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You are viewing 2025's Landowners. Click to here to view information for 2024


Landowner Specific Rules and Regulations

  • A resident does not need a license to hunt on land upon which the person resides and is owned by the person or a member of the person’s immediate family, unless they are hunting for a species for which a tag is required or are applying for big game tags.
  • A landowner or landowner agent does not need a hunting or trapping license to take predatory animals on land they own, lease, lawfully occupy, possess, or have charge or dominion over.
  • Landowners or their agents may hunt predatory animals with a spotlight, and from a vehicle on lands that they legally own or occupy.

Landowner Preference Program

  • Landowners with a minimum of 40 contiguous acres may qualify for controlled hunts tags on their property. In order to qualify, lands must be registered with ODFW and hunters must apply for hunts through the controlled hunt system. Registration and further information on the Landowner Preference Program (LOP) can be found at: or by contacting ODFW License Service at 503-947-6101.
  • Renew registrations and complete tag distribution lists online.
  • LOP tags are only valid within the registered property boundaries for which the tag is issued.
  • All landowners and eligible applicants must purchase controlled hunt application prior to the deadline. Applications for LOP tags must indicate a landowner preference hunt choice on their application.

LOP Tag Limits

  • Antelope hunts with an either sex or a one doe or fawn bag limit are available to landowners or immediate family through the LOP program. All LOP antelope tags will be limited to a doe/fawn bag limit.
  • LOP tags are not available for Aug. 15 – Dec. 31 youth elk hunts. In the following hunts LOP tags will be limited to five tags or 10% of the total controlled hunt tags, whichever is greater: elk hunts; 254R1, 254Y1, 255R1, 255Y1, 256R1 and 256Y1: buck deer hunts; 112, 122, 141C, 142B, 143C, 145A, 148A, 154C, 157A and 165R2.
  • In addition to the hunts listed, buck mule deer LOP tags may be limited in WMUs below Population Management Objective. The list of affected mule deer buck hunts will be available starting May 1 of each year.

LOP Eligible Hunts and Deadlines

LOP Eligible Hunt Series

LOP Deadlines

Purchase of Controlled Hunt Application

Landowner Registration/Tag Distribution Forms

Tag Purchase

100 Series Deer (limited)

May 15

May 15

Day Before Hunt

100 Series Deer (leftover limited tags)

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt

100 Series Deer

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt

200 Series Elk (bull, either sex, and antlerless)

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt

200 Series Elk (Long Duration Youth)

LOP Not Available

LOP Not Available

LOP Not Available

200 Series Elk (limited)

May 15

May 15

Day Before Hunt

200 Series Elk (leftover limited tags)

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt

400 Series Pronghorn

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt

600 Series Deer

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt*

Day Before Hunt

LOP Tags Allowed Per Series



Hunt Types



Antlerless deer, antlerless elk, and all hunts occurring in western Oregon



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