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You are viewing 2025's Rocky Mountain Goat Hunt Descriptions. Click to here to view information for 2024

Rocky Mountain Goat Hunt Descriptions

900 Series Hunt Descriptions

For those hunt descriptions with [MAP] following the description, maps can be found on our website at

Hunt 916A: Central Casades - 100% public lands. That portion of Units 16 and 39 within the Mt Jefferson Wilderness boundary. Note: This tag is not valid on lands within the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. [MAP]

Hunt 946A: Strawberry Mtn - 65% public lands. That part of Unit 46 east of US Hwy 395.

Hunts 950A1, 950A2 and 950A3: Elkhorn - All of Units 50 and 51.

HUNT 953A: S Wallowa Mtn - Units 53, 62, 63 and that portion of unit 60 that falls south of the following line. Beginning at Meads Flat Trailhead; southeast on Minam Rvr trail (1673) to Ivan Carper trail (1671); east on Ivan Carper trail (1671) to Lakes Basin trail (1810); east on Lakes Basin tail (1810) to Moccasin trail (1810A); east on Moccasin trail (1810A) to Glacier Lake trail (1806); southeast on Glacier Lake trail (1806) to junction with West Fork Wallowa trail (1820). [MAP]

Hunt 956A: N Wenaha - 100% public lands. That portion of Unit 56 within the Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness; north of the Wenaha Rvr and west of Butte Cr.

Hunt 960A1: E. Hurricane Cr - 97% public land. That part of Unit 60 beginning at Wallowa Lk trailhead; south on trail 1820 to trail 1806; northwest on trail 1806 to trail 1810A; north on trail 1810A to trail 1810; west on trail 1810 to trail 1807; north on trail 1807 to Hurricane Creek Rd; north on Hurricane Creek Rd to Airport Ln; east on Airport Ln to Hwy 82; south on Hwy 82 to Wallowa Lk trailhead, point of beginning. [MAP]

Hunt 960A2: W. Hurricane Cr - 90% public lands. That part of Unit 60 beginning at Lostine; south along Lostine Rvr Rd and East Fork trail 1662 to trail 1810; north along trail 1810 to trail 1807; north along trail 1807 to Hurricane Cr Rd; north on Hurricane Cr Rd to Hwy 82; west on Hwy 82 to Lostine, point of beginning. [MAP]

HUNT 960C: Copper Cr - 70% public land. That part of Unit 60 beginning at Minam; south on the Minam Rvr to Minam Rvr Trail 1673; east on Ivan Carper Trail 1661 to East Fork Lostine Rvr Trail 1662; north to Lostine Rvr Rd to Hwy 82; Hwy 82 to Minam, point of beginning. [MAP]