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Map Availability
There are many online resources available for hunters to determine public vs. private land, wildlife management unit and controlled hunt boundaries, travel management areas, ODFW wildlife areas and see satellite images of your hunting areas.
Visit for weblinks to:
- Wildlife Management Unit Boundary Maps
- Select Controlled Hunt Boundary Maps
- ODFW Wildlife Area Maps
- Access and Habitat Hunting Area Maps
- Travel Management Maps
ODFW produces a statewide wildlife management unit boundary map. This map can be ordered online or is available for sale at ODFW Salem and Region offices. These boundaries can also be viewed at
Maps of a controlled hunt may be available for hunters to print if they are successful in drawing a controlled hunt. These hunts are indicated by [MAP] at the end of the hunt description. Visit and using the search feature, enter the hunt number or the unit in which the hunt is valid to find downloadable PDF versions of the maps we have available.
Access & Habitat and Travel Management Area maps can be downloaded for free as GEOpdf files online. A special App is needed. Avenza is an example of a free App for your smartphone, tablet or computer to follow your location, identify boundaries, and save waypoints while hunting.
Many new technologies, such as onXmaps, are available to hunters via private businesses that produce public land maps and private landowner name/boundary maps for your GPS, smartphone, or computer.
Additional resources for paper maps are available at:
- U.S. Bureau of Land Management Land Maps
503-808-6001 - U.S. Forest Service
Available at their offices or - Oregon Department of Forestry Protection District Maps (available hard copy or GEOpdf; many show Wildlife Management Unit Boundaries)
503-945-7200 - Harney County produces printed maps of ODFW Management Units in Central and Southeast Oregon. They can be purchased online at:
- A number of private companies produce maps for specific wildlife management units. These are available at many sporting goods stores.
Hunters – Get the Statewide Wildlife Management Unit Map
A statewide hunting unit map is available from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Cost of the unit map is $5.
This map includes big game unit boundaries and denotes land ownership and landmarks. This map includes a written description of each management unit, along with additional information hunters will find helpful. It is printed in color on high quality, durable paper.
This map can be ordered online at or visit your local ODFW Office.