunts that meet a minimum tag allocation:
    • Buck Deer (100 series): at least 201 tags
    • Elk (200 series) antlerless only: at least 51 tags
    • Antlerless deer (600 series): at least 51 tags

How to Apply:

  • If youth meet the criteria above, they can access their ODFW account to request their tag. See for detailed instructions.
  • Application period begins July 1st, and the tag must be requested prior to the day the hunt begins. Tag sale deadlines apply.

Important Things to Know:

  • Youth must have completed a Hunter Education Course by the time they participate in the hunt.
  • A youth loses eligibility for a “First Time” tag in a hunt series once they have been successful for any hunt choice in that series (including youth hunts and LOP tags), except for leftover tags.
  • Preference points will not be used if participating in the “First Time” program.
  • Youth that have applied for point savers in the respective hunt series for the current year are NOT eligible for a guaranteed “First Time” tag.
  • Youth must obtain the controlled hunt tag before the hunt begins.
  • Adults who apply in a party with a youth in the controlled hunt drawing and are unsuccessful will not receive tags if the youth requests a “First Time” tag.
  • Youth can use their “First Time” options in any combination (all in one year, one per year, skip years between tags).
  • Elk (200 series) hunts allowing the harvest of an antlered animal are not eligible for the Youth “First Time” Program.
  • Youth can hunt in general seasons and use leftover tags if available without losing eligibility for “First Time” tag.
  • “First Time” tags are not additional tags.
  • Other hunters with appropriate tags may hunt with youth.

Mentored Youth Hunter Program

The program gives youth the opportunity to receive mentored, one-on-one field training on the ethics, safety, responsibility and enjoyment of hunting while being closely supervised by a licensed adult.

Youth Participation

Resident and nonresident youth may participate in the Mentored Youth Hunter Program, without first passing an approved Hunter Education Program, provided the youth:

  • Is 9 to 15 years of age. At age 16, a youth is no longer eligible to participate in the Mentored Youth Hunting Program and must pass an approved hunter education program, possess a Youth License, and appropriate tags.
  • Hunts while accompanied by a supervising hunter who is 21 years of age or older and who has a valid license and tag(s) for the dates, area and species being hunted.
  • Completes the free annual registration. Register Online at: or at your local license agent.
  • Possesses verification of program registration while hunting.
  • Follows all hunting regulations.
  • Remains under the immediate control of the supervising hunter at all times while the youth is in possession of any legal weapon for the hunt.
  • Is wearing a hunter orange exterior garment (shirt, jacket, coat, vest, or sweater) or hat when hunting with a firearm for game mammals or upland birds (except turkey). The exterior garment or hat must have hunter orange visible in all directions (360 degrees).

Supervising Hunter

The supervising hunter shall:

  • Have a valid hunting license and tag(s) valid for the dates, area and species being hunted.
  • Maintain immediate control of the mentored youth hunter at all times while the youth is in possession of any legal weapon for the hunt.
  • Ensure that all Oregon hunting regulations are followed.
  • Be responsible and accountable for all actions of the mentored youth hunter while engaged in hunting.
  • Supervise only one mentored youth hunter at any given time while engaged in hunting.
  • Review information on safe hunting practices, see
  • Ensure no more than one legal weapon for the hunt is possessed collectively by the supervising hunter and the youth being mentored at any time while engaged in hunting.

Seasons and Bag Limits

  • Any wildlife harvested by the mentored youth hunter shall be counted towards the supervising hunter’s bag limit.
  • The Mentored Youth Hunting Program is not applicable to designated youth only seasons and hunts.
    • This is because the mentored youth can only take an animal the supervising hunter could legally harvest and the supervising hunter could not legally harvest an animal during a youth only hunt.

Mentored Youth Preference Points

  • Youth participating in the Mentored Youth Hunting Program will receive one mentored youth preference point for each year the youth registers for the program.
  • The mentored youth preference points will be “banked” and held in the licensing system with no expiration date. To redeem banked points, see for more information.
  • Once Mentored Youth Preference Points are redeemed, they are converted to the Preference Point System and are subject to the Oregon Administrative Rules that govern preference points.
  • Redeemed points must be used at one time and may not be split among controlled hunt series.

For More Information Please Visit:

Thank You for Protecting Oregon’s Rich Cultural Heritage

  • Cultural resources in Oregon include both Indian and early Euro-American archaeological sites, burials, and sacred objects.
  • Cultural sites are not a renewable resource. Once taken or damaged they are lost forever.
  • They are protected by law on public and private land. Disturbing them can lead to serious penalties.
  • Further information is available at