Region I

Wildlife Management Area (WMA) — Icon Key |
Big Game |
Deer |
Spring Turkey |
Fall Turkey |
Bear |
Elk |
Small Game |
All Small Game |
Spring Squirrel |
Squirrel |
Dove |
Rabbit |
Quail |
Grouse |
Woodcock |
Snipe |
Crow |
Waterfowl |
Raccoon |
Opossum |
Trapping |
Coyote |
Other Icons |
Wheelchair |
Shooting Range |
WMA Dog Training Season Year-round except as otherwise indicated. |
Camping |
CWD Carcass Transportation Regulations Apply |
Permit Key |
BG – Big Game quota permit or non-quota WMA annual permit. |
SG – Small Game WMA permit or combination Waterfowl and Small Game WMA permit. |
WF – Combination Waterfowl and Small Game WMA permit. |
NP – No permit required. |
HI – High Impact Habitat Conservation Permit |
How to Guide
Using the WMA Icons:
Icons indicate that a season is open. If an icon is listed in a WMA, that season is open with possible restrictions that will be listed. If there is no icon listed in the WMA, the season is closed.
If the Big Game and/or Small Game icon is listed, then all Big Game and/or Small Game species are open with the statewide season unless otherwise noted.
The top line of each WMA is a quick reference guide to see what species are open to hunting during the statewide season.
The WMA summaries supply hunt dates, bag limits and special regulations. There are general regulations that may not be listed but apply to all WMAs (see Wildlife Management Area General Regulations). Read ALL regulations before visiting a WMA.
If there are special managed hunts or seasons, these will be listed separately underneath each WMA. Specific dates, bag limits, and or restrictions will be listed here.
Stewart County • 8,090 acres
Hwy. 79 downstream to river mile 85
Evan Gaskin (731) 593-0588
All activities are prohibited in the sub-impoundments five (5) days before each opening day of the statewide duck season. Beginning on the opening day of the regular waterfowl season and continuing until the last day of the regular waterfowl season, public access in the subimpoundment will only be allowed from 4:00 a.m. until two hours after legal shooting hours have ended. During the late duck season, all activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments when waterfowl hunting is closed.
Waterfowl hunting authorized only from Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 4 locations.
Fishing, trapping, and hunting of all species other than waterfowl prohibited in the sub-impoundments during the duck season occurring in Nov.–Feb.

Same as statewide seasons except as noted. Deer and Small Game hunting is only allowed on days waterfowl hunting is closed during the duck season occurring in Nov.–Feb. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Hunting of waterfowl during the duck and goose seasons occurring in Nov.–Feb. permitted only on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, and the first and last day of each segment of the duck and goose seasons occurring in Nov.–Feb.

All of Barkley WMA except that defined as Unit I

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Bean Switch Refuge
Weakley County • 572 acres
Off Hwy. 54 near Greenfield on Middle
Fork of the Obion River
Rob Lewis (731) 749-5587 • SG, BG
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15–the last day of Feb.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to dove, waterfowl and Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Beason Creek
Hardin County – 460 acres
Office (731) 687-3444 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season
Beech River
Henderson/Decatur Counties – 450 acres
South of Darden off of HWY 412
Office (731) 687-3444 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season

Big Sandy (Gin Creek)
Benton/Henry counties • 2,370 acres
Evan Gaskin (731) 593-0588 • SG, WF, BG
All activities are prohibited in the sub-impoundments five (5) days before each opening day of the statewide duck season. Beginning on the opening day of the regular waterfowl season and continuing until the last day of the regular waterfowl season, public access in the subimpoundment will only be allowed from 4:00 a.m. until two hours after legal shooting hours have ended. During the late duck season, all activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments when waterfowl hunting is closed.
Any temporary blinds, hides, and decoys must be at least 200 yards from any permanent blinds and be removed at the end of shooting hours each day.
Fishing, trapping and hunting of all species other than waterfowl prohibited in the sub-impoundments during the duck season occurring in Nov.–Feb.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Dove - Sept. 2 through the remainder of the first and second segment of the statewide season. Designated fields only.

Black Bayou Refuge
Lake County • 1,350 acres
Five (5) miles north of Tiptonville on Hwy. 78
Chase Taylor (731) 253-7343
Reelfoot Preservation Permit required
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15–the last day of Feb. Designated observation areas will be open year-round.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Nontoxic shot approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service only. Closed to waterfowl, Spring and Fall turkey season.

Dyer County • 2,293 acres
Josh Emerson (731) 285-6124 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Areas within 150 yards of draw waterfowl pools are closed during small game, trapping and statewide deer gun season(s). Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Dove - Sept. 2 through the remainder of the first and second segments of the statewide season. Designated fields only.

All hunting shall cease at 3 p.m. each day, except the last day of each season and the remaining goose seasons when hunting shall close at sunset.
Designated pools (except Pool 1) will be allocated by computer draw. Hunters are restricted to pools or number stakes as specified by special instructions supplied by TWRA annually. All hunters in a party are required to hunt in the same temporary blind site for which they are drawn. Decoys and temporary blinds may be left out in draw pools over the specified hunt but must be removed upon completion of the hunt on the last day. Pool 1: No waterfowl hunters permitted in Pool 1 (non-draw pool) and no access allowed from two hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. the following day during the duck season occurring in November, December, and January. No permanent blinds. All decoys, temporary blinds, blind materials, and boats must be removed daily from Pool 1.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Benton County • 3,682 acres
Hwy. 70, west of New Johnsonville
Evan Gaskin (731) 593-0588
All activities are prohibited in the sub-impoundments five (5) days before each opening day of the statewide duck season. Beginning on the opening day of the regular waterfowl season and continuing until the last day of the regular waterfowl season, public access in the subimpoundment will only be allowed from 4:00 a.m. until two hours after legal shooting hours have ended.
Fishing, trapping and hunting of all species other than waterfowl prohibited in the sub-impoundments during the duck season occurring in Nov.–Feb.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

All water traffic is prohibited in the sub-impoundments five (5) days before opening day of the state wide duck season.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Any temporary blinds, hides and decoys must be at least 200 yards from any permanent blind and removed at the end of the hunt day. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Chambers Creek
Hardin County – 400 acres
South of HWY 57 off of Robinson Rd.
Office (731) 687-3444 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Chickasaw State Forest
Hardeman/Chester counties • 11,215 acres
Chickasaw State Park Office (731) 989-5141 • NP

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

C. M. Gooch
Obion County • 7,000 acres
East of Hwy. 51 and south of Obion
Rob Lewis (731) 749-5587 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons, except the area inside the TWRA maintained levee of Unit A and all of Unit E are closed during the waterfowl seasons and are closed to all activities five (5) days before each opening of the duck season occurring in Nov.–Feb. Closed to fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Fishing, trapping, and hunting of all species other than waterfowl is prohibited inside the TWRA maintained levee of Unit A and all of Unit E during the waterfowl season. On Gooch Unit E, no waterfowl hunters permitted on the unit or access area from two hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4 a.m. the following day. Fishing resumes the day after the last military waterfowl hunt.
No permanent blinds. All temporary blinds, blind materials, and boats must be removed from Unit E daily.
Gooch Unit E will be allocated by computer draw. Waterfowl hunting is restricted to temporary blind sites. Hunters are restricted to numbered stakes as specified by special instructions supplied by TWRA annually. Decoys may be left out over the specified hunt but must be removed upon completion of the hunt on the last day. Draw hunts will be Opening weekend(s), Monday–Thursday, and Friday–Sunday.
Colonel Forrest V. Durand
Madison County – 736 acres
Behind the Jackson Fairgrounds
Andrew Rutherford (731) 345-9992 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting. Open for August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits).

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Cypress Pond Refuge
Decatur County • 585 acres
East Decatur, south of Whites Creek on
the Tennessee River
Office (731) 687-3444 • SG, BG
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 until after the last youth/veterans waterfowl hunt.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game seasons will be open on the Monday after the last youth waterfowl/veterans hunt through the remainder of the season. Closed to waterfowl and Fall turkey hunting. Closed to dog training.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Eagle Lake Refuge
Shelby County • 3,253 acres
Adjacent to Shelby Forest WMA
Chris Park (731) 738-0233 • SG, BG
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15–last day of Feb., except Bomprezzi Unit. Observation tower open only during Meeman Shelby Forest hunt dates that coincide with the hunting season. Dog training prohibited. Access to the south end of Shelby Forest WMA through Eagle Lake Refuge will be allowed during hunting seasons. Bomprezzi Unit has a separate access.
Eagle Lake Refuge Unit

Same as statewide seasons and bag limits, except as noted. Hunting allowed Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday only. Closed to waterfowl and Fall turkey hunting. Open for August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits).

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Bomprezzi Unit

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Shotguns only for small game. Muzzleloaders and shotguns with rifled slugs are legal for deer. Centerfire rifles are prohibited. Open for August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits). Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Ernest Rice, Sr.
Dyer County • 2,900 acres
Josh Emerson (731) 285-6124 • SG, WF, BG
Dog training is closed. Hunters (except raccoon, opossum, and turkey hunters) may not enter WMA prior to two hours before sunrise and be off WMA by one hour after sunset or legal hunting/shooting time.

Same as statewide season, except small game hunting is closed during the big game gun hunt and except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Deer (Gun) - One hunt: Dec. 21–27. One deer, antlered only. Antlered deer must have nine (9) antler points or a minimum outside beam spread of twenty inches.
Deer (Gun - Young Sportsman) - Open with statewide seasons. No antler restriction.
Deer (Gun - Young Sportsman): Special hunt Oct. 19–20. No antler requirement. Either sex.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Fort Ridge
North Haywood County – 1,570 acres
Along the South Fork of the Forked Deer River, Off of HWY 54
Andrew Rutherford (731) 345-9992 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting. Open for August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits).

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Gray’s Creek
Hardeman County – 288 acres
North of Bolivar Off of HWY 18
Brandon Gilbert (901) 878-0855 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting. Open for August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits).

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season
Harmon Creek
Benton County • 983 acres
Evan Gaskin (731) 593-0588 • SG, WF, BG
Waterfowl hunting from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight. Hunters (except raccoon, opossum, and turkey hunters) may not enter WMA prior to two hours before sunrise and be off WMA by one hour after sunset or legal closing (or shooting) time.

Same as statewide seasons. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Hart’s Mill
Northwest Carroll County and Southeast Weakley County – 1,758 acres Along the South Fork of Obion River Off of HWY 190
Rob Lewis (731) 749-5587 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Hop-In Refuge
Obion County • 650 acres
On the South Fork of the Obion River, Hwy. 89 near Kenton
Rob Lewis (731) 749-5587 • SG, BG
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 1–the last day of Feb.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to dove, quail, waterfowl and Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season
Horns Bluff Refuge
Crockett/Gibson counties • 1,890 acres
Six (6) miles northeast of Alamo off Hwy. 54
Andrew Rutherford (731) 345-9992 • SG, BG, WF
Refuge closed Nov. 15–Feb. 15.

Same as statewide seasons. Open for August Archery Hunt. Closed to quail and Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season and bag limit.

Jarrell Switch Refuge
Carroll County • 250 acres
Near McKenzie on the South Fork of the Obion River
Rob Lewis (731) 749-5587 • SG, WF, BG
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15–last day of Feb.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to waterfowl and Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
John Tully
Lauderdale County • 15,500 acres
Hwy. 19 west of Ripley and Hwy. 87 west of Henning
Chris Park (731) 738-0233 • SG, BG, WF
Camping is permitted in designated camp sites only. Some roads may be posted as closed to motorized vehicles during the deer hunts.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Waterfowl (Fullen North and South Tracts) - Waterfowl Hunting will be allocated by drawing for three (3) day hunts Friday–Sunday and opening weekend(s). The drawing will be announced prior to the hunt. Hunting will only be allowed from designated locations.
Waterfowl (Fig Field Unit) - That land north of Grammar Road. Waterfowl hunting will be allocated by computerized draw for three (3) day hunts Friday-Sunday and opening weekend(s) including the Saturday youth hunts, and for the two Sunday Veteran and Active Military hunts.
Designated pools will be allocated by computer draw. Hunters are restricted to pools or number stakes as specified by special instructions supplied by TWRA annually. All hunters in a party are required to hunt in the same temporary blind site for which they are drawn. Decoys and temporary blinds may be left out in draw pools over the specified hunt but must be removed upon completion of the hunt on the last day. No access allowed from two hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. the following day during the duck seasons occurring in Nov.-Feb. No permanent blinds.

Land Between The Lakes
Stewart County • 170,000 ACRES (60,000 in TN)
Between Paris Landing and Dover for information contact USDA Forest Service, LBL, 100 Van Morgan Drive, Golden Pond, KY 42211, (270) 924-2000 or visit
LBL Hunter Use Permit required.
All harvested deer and turkeys must be checked at an LBL check station before leaving LBL. All areas lying in Tennessee except: 1. Nature Watch Area, wildlife refuges, safety zones around facilities, and areas posted as closed. 2. The back half of Rushing Bay is closed to all activity Nov. 1–March 15.

Lick Creek
Benton County • 198 acres
Evan Gaskin (731) 593-0588 • SG, WF, BG
Waterfowl hunting from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.

Same as statewide seasons. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Maness Swamp Refuge
Weakley and Gibson counties • 1,200 acres
At the Junct. of South & Middle Forks of the Obion River
Rob Lewis (731) 749-5587 • SG, BG
Closed Nov. 1 to the last day in February to all forms of use and trespass unless otherwise indicated. Designated observation areas will be open year-round.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Gibson County portion is open to August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits). Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park and Natural Area
Shelby County • 13,000 acres
Near Millington, north of Memphis
Chris Park (731) 738-0233 • SG, WF, BG
All hunters are required to register and obtain a free permit at the park headquarters (901) 876-5215. Rimfire rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader and archery equipment only. Centerfire rifles and handguns are prohibited. Wild hogs may be taken during deer season by licensed deer hunters.

Open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday within statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Spring squirrel hunting. Small game hunters must meet blaze orange requirements. Deer August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits). Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Waterfowl Hunting Non-Draw Zone. Same as statewide seasons on opening day(s) and Thurs–Sat.

Turkey - One non-quota hunt: April 12–May 3. Hunt days are Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Bag limit one bearded turkey, counts toward statewide bag limit.

Field Trials - Sept. 1–April 30.

Moss Island
Dyer County • 5,119 acres
Six (6) miles south of Hwy. 20 on Mississippi River Levee, 23 miles west of Dyersburg
Josh Emerson (731) 285-6124 • SG, WF, BG
Dog training is closed. Hunters (except raccoon, opossum, and turkey hunters) may not enter WMA prior to two hours before sunrise and be off WMA by one (1) hour after sunset or legal hunting/shooting time.

Same as statewide season, except small game hunting is closed during the big game gun hunt and except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Waterfowl, Raccoon, Opossum - Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Waterfowl, raccoon and opossum seasons are not closed during the big game hunts.

Deer (Gun) - One (1) hunt: Dec. 21–27. One (1) deer, antlered only. Antlered deer must have nine (9) antler points or a minimum outside beam spread of twenty inches.
Deer (Gun - Young Sportsman) - Open with statewide seasons. No antler requirement on this hunt.
Deer (Gun - Young Sportsman) - Special hunt. Oct. 19–20. No antler requirement. Either sex.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Natchez Trace State Forest
Benton/Carroll/Henderson counties
48,000 acres • off I-40, Exit 116
Evan Gaskin (731) 593-0588 • SG, BG
Horses permitted on roads and trails open to motorized traffic and other trails or routes established for their use. Riding off roads into fields, woods, or on foot trails is prohibited unless otherwise provided. All motorized vehicles must be muffler equipped to suppress noise and be spark-arrestor equipped to prevent fires. Operation of motorized vehicles is confined to roads not designated as closed. Off-road vehicles are restricted to roads open to other motorized traffic (except where prohibited by state or federal statue) and designated trails only. ORVs may be operated during daylight hours and at other times when participating in authorized activities. Driving off roads into woods, fields, or utility right-of-ways is prohibited for all motorized vehicles

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
Henderson County portion open to deer August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits). Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

New Hope
Benton County • 88 acres
Evan Gaskin (731) 593-0588 • SG, WF, BG
Waterfowl hunting from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Obion River
Obion/Weakley/Gibson counties • 8,500 acres along the Obion River between Hwy. 45W and Hwy. 45E
Rob Lewis (731) 749-5587 • SG, WF, BG
All Units
Hunters (except raccoon, opossum, and turkey hunters) may not enter WMA prior to two hours before sunrise and must be off of WMA by one (1) hour after sunset or legal hunting/shooting time. No permanent blinds. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Big Cypress Tree State Natural Area
Open to hunting same as Obion River WMA. Hunting is prohibited within 100 yards of the RIVER TRAIL BOARDWALK and RIVER TRAIL. Hunting with shotgun, muzzleloader, rimfire, and archery only. Recovery of big game on RIVER TRAIL BOARDWALK is prohibited. Contact Park Manager during normal business hours for access through locked gate after hours. (731) 431-7168
Maness Swamp Hunting Unit
North of state HWY. 445, Bordered by the South Fork and Middle Fork of the Obion rivers as marked.
Closed to all activities five (5) days before each opening of the late duck season. All hunting other than waterfowl is prohibited during the late duck seasons. No waterfowl hunters permitted on Unit or Access area from two hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4 a.m. the following day during the late duck season(s).

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting. Gibson County portion is open to August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits).

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Parker Branch
Gibson County • 263 acres
Off Hwy. 186 between Gibson and Trenton
Andrew Rutherford (731) 345-9992 • SG, BG, WF
Farm pond closed to fishing sunset to sunrise.

Same as statewide seasons. Open for August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits). Closed to quail and Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season and bag limit.

Perry Switch
Madison County - 210 ACRES
Southeast of Jackson off of Deep Gap Rd.
Andrew Rutherford (731) 345-9992 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons. Open for August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits). Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Presidents Island
Shelby County • 6,300 acres
Chris Park (731) 738-0233 • BG
Hunters must check in at the hunter check station before hunting and check out at the completion of each day’s hunt. Permit will be held while hunters hunt. Access allowed only to TWRA authorized personnel and permit holders, or as otherwise specified by rule or proclamation. Access permitted from Farm Road only. No access permitted from Mississippi River, McKellar Lake, or from the Causeway.
Youth permit holders must be accompanied by a non-hunting adult.

Deer (Archery) - One (1) hunt: Dec. 6–8. Hunter quota 50. Bag limit one (1) antlered deer, which must have nine (9) antlered points or a minimum outside beam spread of 20 inches. Scouting date: Dec. 5 for the Dec. 6–8 permit holders only.
Lake/Obion counties • 24,000 acres
North of Hwy. 22 and east of Hwy. 78
Chase Taylor (731) 253-7343 • Reelfoot Preservation Permit
No WMA permits are required. However, in addition to regular hunting and fishing licenses, a Reelfoot Preservation Permit is required to hunt, trap, fish or boat on Reelfoot WMA, (including the washout and tailwaters downstream as marked, and that portion of Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge in Tennessee). The exceptions are Sportsman and Lifetime Sportsman License holders, youth under 16 and residents over 65.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunters (except waterfowl) must wear blaze orange during big game hunts. Closed to Spring and Fall turkey hunting.

Sergeant Lee Russell Refuge
Carroll County – 570 Acres
West Side of Hwy. 77, KnowN as Gordon Brown Hwy.
Andrew Rutherford (731) 345-9992 ∙SG, BG

Same as statewide except as noted. Closed to all trespass from Nov. 15–last day in February. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Shelby Forest
See Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park and Natural Area
South Fork Waterfowl Refuge
Madison County • 778 acres • ON Hwy. 412
Andrew Rutherford (731) 345-9992 • SG, BG, WF

Same as statewide seasons, except closed to all activities five (5) days before the first opening of the late duck season to Feb. 15. All hunting other than waterfowl is prohibited during the duck season occurring in Nov.–Feb. No access during refuge closure dates except for waterfowl hunters on open hunt days. Fall turkey season closed. Deer August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits).

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season and bag limit.

Spring Creek
Madison County – 439 Acres
West of Spring Creek Off of HWY 152
Andrew Rutherford (731) 345-9992 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting. Open for Deer August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits).

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Thorny Cypress
Dyer county • 3,100 acres
Tract I — Between Hwy. 104 and I-155
Tract II — Between Boothspoint Rd. and White Lake Refuge
Josh Emerson (731) 285-6124 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Areas within 150 yards of draw waterfowl pools are closed during small game, trapping and statewide deer gun season(s). Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Designated pools (except Pool 10, Pool 11 and Pool 12) will be allocated by computer draw pools. Waterfowl hunting is restricted to temporary blind sites. Hunters are restricted to pools or number stakes as specified by special instructions supplied by TWRA annually. All hunters in a party are required to hunt in the same temporary blind site for which they are drawn. Decoys and temporary blinds may be left out over the specified hunt but must be removed upon completion of the hunt on the last day.
Pools 10, 11, and 12: No waterfowl hunters permitted in Pools 10, 11, and 12 (non-draw pools) and no access allowed from two hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4 a.m. the following day during the duck seasons occurring in Nov.–Feb. No permanent blinds. All decoys, temporary blinds, blind materials, and boats must be removed daily from Pools 10, 11, and 12.
All waterfowl hunting shall cease at 3 p.m. each day, except the last day of each season and the remaining goose seasons when hunting shall close at sunset.
Three Rivers
Obion County • 1,577 acres
Rob Lewis (731) 749-5587 • SG, WF, BG
West Unit is open to all forms of hunting during waterfowl season and the East Unit is closed to all activities five (5) days before each opening of the late duck season. All hunting other than waterfowl is prohibited during the late duck season. All hunting, other than waterfowl, is prohibited in the East Unit during the late duck season.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Dyer County • 7,629 acres
Andrew Rutherford (731) 345-9992 • SG, WF, BG
Hunters (except raccoon, opossum, and turkey hunters) may not enter WMA prior to two (2) hours before sunrise and be off WMA by one (1) hour after sunset or legal closing (or shooting) time.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All small game hunting (excluding waterfowl hunting) closed on this area during the Young Sportsman hunts. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Tull Bottom
Chester County – 1,184 acres
East of Henderson Along the South Fork of the Forked Deer River Off of HWY 200
Office (731) 687-3444 • SG, WF, BG

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting. Open for deer August Archery Deer Hunt (see Deer Seasons and Bag Limits).

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Lake County • 5,770 acres
Southwest Corner, on Hwy. 79
Josh Emerson (731) 285-6124 • SG, BG, WF
Hunters (except raccoon, opossum, and turkey hunters) may not enter WMA prior to 2 hours before sunrise and be off WMA by one (1) hour after sunset or legal hunting/shooting time.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

West Sandy (Springville Bottoms)
Henry County • 4,319 acres
Evan Gaskin (731) 593-0588 • SG, WF, BG
All activities are prohibited in the sub-impoundments five (5) days before each opening day of the statewide duck season. Beginning on the opening day of the regular waterfowl season and continuing until the last day of the regular waterfowl season, public access in the subimpoundment will only be allowed from 4:00 a.m. until two hours after legal shooting hours have ended.
Any temporary blinds, hides, and decoys must be at least 200 yards from any permanent blinds and be removed at the end of shooting hours each day.
Fishing, trapping and hunting of all species other than waterfowl prohibited in the sub-impoundments during the duck season occurring in Nov.–Feb.

Same as statewide seasons. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

Waterfowl (Wheelchair-bound Only Blind Sites) - Applications must be received by the TWRA Region I Office by noon on the fourth Friday in October. Persons holding a permit for another blind are not eligible to compete in the wheelchair-bound blind drawing. If blind is not occupied by shooting time, another wheelchairbound hunter and 1 to 3 assistants (at least one (1) assistant must be age 16 or older) may occupy the blind for that day. Hunting restricted to wheelchair hunters and assistants only within the marked wheelchair-hunting zone at designated blinds.

White Lake Refuge
Dyer County • 1,194 acres
Josh Emerson (731) 285-6124 • SG, BG
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15–the last day of February. Closed to dog training.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to dove, Fall turkey, and waterfowl hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
White Oak
Hardin County • 7,000 acres
Southeast of Milledgeville, off of Hwy. 69
Office (731) 687-3444 • SG, WF, BG
All small game hunting is closed during Young Sportsman deer hunts. All water traffic prohibited five (5) days before the opening day(s) of the statewide duck season.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season and bag limit.

No waterfowl hunters permitted on the area or access areas before 4 a.m. opening day(s), and from 5 p.m. to 4 a.m. the following days during the late duck season.
Waterfowl (Lebanon Pond) - Lebanon Pond waterfowl hunting area will be allocated by computer draw as specified in the waterfowl quota hunt computer drawing and allocation procedures. Draw hunts will be Opening weekend(s), Monday-Thursday, and Friday-Sunday within the late waterfowl seasons. Waterfowl hunting is restricted to temporary staked blind sites designated by GPS coordinates. Successful applicants and up to seven (7) guests will be required to hunt within 25 yards of staked blind sites and are required to hunt at the same temporary blind site for which they are drawn. Decoys and temporary blinds may be left out over the specified hunt period but must be removed upon completion of the hunt on the last day of that period.
Wolf River and Ghost River State Natural Area
Fayette County • 11,200 acres
On Hwy. 57 east of Memphis, south of LaGrange
Brandon Gilbert (901) 878-0855 • SG, BG, WF
Ghost River Natural Area is open same as Wolf River WMA. Hunting or access to hunt from the boardwalk structure is prohibited.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season and bag limit.
Unit I (That Portion South of Hwy. 57)

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to quail hunting. Closed to Fall turkey season. All small game hunting is closed during Young Sportsman deer hunts.

Unit II (That Portion North of Hwy. 57)

Same as statewide season, except as noted. Closed to Fall turkey hunting.