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You are viewing 2025's Columbian White-tailed Deer. Click to here to view information for 2024

Columbian White-tailed Deer

Columbian white-tailed deer (CWTD) were once common throughout the valleys of western Oregon. Two populations of CWTD remain; one along the lower Columbia Rvr and the other in the Umpqua Basin near Roseburg. After being federally listed in 1973, the Oregon populations recovered sufficiently and were removed from the state Endangered Species list in 1995. Efforts by ODFW, other state and federal agencies, Douglas County and private landowners led to the removal of the Roseburg population of the CWTD from the federal Endangered Species list in 2003.

Today, CWTD continue to be protected in all of Western Oregon except for a limited number of controlled hunts in the Roseburg area that specifically list CWTD in the bag limit. Hunters are responsible for distinguishing CWTD from black-tailed deer.

For more tips on field identification of Columbian white-tailed deer vs. Columbian black-tailed deer, see our video at: