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General Season Antlerless Elk Damage Tag
Maps for these areas can be found at
Willamette Valley - 4% public lands: All of Unit 15 and a portion of Unit 11 with the following boundary: East of Hwy 26/Hwy 47 and south of and including the southern sections (19-36) of Township 2N due west to the unit 15 boundary at the intersection of Hwy 127 (Cornelius Pass Rd.); and southeast on Hwy 26 until the intersection with the unit 15 boundary at Hwy 127 (Cornelius Pass Rd.) the portion of Unit 14 within five miles of the western boundary of Unit 15 south of SW Scoggins Valley Rd and east of NW Main St/ Willamina Cr Rd, the portion of Unit 16 starting on the east boundary of Unit 15 at Hwy 213 and S Abiqua Rd NE; east on S Abiqua Rd NE to Power’s Creek Rd; southwest on Power’s Creek Rd to Timber Trail NE; south on Timber Trail NE to Power’s Creek Loop Rd NE; southeast on Power’s Creek Loop Rd NE to Hwy 214; south on Hwy 214 to Coon Hollow Rd 882 (south extension of Silver Ridge Rd SE); south and west on Coon Hollow Rd 882 to Coon Hollow Rd SE; east on Coon Hollow Rd SE to Basl Hill Rd SE; south on Basl Hill Rd SE to Fern Ridge Rd SE; east and south on Fern Ridge Rd SE to Hwy 22; west and north on the boundary of Unit 15 to point of beginning; that part of Unit 18 beginning at the junction of Hwy 99W and Tampico Rd; west and north on Tampico Rd until it turns into Berry Creek Rd; north and west on Berry Creek Rd to Airlie Rd; east on Airlie Rd to Hwy 99W; south on Hwy 99W to point of beginning; that part of Unit 18 beginning at the junction of Airlie Rd and Maxfield Creek Rd; north on Airlie Rd to Hwy 223 (Kings Valley Hwy); south on Hwy 223 to Ira Hooker Rd; east and south on Ira Hooker Rd until it turns into Storey Rd; east on Storey Rd to Maxfield Creek Rd; north on Maxfield Creek Rd to point of beginning; and that part of Unit 18 east of Bellfountain Rd and north of Coon Rd.
Melrose - 16% public lands. All of Unit 23 excluding the BLM N Bank Habitat Mgt Area.
Chetco - 0% public land. Beginning at the intersection of Hwy. 101 and Pelican Bay Drive; east on Pelican Bay Drive to Napa Lane; south along Napa Lane to Harbor Vista Drive; east on Harbor Vista Drive to Seaside Court; north on Seaside Court to the northern boundary of T41S R13W section 15; east along northern boundary of section 15, 14 and 13 to the western boundary of R12W; north along western boundary of R12W to the northern boundary of T41S; east along the northern boundary of T41S to the eastern boundary of T41S R12W section 6; south along the eastern boundary of section 6 to the southern boundary of section 6; west along the southern boundary of section 6 to the western boundary of R12W; south along the western boundary of R12W to the Oregon-California border; west along the Oregon-California border to Hwy. 101; north along Hwy. 101 to the point of beginning.
Evans Creek - 12% public lands. That part of Units 29 and 30 beginning at exit 43 on Interstate 5, north on Main Street to Hwy 99; east to Sardine Creek Rd; north to Right Fork Sardine Rd; northeast to BLM 35-3-28.1, northeast to BLM 35-3-15.5; east to intersection with the northern boundary of T35S; east to the western boundary of R2W; north two miles to the southern boundary of section 19; east along the southern boundaries of sections 19-24 to the eastern boundary of R2W; north to the intersection of Long Branch Rd; southeast to the intersection of Rogue Rvr Dr; northeast to Hwy 62; south to the northern boundary of T35S; east to the western boundary of R1E; south to the Brownsboro-Eagle Point Hwy; east to Hwy 140; east to Lake Creek Loop Rd; east to South Fork Little Butte Creek Road, southeast to Lake Creek Rd; south to the northern boundary of T37S; west to the eastern boundary of R1W; south to the northern boundary of T38S; east to eastern boundary of R1E; south to I-5; northwest along I-5 to point of beginning.
Columbia Plateau - 8% public lands: All of Units 40, 43, and 44.
John Day Valley - 0% public lands: PRIVATE LANDS ONLY outside the exterior boundary of the USFS property in Units 46, 47, and 65 that drain into the Mainstem John Day Rvr Valley excluding those properties located south of the northern boundary of T14S in the South Fork John Day Rvr Basin.
Grande Ronde/Baker/Keating Valleys - 9% public lands: Parts of Units 51 - 54, 56, 57, and 63 within the following: Beginning at Island City, north on N. McAlister Rd to Fruitdale Ln and west to Leffel Rd and north to Mtn. Glen Rd; east and north on Mtn. Glen Rd to Standley Ln then north on Orchard Rd and east on Monroe Ln to Hunter Rd. North on Hunter Rd to Craig Loop, north, east and south to Dry Cr Rd and east to Summerville Rd; north and east to Hwy 204 and east on Hwy 82 to Valley View Rd, north on Valley View to Gordon Cr Rd and east to Palmer Junction Rd. North on Palmer Junction Rd to Moses Cr Ln and east to the Grande Ronde Rvr; down the Grande Ronde Rvr to the Wallowa Rvr and up to Hwy 82; west on Hwy 82 to Hindman Rd, and south to Witherspoon Ln then west to Henderson Rd and south to Clark Cr Rd; southeast on Clark Cr Rd and southwest on Dutton Rd and Rinehart Ln then south on Grey’s Corner Rd and Lower Cove Rd to Hwy 237; west on Hwy 237 to High Valley Rd and south and west to Kofford Rd and south to Hwy 203; generally south on Hwy 203 to the Baker County line, east on the county line to the exterior boundary of the BLM. South and east on the BLM boundary to the exterior boundary of the USFS. South and east on the USFS boundary to Balm Cr. South on Balm Cr to Hack Rd. West on Hack Rd to Keating Grange Ln. South on Keating Grange Ln to Middle Bridge Lp. West and south on Middle Bridge Lp to Hwy 86. West on Hwy 86 to the line between Range 40 and 41 East. South on the line between Range 40 and 41 East to Old US Hwy 30. East on Old US Hwy 30 to Ebell Cr Rd. South on Ebell Creek Rd to Forest Service Rd 1100. South and West on Forest Service Rd 1100 to exterior boundary of the USFS. West and north on the exterior boundary of the USFS to the west fork of Sutton Cr. North on the west fork of Sutton Cr to the line between Township 10 south and 11 south. West on Township 10 south and 11 south line to the junction of USFS boundary. North on USFS boundary to the BLM boundary at Township 8, Range 38, Section 21. East and north on the BLM boundary to the exterior USFS boundary. Northeast on the USFS boundary to the BLM boundary. North on BLM boundary to the USFS boundary at Township 8, Range 38, Section 10. North on USFS boundary to intersection of the North Powder Rvr. North on the North Powder Rvr to Anthony Lakes Hwy west until USFS boundary north to the Ladd Cr Rd (FR 43) and northeast to I-84, north on I-84 to Foothill Rd at exit 268 then west and north on Foothill Rd to Gekeler Ln; east on Gekeler Ln and north on S McAlister Rd. to beginning (excluding the Elkhorn Wildlife Area lands north of the Anthony Lakes Hwy).
Halfway Valley - 3% public lands. Portions of Unit 62 and 63 within the following boundary: Beginning at Hwy 86 and the junction of Sag Rd, north and east on the Hwy 86 to Sawmill Cutoff Ln, north and east on Sawmill Cutoff Ln to the intersection with Sag Cr, south and east on Sag Cr to the intersection with Pine Town Ln, east on Pine Town Ln to the exterior boundary of BLM, north and east on the exterior boundary of BLM to the western boundary of sec17 (T8sR47e, sec17), north on western boundary of sec17 to Hwy 86, north and east on Hwy 86 to USFS Rd 39, north on 39rd to exterior boundary of the USFS, west on the exterior boundary of the USFS to the exterior boundary of the BLM (Township 7 South Range 46 East Section 26). south and west on the exterior boundary of the BLM to the exterior boundary of the USFS, west and south on exterior boundary of USFS to exterior boundary of BLM (T8sR45e, sec13), south on exterior boundary of BLM to Hwy 86, north on Hwy 86 to Sag Rd (point of beginning).
Richland Valley - 0% public lands: Portion of Unit 63 within the following boundary: Beginning at Hyall Gulch and North Powder Rvr, northeast along North Powder Rvr to Robinette Rd, north on Robinette Rd to Hwy 86, north on Hwy 86 to exterior boundary of BLM, northwest on exterior boundary of BLM to junction of Eagle Creek Rd (T8s R45e, sec 29), due west to exterior boundary of BLM, south on exterior boundary of BLM to Hyall Gulch, south along Hyall Gulch to North Powder Rvr (point of beginning).
Walla Walla - 0% public lands. PRIVATE LANDS ONLY in Unit 55 beginning at the junction of the Oregon Washington border and the eastern boundary of R37E; south along the eastern boundary of R37E to the North Fork Walla Walla Rvr; downstream to the western boundary of R37E; south along the western boundary of R37E to Hwy 204; west on Hwy 204 to Hwy 11, north on Hwy 11 to the Oregon Washington border, east on the Oregon Washington border to point of beginning.
Ukiah and Heppner - 0% public lands. Private land in Unit 48 north of FR’s 21 and 53 and north of the exterior boundary of the Umatilla NF; and private land in Unit 49 beginning at Pendleton; east along I-84 to the exterior boundary of the Umatilla Indian Reservation; south and east along the exterior boundary of the Umatilla Indian Reservation to the western boundary of R34E; south along the western boundary of R34E to the exterior boundary of Umatilla NF; west and south along the exterior FS boundary to the northern boundary of T4S; west along the northern boundary of T4S to Hwy 395; north along Hwy 395 to point of beginning.
Wallowa Valley - 0% public lands. That part of Units 57, 58, 60 and 61 beginning at USFS boundary on Little Sheep Cr; north and east on Little Sheep Cr to Brushy Cr Rd; west on Brushy Cr Rd to Zumwalt Rd; northeast on Zumwalt Rd to East Crow Cr Rd; north then west on East Crow Cr Rd to Crow Cr Rd; north on Crow Cr Rd to USFS boundary; west/southwest on USFS bounday to USFS 46 Rd; west on USFS 46 Rd to Hwy 3; south on Hwy 3 to Driving Tour Rd; west on Driving Tour Rd to Hicks Spring Rd; southwest on Hicks Spring Rd to Middle Fork Whiskey Cr; northwest on Middle Fork Whiskey Cr to Whiskey Cr Rd; west on Whiskey Cr Rd to Troy Rd; north on Troy Rd to Dry Cr; southwest on Dry Cr to Bramlet Ln; west on Bramlet Ln to the Wallowa Rvr; west on Wallowa Rvr to Water Canyon Rd; south on Water Canyon Rd to USFS boundary; southeast along USFS boundary to Bear Cr Rd; north on Bear Cr Rd to north section line of section 3; east on north section line of sections 3, 2, 1, 6 to Spring Branch Cr; south on Spring Branch Cr to USFS boundary; southeast along USFS boundary to the boundary of Lostine Wildlife Area; north along and around the boundary of Lostine Wildlife Area to USFS boundary in section 12; southeast along USFS boundary to Little Sheep Cr., point of beginning.