Marine Area 13
South Puget Sound
(All waters south of northernmost Tacoma Narrows Bridge)
1 Minter Creek Mouth Area: Closed to fishing in all waters within channels created by exposed tidelands. The mouth of Minter Creek is defined as a line from a point on the eastern most spit at the mouth of Minter Bay (47°21.49’ N, 122°41.53’W) north to the opposite shore.
2 Titlow Beach Marine Preserve: All waters due west from the southern end of the Tacoma Outboard Association building near the boat launch ramp to the outer harbor line, then south following the outer harbor line to a line due west from the old ferry landing dock at the 6th Ave. Extension, then following the line to the high water line, then to the point of origin, CLOSED to the harvesting of fish, shellfish, and wildlife, except salmon fishing, using lures only, is permitted from shore or non-motorized craft.
3 Saltar’s Point Conservation Area: Tidelands owned by the town of Steilacoom at Saltar’s Point Beach located between Montgomery Street and Martin Street, and the water column above these tidelands, CLOSED to fishing for, harvesting, and possession of fish and shellfish.
4 Fox Island Public Fishing Pier
5 Z’s Reef Marine Preserve: Waters and bedlands beginning at the extreme low water line on the northeast side of Fox Island at 47°14.56’N, 122°35.98’W, then 0.5 nautical mile northwesterly along the extreme low water line to 47°14.96’N, 122°36.37’W, then northeast to the 85’ contour line, southeast along 85’ contour, then southeast along the 85’ depth contour to a point on a due northeast-southwest line through the point of origin, then southwest to the point of origin, CLOSED to all harvest, except for fly fishing for salmon allowed.
6 Toliva Shoal: June 16-Apr. 30: closed to fishing for fin fish in waters within 500 yards of the buoy on Toliva Shoal.
7 Days Island (Octopus Protection Area): CLOSED to the harvest of octopus.
8 Northern Budd Inlet: Waters of Budd Inlet south of a line projected true west from the KGY Radio Station Tower to the western shore of the inlet and north of a line from the northwest corner of the Thriftway Market building to a point 100 yards north of the railroad bridge located on the western side of the inlet.
9 Southern Budd Inlet: Waters between the Fourth Ave. Bridge and a line from the northwest corner of the Thriftway Market building to a point 100 yards north of the railroad bridge (adjacent to the Fourth Ave. Bridge) located on the western side of the inlet.
10 Fourth Ave. Bridge: Waters of Budd Inlet at Olympia south of the Fourth Ave. Bridge are CLOSED to fishing year-round.
See Department of Health (DOH) Fish Consumption Advisories on Fish Consumption Advisories.
Species |
Season |
Additional Rules |
Trout |
Year-round |
Catch-and-release. |
Steelhead |
Year-round |
Daily limit 2 hatchery steelhead. |
Sturgeon |
Year-round |
Catch-and-release. |
Mackerel |
Year-round |
No min. size. No daily limit. |
Herring, Anchovy, Sardine, Sand Lance, and Smelt |
Year-round |
No min. size. Daily limit 10 lbs., all species combined. All smelt caught must be kept and count toward the daily limit except Closed to eulachon (Columbia River smelt). For smelt: Jig gear may be used 7 days a week. Dipnets may be used from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Fridays through Tuesdays. |
Pacific Halibut |
CLOSED to fishing for, retaining, or possessing. |
Other Food Fish |
Year-round |
No min. size. Daily limit 2 of each species. See Definitions. |
All Other Fish |
CLOSED to fishing for, retaining, or possessing. |
Salmon |
Entire Area |
July 1-Sept. 30 |
Chinook - min. size 20”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2. Release chum, wild coho, and wild Chinook. Anglers may fish with two poles with Two-Pole Endorsement. |
Oct. 1-June 30 |
Chinook - min. size 22”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2. Release chum, wild coho, and wild Chinook. Anglers may fish with two poles with Two-Pole Endorsement. |
Toliva Shoal |
June 16-Apr. 30 |
May 1-June 15 |
Chinook - min. size 22”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2. Release chum, wild coho, and wild Chinook. Anglers may fish with two poles with Two-Pole Endorsement. |
Northern Budd Inlet |
July 1-July 15 |
Chinook - min. size 20”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2. Release chum, wild coho, and wild Chinook. Anglers may fish with two poles with Two-Pole Endorsement. |
July 16-Sept. 30 |
Chinook - min. size 20”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2. Release chum, wild coho, and wild Chinook. Night closure and anti-snagging rule. Anglers may fish with two poles with Two-Pole Endorsement. |
Oct. 1-Oct. 31 |
Chinook - min. size 22”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2. Release chum, wild coho, and wild Chinook. Night closure and anti-snagging rule. Anglers may fish with two poles with Two-Pole Endorsement. |
Nov. 1-June 30 |
Chinook - min. size 22”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2. Release chum, wild coho, and wild Chinook. Anglers may fish with two poles with Two-Pole Endorsement. |
Southern Budd Inlet |
July 1-July 15 |
Chinook - min. size 20”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2. Release chum, wild coho, and wild Chinook. Anglers may fish with two poles with Two-Pole Endorsement. |
July 16-Oct. 31 |
Nov. 1-June 30 |
Chinook - min. size 22”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2. Release chum, wild coho, and wild Chinook. Anglers may fish with two poles with Two-Pole Endorsement. |
Fox Island Public Fishing Pier |
May 1-June 30 |
Chinook - min. size 22”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2 including no more than 1 Chinook. Release chum. |
July 1-Sept. 30 |
Chinook - min. size 20”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2 including no more than 1 Chinook. Release chum. |
Oct. 1-Apr. 30 |
Chinook - min. size 22”. Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2 including no more than 1 Chinook. Release chum. |
Bottomfish |
Year-round season. Daily limit is a total of 15 bottomfish (see Definitions) subject to individual limits and seasons shown below. See closures on previous page. Fishing for bottomfish prohibited in waters deeper than 120’. Descending device required onboard vessels. |
Lingcod |
May 1-June 15 |
Hook and line season. Min. size 26”. Max. size 36”. Daily limit 1. |
May 21-June 15 |
Spearfishing season. Max. size 36”. Daily limit 1. |
Surfperch |
Year-round |
No min. size. Daily limit 10. Except shiner perch daily limit 15: not included in bottomfish limit. |
Rockfish |
CLOSED to fishing for, retaining, or possessing. |
Pacific Cod, Pollock, Hake, and Wolf-Eel |
Year-round |
CLOSED to retention. |
Sixgill, Sevengill, and Thresher Sharks |
CLOSED to fishing for, retaining, or possessing. Sixgill shark may not be removed from the water. |
Cabezon |
May 1-Nov. 30 |
Min. size 18”. Daily limit 1. |