Region III
Wildlife Management Area (WMA) — Icon Key |
Big Game |
All Big Game |
Deer |
Spring Turkey |
Fall Turkey |
Bear |
Elk |
Small Game |
All Small Game |
Spring Squirrel |
Squirrel |
Dove |
Rabbit |
Quail |
Grouse |
Woodcock |
Snipe |
Crow |
Waterfowl |
Raccoon |
Opossum |
Trapping |
Coyote |
Other Icons |
Wheelchair |
Shooting Range |
WMA Dog Training Season Year-round except as otherwise indicated. |
Camping |
CWD Carcass Transportation Regulations Apply |
Permit Key |
BG – Big Game quota permit or non-quota WMA annual permit. |
SG – Small Game WMA permit or combination Waterfowl and Small Game WMA permit. |
WF – Combination Waterfowl and Small Game WMA permit. |
NP – No permit required. |
HI – High Impact Habitat Conservation Permit |
How to Guide
Using the WMA Icons:
Icons indicate that a season is open. If an icon is listed in a WMA, that season is open with possible restrictions that will be listed. If there is no icon listed in the WMA, the season is closed.
If the Big Game and/or Small Game icon is listed, then all Big Game and/or Small Game species are open with the statewide season unless otherwise noted.
The top line of each WMA is a quick reference guide to see what species are open to hunting during the statewide season.
The WMA summaries supply hunt dates, bag limits and special regulations. There are general regulations that may not be listed but apply to all WMAs (see Wildlife Management Area General Regulations). Read ALL regulations before visiting a WMA.
If there are special managed hunts or seasons, these will be listed separately underneath each WMA. Specific dates, bag limits, and or restrictions will be listed here.
Alpine Mountain
Overton County • 1,642 acres
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 • SG, BG
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt by legal deer hunters.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Bear - Sept. 28–Oct. 25. Archery only. See Bear Seasons and Bag Limits for bear hunting details. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.Blackburn Fork
Southeastern Jackson County – 600 acres
West of HWY 135, North of Landford Hill Rd, East of Seven Knobs Rd and South of Daniel Hill Lane
JOHNNY Poston (615) 342-9307 • SG, BG
Use of motorized vehicles or horseback riding prohibited. Closed to all non-hunting activities during big game hunts.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15 Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15Bridgestone/Firestone Centennial Wilderness
White County • 20,000 acres
On the Cumberland County line
6 miles south of Hwy. 70S
Nathan Wilhite (931) 935-3280 • SG, BG
No ATVs, motorcycles or hooved animal riding permitted. Closed to all non-hunting activities during deer hunts. Closed to all non-hunting activities during spring turkey season until 12 noon CDT. Antlered deer must have a minimum of four (4) points on one (1) antler or a fifteen inch minimum outside spread. Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt by legal deer hunters. Quail hunt units closed to those not participating in quota hunts on the day of the hunt.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Rabbit and Woodcock hunting open Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday only.
Same as statewide seasons, except deer season is closed after Dec. 14. Turkey season follows the Northeast Unit regulations and bag limits.
Bear - Sept. 28–Oct. 25. Archery only. See Bear Seasons and Bag Limits for bear hunting details. Quail - Four (4) one (1) day hunts: Dec. 19, Jan. 9, 16, 23. Quota draw will be September 4–25, 2024. Fall bird count surveys will determine hunter quota. Selected applicants may bring two (2) other hunters for a maximum party size of three (3). All quail hunters much check in with WMA staff on the morning of the hunt for complete hunting instruction, including the completion of required survey. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15. Dog training open Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday only. Camping - During big game hunts, camping is allowed for big game hunters only.Big Bottom Unit • SG, BG, HI
Special Use - Hooved animal riding, bicycling, and OHV use permitted only by individuals possessing a valid hunting and fishing license and WMA permit or a High Impact Habitat Conservation Permit.
Unauthorized entry is prohibited between sunset and sunrise. Closed to all non-hunting activities during big game hunts.
Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt by legal deer hunters.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to Quail hunting. Rabbit and Woodcock hunting open Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday only.
Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15. Open Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday only.Catoosa
Cumberland/Morgan counties • 79,740 acres
I-40 exits, Peavine, Genesis, and Westel roads
Don Chance (931) 456-2479 • SG, BG, HI
Special Use - Hooved animal riding, bicycling and Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) use permitted only by individuals possessing a valid hunting and fishing license and WMA permit or a High Impact Habitat Conservation Permit. OHVs permitted from the fourth Saturday in August through the second Sunday in June. OHVs, bicyclists, and hooved animal riders may not enter the area except through gated TWRA access points. During big game hunts, the area is open only to legal big game hunting participants. Guides prohibited on all hunts. Hunters and hog control participants are required to check out big game and wild hogs at WMA check stations when in operation. Hunters are required to tag their harvest with paper transportation tags prior to transporting it to the nearest check station. Hunters are encouraged to be cautious when handling harvested hogs due to multiple documented cases of Brucellosis at Catoosa. Catoosa WMA will be closed to all users Feb. 1 through the last Friday in March except for walk-in small game hunting and trapping from Feb. 1–last day of Feb. Closed to all hunting March 1–fourth Friday in August, except during turkey and spring squirrel seasons. Attention Cumberland Trail Corridor users: Pedestrian access through the Catoosa WMA on the Cumberland Trail corridor will be allowed year round. During all deer, turkey and wild hog control hunts, all users within the Cumberland Trail corridor must wear visible fluorescent clothing and remain within 100 feet on either side of the trail. Unauthorized entry or presence is prohibited between sunrise and sunset.
Same as statewide seasons, except closes at sunset the day before and during scheduled big game hunts, unless otherwise noted. Dogs are not permitted during the spring squirrel season. Trapping and small game hunting closed during wild hog control season. Closed to quail hunting and dog training.
Rifles and handguns using center-fire ammunition are legal for hunting beaver, bobcat, fox, coyote, groundhog and crow only during big game seasons and the hunter must be a licensed legal big game hunter. During big game hunts, coyotes may be taken with any weapon legal for that hunt. Chasing fox, coyote or bobcat with dogs is not permitted.
Opossum - Raccoon - Nov. 1 to sunrise Dec. 31, except closes at sunset on the day before and during scheduled big game hunts. Deer - On all hunts, antlered deer must have a minimum of four (4) points on one (1) antler or a fifteen inch minimum outside antler spread. Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt by legal deer hunters.Deer/Bear (Archery) - One (1) hunt: Oct. 5–Oct. 13. Archery equipment only. Area checking stations operated. Entire area open. Two (2) deer no more than one (1) antlered (deer counts towards statewide bag limit). Bears may be taken with any weapon legal for the hunt. One (1) bear, counts toward statewide bag limit.
Deer (Muzzleloader) - Oct. 24–26. Station quota per hunt: Genesis 1,000; Bicolor 1,000. One (1) deer, antlered only (counts toward statewide bag limit).
Deer (Gun) - Two (2) hunt: Nov. 14–16, Nov. 21-23. Station quota: Genesis 1,000; Bicolor 1,000. One (1) deer, antlered only (counts toward statewide bag limit).
Deer (Gun - Young Sportsman) - One (1) hunt: Oct. 19–20. Two (2) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (counts toward statewide bag limit).
Deer (Gun) - One (1) hunt: Dec. 5–7. Entire area open. One (1) deer, antlered only (counts toward statewide bag limit).
Wild Hog (Control Season - Dogs Permitted) - Dec. 11–15, 18–22. Entire area open. No limit, either sex.
All participants in the hog control season must wear on the upper portion of their body and head a minimum of 500 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange, visible front and back. Participants may use any legal weapon and ammunition that is legal for taking deer, bear or elk. Legal hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset. Checking stations open on Catoosa–all hogs must be transported whole to the checking stations for data collection.
Bullfrog - April 1–Sept. 1. No hunting during turkey hunts.
Turkey - April 19–May 18. One male bearded turkey per day, counts toward statewide bag limit of 2.Turkey (Young Sportsman) - One (1) hunt: April 5–6. One (1) male turkey. Counts toward statewide bag limit.
Trapping - Dec. 15–last day of Feb. Shooting Range (Genesis Checking Station) - Open daily except during deer archery hunts and turkey hunts. Daylight hours only. Permit required. See for details.Shooting Range (Peavine Campground) - Open April 1–Jan. 31, except closed during deer archery hunts and turkey hunts. Daylight hours only. Permit required. See for details.
Camping - During big game hunts, camping is allowed for big game hunters only.Crooked Fork Unit
Morgan County 1,600 acres
Don Chance (931) 456-2479 • SG,BG, HI
Rifles and handguns using center-fire ammunition are prohibited.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to quail hunting. Closed to all hunting March 1 through the fourth Friday in August, except during turkey and spring squirrel seasons. Chasing fox, coyote, or bobcat with dogs is not permitted.
Same as statewide seasons, except deer season is closed after Dec. 13. Archery equipment, shotguns and muzzleloaders only for deer hunting. Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt by legal deer hunters.
Dog training - Dog training is closedPine Orchard Unit
Morgan County • 1,114 acres
I-40 Airport Rd. exit
Don Chance (931) 456-2479 • SG, BG, HI
Same as statewide season, except as noted.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15.Same as statewide seasons
Trapping - Same as statewide seasons Dog training - Dog training is closedCatoosa Ridge Refuge
Cumberland County 1,637 acres
Off Potato Farm Rd. between Todd Rd. and Cold Springs Rd.
Don Chance (931) 456-2479 * SG, WF, BG, HI
Closed to all users during Catoosa WMA quota hunts. The use of motorized vehicles is not permitted.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Begins on 1st Saturday in December and closes at sunset the night before and during Catoosa WMA quota hunts. Closed to quail hunting. Trapping open December 15–last day of February.
Rabbit and Woodcock - Hunting and dog training (pointing breeds only) open Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday only. Trapping - Dec. 15–last day of Feb.Charlotte Ann Finnell Neal
Bradley County • 495 acres
Region III office (931) 484-9571 • sg,wf, bg
Use of motorized vehicles prohibited.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer season closes Dec. 9. Archery equipment only for deer hunting.
Small game open Dec. 14–last day of Feb., except as noted. Squirrel season open from Aug. 24–Sept. 27, and during spring squirrel season. Dogs are not permitted during spring squirrel season.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.South Cherokee
Along the Tennessee-North Carolina state line south of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park • 300,000 acres
Mitch Clure (423) 884-6767 • bg
Includes former Ocoee and Tellico Units. Bear reserves are closed to all big game hunting when the bear season (dogs permitted) is open on the South Cherokee. It is illegal to possess firearms with any breed of dog other than pointing breeds during daylight hours, excluding bear season, except as provided. Cherokee WMA Non-quota Big Game permit or Sportsman License required to hunt the non-quota big game hunts. Some roads normally open to public travel may be closed from Dec. 15–March 31. Wild hog may be taken during any deer or bear hunt with no limit. During gun and muzzleloader Big Game hunts all wild hog hunters must comply with the blaze orange requirements. A bear hunter who has filled the daily or seasonal limit may continue to carry a firearm and take wild hogs where incidental taking is allowed. Closed to all hunting March 1 through August 22, except turkey season.
Same as statewide, except as noted.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Small game hunters, except raccoon and opossum hunters, must wear 500 square inches of blaze orange during big game muzzleloader and gun hunts.Spring squirrel season is closed. Small game hunting in bear reserves and party hunt area during scheduled party hunts prohibited one (1) day before and during bear (dogs permitted) hunts.
Dogs permitted for squirrel hunting outside of bear reserves during bear dog hunts and Jan. 1–last day of February. Squirrel hunters utilizing dogs during bear hunts are limited to a maximum of two (2) dogs per vehicle.
Season open on groundhog, fox and skunk during any small game hunt with weapons legal for that small game hunt. Bobcat may be taken on any scheduled big game or small game hunt that coincides with the statewide bobcat season with weapon legal for that scheduled hunt. Bobcat and coyote may be taken on any hunt with weapon legal for that hunt. Bobcat hunting with dogs is prohibited.
Deer/Bear (Archery) - Sept. 21–Oct. 3. One (1) deer, antlered or antlerless, counts toward statewide bag limit. One (1) bear either sex outside the bear reserve.Deer (Muzzleloader) - One (1) hunt: Oct. 21–27. One (1) deer, antlered only (deer counts towards state wide bag limit).
Deer (Gun - Young Sportsman) - One (1) hunt: Oct. 19–20. One (1) deer, antlered or antlerless (deer counts towards state wide bag limit).
Deer (Gun) - Two (2) hunts: Nov. 16–Dec. 1, Dec. 18–25. Two (2) deer, antlered only (deer counts towards statewide bag limit).
Bear (Gun - Dogs Permitted) - Five (5) hunts: Oct. 5–6, Oct. 12–18, Oct. 28–Nov. 1, Dec. 2–15, Dec. 26–29. One (1) bear, either sex. Hunting confined to that area outside the Ocoee and Tellico Bear Reserves.Bear Party-Dog Hunts (Gun - Dogs Permitted) - Four (4) hunts: Oct. 5–6, Oct. 12–13, Oct. 28-29, Dec. 2–3. Quota party dog hunts, 75 permits per party. One (1) party permitted in each of the following areas: Upper Tellico, Lower Tellico, Upper Bald River, and Lower Bald River. One (1) bear, either sex. Party-Dog Area closed during scheduled quota party-dog hunts. See below for more details.
Non-hunting juveniles under the age of 13 may accompany an adult hunter (18 years old or older) who has a valid party-hunt permit. Juveniles must also comply with all regulations specified for permitted hunters.
South Cherokee Bear Reserves
Ocoee Bear Reserve
The Cherokee Wildlife Management Area and private inholdings bounded on the north by Ocoee Lake and Ocoee River, on the south by the Tennessee/Georgia state line and on the east and west by the National Forest Boundary.
Tellico Bear Reserve
The Cherokee Wildlife Management Area in Monroe County that lies north of the Tellico-Robbinsville Road, east of Forest Service Road 35, south of Forest Service Road 26 and west of the ridge running from Farr Gap through Little Fodderstack to Big Fodderstack and following the North Carolina state line to the Tellico-Robbinsville Road.
Cherokee Party Hunt Compartments
Upper Tellico
The portion of the Tellico River drainage lying north of the Tellico River Road, south of the North River Road and west of the North Carolina line.
Lower Tellico
That portion of the Tellico River drainage lying east of Turkey Creek, north of the Tellico River Road and North of the North River Road, west of the North Carolina state line, and south of the Cherohala Skyway (Hwy. 165).
Upper Bald River
That portion of the Bald River and Tellico River drainages lying south of the Tellico River Road, south of the Bald River Road, east of the Waucheesi Mountain Road, and north of the North Carolina state line.
Lower Bald River
That portion of the Bald River and Tellico River drainages lying south of the Tellico River Road, east of the Basin Lead Trail (FS trail 161), and north of the Bald River Road.
Safety Zone - On the Cherokee WMA, hunting or discharging a firearm is prohibited within 150 yards of a developed recreation area, campsite, residence, building, occupied area, across or on a National Forest system road. Contact the appropriate U.S. Forest Service office for more information.
Horseback riding - Horseback riding on properties owned by the U.S. Forest Service shall be the same as U.S. Forest Service regulations. Contact the U.S. Forest Service (423-476-9700). On those properties owned or leased by the TWRA, horseback riding is only allowed upon roads opened for vehicle travel. No riding off road into openings, fields, trails or through streams.
Dog training - Dog training prohibited unless otherwise specified. The use or possession of any electronic tracking devices from March 1–Aug. 15 is illegal. Hunting of coyotes with dogs is prohibited. Camping - On Forest Service sites, available seasonally.Chickamauga
Bradley/Hamilton/McMinn/Meigs/Rhea counties • 4,000 acres • SG, WF, BG
Soddy Creek, Sale Creek, Cottonport,
Yellow Creek and Washington Ferry
Brian Letner (423) 365-9571
Candies Creek, Johnson Bottoms, Roger's Creek
Jason Jackson (423) 614-3018
All other Chickamauga Units
Rob Klippel (423) 693-6791
Soddy Creek, Sale Creek
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to quail hunting. Deer hunting with archery equipment only. Archery hunters must comply with blaze orange requirements during the statewide deer gun or muzzleloader seasons. Shotguns loaded with No. 4 shot or smaller only (except waterfowl). Waterfowl hunting restricted to use of shotguns loaded with No. 2 shot or smaller.
Cottonport, Washington Ferry, Shelton Bottoms, Mud Creek, New Bethal, Moon Island, Goodfield Creek, Gillespie Bend, Ledford Island, Agency Creek, Sugar Creek, South Mouse Creek Units
Same as statewide hunting and trapping seasons. No waterfowl hunters permitted on units from two (2) hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4 a.m. the following day during the duck season(s). Closed to quail hunting.
Candies Creek, Johnson Bottoms, Rogers Creek, Yellow Creek Units
Same as statewide seasons, except units closed to all forms of trespass including fishing, trapping and hunting for all species except waterfowl (excluding Candies Creek Upland Unit) from the first opening day of the late duck season until the last day of the late duck season and on the day before and during the Youth Waterfowl hunts. Closed to quail hunting.
Candies Creek Upland Unit
WMA Property east of Candies Creek and west of Lower River Road. Big Game and small game same as statewide hunting and trapping seasons.
Waterfowl - Waterfowl hunting permitted on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and the first and last day of the duck season. Waterfowl hunting ends at 3 p.m. on Thursday and Friday only. No waterfowl hunters or other activities permitted on units from two (2) hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4 a.m. the following day during the duck seasons. Hunting is allowed only from registered hunting sites. Hunt sites and hunting dates will be allocated through a computer drawing (See Tier Designations on WMAs for more specific information). On the Yellow Creek Unit a canoe or kayak may be beneficial for access. Hunters selected for a hunt site may bring up to seven (7) additional hunters. No more than eight (8) hunters per site. No site may be hunted unless a hunter selected for that assigned blind site and date is present. Hunters may leave in place decoys and a temporary blind at their hunt site during their assigned hunt date, but must remove all decoys at the end of their last hunt date. Young Sportsman and military hunters may hunt sites during the youth and the military waterfowl seasons on a first come, first served basis. Hunters during these seasons must enter the hunting area only from established TWRA parking areas. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15, except closed during late duck season.Cordell Hull
Jackson/Smith counties • 25,000 acres
Johnny Poston (615) 342-9307 • SG, WF, BG
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to quail hunting. Wheelchair-bound hunter zone open to wheelchair-bound hunters only.
Wheelchair-Bound Hunter Only Zone - That area in the old “Corps of Engineers Roaring River Campground” area of Cordell Hull WMA (north of Hwy. 135, north of Roaring River, south and east of Hwy. 85 and west of Old Roaring River Iron Bridge Road). Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15. Camping - Army Corp of engineer campgrounds, available seasonally.Defeated Creek Unit
Same as statewide seasons except as noted. Closed to quail hunting. Archery equipment only for deer hunting. Shotguns only for small game hunting.
Defeated Creek Unit is that area of Defeated Creek that extends from the main river channel to the Corps of Engineers boundary along Defeated Creek excluding Defeated Creek Recreational Area.
Cordell Hull Refuge
Jackson County • 600 acres
Near Gainesboro between Freestate Bridge Hwy 85A and Hwy 56 Bridge
Johnny Poston (615) 342-9307 • SG, wf, bg
Public use including all forms of trespass and hunting is prohibited from Nov. 15–last day of Feb., except as otherwise indicated. Public entry permitted while on the main river channel passing through the refuge. Fishing by boat allowed during refuge closure in marked river channel only.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer season closed after Nov. 14. All seasons closed during refuge closure dates including dog training. Closed to quail hunting.
Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15, daylight hours only. Closed to training during refuge closure dates.Edgar Evins State Park
DeKalb County • 6,000 acres
On Center Hill Lake
Managed by Edgar Evans SP (931) 646-3080
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 • BG
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to spring squirrel hunting on north side of Center Hill Lake.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Dog training - Same as statewide seasons, except closed on north side of Center Hill Lake.Fall Creek Falls State Park
Bledsoe/Van Buren counties • 7,000 acres
Off Hwy. 30 between Pikeville and Spencer
Managed by Fall Creek Falls SP (423)881-5298
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 • BG
Dog training prohibited. Vehicle parking restricted to designated parking areas only during the hunting season. No parking allowed on roadside grass. All deer and turkey hunters must sign register at Park Headquarters before hunting. Harvested big game must be checked in at Park Headquarters. Coyotes may be taken on any hunt with weapons legal for that hunt.
Squirrel - Dec. 1–last day of Feb. Spring squirrel season is closed. Deer (Archery) - Four (4) hunts: Nov. 9–11, 12–14, 15–17, Dec. 13–15. Two (2) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer). While deer hunting, one (1) male turkey may be harvested and will count toward your statewide bag limit. For a hunt map, call park office. Turkey (Archery) - One (1) hunt: April 12–20. Counts towards statewide bag limit. Camping - Park managed campgrounds.Fourth Fractional Township
Polk County • 520 acres
Near Copper Hill
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 • NP
Use of motorized vehicles prohibited.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Archery equipment only for big game. Archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during muzzleloader and gun seasons. Beagles and pointing breeds only. Dogs not permitted during spring squirrel season.
Small game hunting with shotguns only, using No. 6 shot or smaller.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Dog training - Beagles and pointing breeds only. No dog training allowed during spring turkey season.Harp
Bledsoe County • 285 acres
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 • SG, BG
Same as statewide seasons.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.Hiwassee Refuge
Meigs/Rhea counties • 2,500 acres
On Chickamauga Reservoir
Jason Jackson (423) 614-3018 • SG, WF, BG
Refuge is closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 through the last day of Feb., except the wildlife viewing area is open year-round. During refuge closure, public entry and fishing is permitted while on the main river channel passing through the refuge. Bobcat may be taken on any scheduled big game or small game hunt that coincides with the statewide bobcat season with hunting implements legal for that scheduled hunt. Beaver and coyotes may be taken on any hunt with weapons legal for that hunt. Season open on groundhog, fox and skunk during any scheduled small game hunt. All seasons closed during refuge closure date unless otherwise indicated. Nontoxic shot approved by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is required for small game hunting. Small game hunting and dog training is closed at sunset on the day before and during scheduled big game hunts, unless special exception is indicated.
Dove - Sept. 1 & 19. Noon to sunset only. No access permitted by boat.Dove (Youth) - Sept. 14. Noon to sunset only. No access permitted by boat.
Squirrel - Same as statewide seasons except as noted. Rabbit - Nov. 4–14. Bag limit of three (3) per day. Opossum, Raccoon - Sept. 3–Nov. 13. Hunting will be limited to Tuesday and Wednesday nights only. Canada Goose - Sept. 1–20. No goose hunters permitted on refuge from two (2) hours after shooting hours have ended until 4 a.m. the following day.Wood Duck, Teal - Same as Sept. Wood Duck/Teal season. No duck hunters permitted on the refuge from two (2) hours after shooting hours have ended until 4 a.m. the following day.
Deer (Shotgun – Muzzleloader)(Young-Sportsman) - One (1) hunt: Sept. 21–22. Hunter quota 100. Two (2) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer).Deer (Archery) - One (1) hunt: Sept. 27–29. Hunter quota 200. Two (2) deer no more than one (1) antlered, one (1) male turkey (bonus deer).
Deer (Archery) - One (1) hunt: Oct. 11–13. Two (2) deer, no more than one (1) antlered, one (1) male turkey (bonus deer).
Deer (Muzzleloader) - One (1) hunt: Oct. 25–27. Hunter quota 150. Two (2) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer).
Deer (Muzzleloader) - One (1) hunt: Nov. 1–3. Hunter quota 150. Two (2) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer).
Turkey - Same as statewide spring turkey season. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15, daylight hours only. Closed to training during refuge closure dates.Retriever Dog Field Trials - Pre–approved by Area Manager at least 30 days in advance of trial dates.
Camping - During deer hunts only at check station.Jackson Swamp
Overton County • 203 acres
Johnny poston (615) 342-9307 • SG, WF, BG
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to quail hunting.
Dove - Sept. 1 by hand-held drawing. Drawing to be conducted on Aug. 24 at Independence Community Center. Drawing sign-up begins at 4 p.m. local time. Drawing will be held at 5 p.m. local time. Hunters must be present to be drawn.Dove - Sept. 2 through remainder of statewide season, same as statewide regulations.
Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.Keyes-Harrison
Cumberland County • 1,740 acres
Don Chance (931) 456-2479 • SG, HI
Hooved animal riding, bicycling and Off -Highway Vehicle (OHV) use permitted only by individuals possessing a valid hunting and fishing license and WMA permit or a High Impact Habitat Conservation Permit.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Dogs are not permitted during the spring squirrel season. Closed to quail hunting.
Bear - Sept. 28–Oct. 25. Archery only. See Bear Seasons and Bag Limits for bear hunting details. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.Kingston Refuge
Roane County • 300 ACRES
Rob Klippel 423-693-6391
Closed to hunting, trapping and dog training.
Luper Mountain
Cumberland County • 5,617 acres
Don Chance (931) 456-2479 • SG, BG, HI
Special Use - Hooved animal riding, bicycling and Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) use permitted only by individuals possessing a valid hunting and fishing license and WMA permit or a High Impact Habitat Conservation Permit. Closed to all non-hunting activities during big game hunts. Off-Highway Vehicles (OHV) permits from the 4th Saturday in August through 2nd Sunday in June, except during gate closure period.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Dogs are not permitted during the spring squirrel season.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Deer - same as statewide deer season. Closed to antlerless deer hunting during the deer gun season. Bear - Sept. 28–Oct. 25. Archery only. See Bear Seasons and Bag Limits for bear hunting details. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.LoneStar Mountain Unit
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Dogs are not permitted during the spring squirrel season.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Deer - same as statewide deer season. Closed to antlerless deer hunting during the deer gun season. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.Mcglothin-Largen
Roane County • 112 acres
Region III office (931) 484-9571 • SG, BG, WF
Use of motorized vehicles prohibited.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer season closes Dec. 14. Archery equipment only for deer. September waterfowl seasons closed for wood duck, teal and Canada goose.
Rabbit - Dec. 14 to last day of Feb. on Saturday and Sunday only. Bag limit of three (3) per day. Squirrel - Aug. 24–Sept. 27, Dec. 14 to last day of Feb. and during spring squirrel season except as noted. Shotguns with No. 6 shot or smaller only. Dove - Sept. 1 & 2. Noon to sunset only on Sept. 1. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15. Beagles and pointing breeds only.Mt. Roosevelt
Cumberland/Roane/Morgan counties • 11,000 acres
Don Chance (931) 456-2479 • SG, BG, HI
Special Use - Hooved animal riding, bicycling and Off -Highway Vehicle (OHV) use permitted only by individuals possessing a valid hunting and fishing license and WMA permit or a High Impact Habitat Conservation Permit.
Closed to all non-hunting activities during big game hunts.
Same as statewide season except as noted. Closed to bear hunting. Dogs are not permitted during spring squirrel season.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Deer - same as statewide unit 5 deer season. Closed to antlerless deer hunting during the gun season. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.North Chickamauga Creek
Hamilton County • 5,400 acres
Brian Letner (423) 365-9571
Hixson, Lake Carolyn, Rogers, Sutton, Thrasher Bottoms, Vandergriff, Poe Branch and Varner Units.
No motorized vehicles outside parking areas. Units closed after sunset except to opossum and raccoon hunters. Trespass prohibited by non-hunters on hunt days. Hixson, Rogers, Varner and Vandergriff Units closed to all forms of trespass except hunting and trapping during the late waterfowl seasons.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All hunting ends on Jan. 31, except spring squirrel season and spring turkey season.
Hunting only allowed on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, unless exception is indicated.
Shotguns loaded with No. 4 shot or smaller only (except waterfowl).
Closed to quail hunting.
Bag limit for rabbits is three (3) per day.
Hixson, Rogers, Vandergriff and Varner Units closed to all forms of trespass except hunting and trapping during the late waterfowl seasons.
Dove - Sept. 1 and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the statewide dove season. Dove hunting from noon to sunset on Sept. 1. No dove hunters or dove hunting equipment on dove fields prior to 7 a.m. on opening day of the first segment on the dove season. Deer - hunting with archery equipment only. Archery hunters must comply with blaze orange requirements during the statewide deer gun and muzzleloader seasons. Turkey - hunting ends at noon each day. Fall turkey season is archery only. Waterfowl - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and the first and last day of the statewide season and the youth waterfowl season. Shotguns loaded with No. 2 shot or smaller. Waterfowl hunting ends at noon each day, including the youth waterfowl season. Hunting from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight. Deer (Archery - Wheelchair-bound Hunter Only) - Varner Unit Wheelchair Accessible Blind Site Only) - Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Hunting only allowed on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. To reserve blind call the Region 3 office. Turkey (Wheelchair-bound Hunter Only - Varner Unit Wheelchair Accessible Blind Site Only) - Same as statewide season, except as noted. Hunting only allowed on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Turkey hunting ends at noon each day. Shotguns loaded with No. 4 shot or smaller only. To reserve blind call the Region 3 office. Waterfowl (Wheelchair-bound Hunter Only - Varner Unit Wheelchair Accessible Blind Site Only) - Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Hunting only allowed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Hunting ends at noon each day. Waterfowl hunting restricted to use of shotguns loaded with No. 2 shot or smaller. To reserve blind call the Region 3 office. Trapping - Friday before Thanksgiving - Jan. 31. Traps must be checked each day. Dog training (all breeds) - Sept. 1–Jan. 31. Hixson, Rogers, Varner and Vandergriff Units closed to dog training from the first opening day of the late duck season until the end of duck season.PATTON UNIT • SG, WF, BG, HI
Special Use - Hooved animal riding, bicycling and Off -Highway Vehicle (OHV) use permitted only by individuals possessing a valid hunting and fishing license and WMA permit or a High Impact Conservation Permit.
Possession of alcoholic beverages prohibited.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15.Oak Ridge
Roane/Anderson Counties • 36,000 acres
Shannon Young (865) 576-2380 (Check station); 865-574-7052 (office) • SG, WF, BG
Shotguns, muzzleloading rifles and archery equipment only. On big game quota hunts and on approved scouting days for all areas, except behind all security checkpoints, a non-hunting juvenile under the age of 16 may accompany an adult hunter (21 years old or older) who has a valid Oak Ridge WMA quota permit. However, these non-hunting juveniles may not accompany hunters into any area requiring entry through a Security Portal or Security Police Officer Check Point (e.g. Tower Shielding Facility, Chestnut Ridge/Park City Road or any badged-only hunting areas). During deer hunts, non-hunting juveniles must also comply with blaze orange regulations specified for legal hunters. No boat access during deer hunts except to access Haw Ridge Park. Boat access only for waterfowl hunters accessing Solway and Freels Bend on or during the designated Sept. and Oct. hunting dates. Hunters must carry, at all times, hunting license and permit, valid picture identification (youth excluded), and signed current hunt map. During Oct., Nov., and Dec. big game hunts all hunters must wear daylight fluorescent orange (blaze orange) including archery hunters in the Archery-Only Zones. Dog training prohibited. Hunters are required to check in big game and coyotes at WMA check station. Coyotes may be taken on any hunt with weapons legal for that hunt.
Deer (Shotgun/Muzzleloader/Archery) (Zone 1) - Three (3) hunts: Nov. 2–3, Nov. 9–10 and Dec. 14–15. Hunter quota 200. Three (3) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer).Deer (Shotgun/Muzzleloader/Archery)(Zone 1) - Three (3) hunts: Nov. 2–3, Nov. 9–10, and Dec. 14–15. Hunter quota 175. Three (3) deer, antlerless only (bonus deer).
Deer (Archery) (Zone 2) - Three (3) hunts: Nov. 2–3, Nov. 9–10 and Dec. 14–15. Hunter quota 200. Three (3) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer). While deer hunting, one (1) male turkey may be harvested and will count toward your statewide bag limit.
Deer (Archery) (Zone 2) - Three (3) hunts: Nov. 2–3, Nov. 9–10, and Dec. 14–15. Hunter quota 125. Three (3) deer, antlerless only (bonus deer). While deer hunting, one (1) male turkey may be harvested and will count toward your statewide bag limit.
Scouting dates: 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 26 for the Nov. 2–3 and Nov. 9–10 permit holders; Dec. 7 for the Dec. 14–15 permit holders.
Waterfowl - 30 minutes before sunrise to noon - hunting on Solway and Freels Bend only from the shoreline to Solway Bend Farm Road and from the shoreline to Freels Bend Farm Road. Access by boat only. Hunting from temporary blinds only.Canada Goose - Sept. 2, 7–8 14–15, 21–22 and Oct. 12–13, 19–20.
Wood Duck/Teal - Sept. 14–15.
Turkey - Two (2) hunts: April 5–6, April 12–13. Hunter quota 225. One (1) male turkey, counts toward statewide bag limit. Hunting ends at noon daily. Successful hunters must be at the check station by 1 p.m.Turkey scouting date: 7 a.m. to noon March 29 for permit holders and approved youths only.
All listed times are in the Eastern time zone.
Paint Rock Refuge
Roane County • 1,600 acres
On Watts Bar Lake
Rob Klippel (423) 693-6791 • SG, WF, BG
Same as statewide, except as noted. Archery equipment only for deer. Archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during muzzleloader and gun seasons. Shotguns only for small game.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15Pea Ridge
DeKalb County • 1,958 acres
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 • SG, BG, HI
Unauthorized entry or presence is prohibited between sunset and sunrise, except for pond fishing. Hooved animal riding, bicycling, and Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) use permitted only by individuals possessing a valid hunting and fishing license and WMA permit or a High Impact Conservation Permit. Motorized vehicles not permitted behind locked gates. OHV use is restricted to roads open to other motorized vehicle traffic. Driving on the pond levee, pond edges, fields, or dirt roads is prohibited.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer same as statewide season except closed Oct. 19–25.
Closed to quail hunting except open to young sportsmens quail hunt Oct. 19–25. Bag limit two (2) quail per day per hunter. Youth quail hunters must be accompanied by a non hunting adult age 21 or older.
Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.Pickett State Forest
Pickett County • 11,000 acres
Managed by Pickett SF (931) 218-9039
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 • NP
Same as statewide seasons.
Bear - Sept. 28–Oct. 25. Archery only. See Bear Seasons and Bag Limits for bear hunting details. Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15. Camping - State forest regulations apply or state park managed campgrounds.Prentice Cooper State Forest
Marion County • 24,000 acres
On Hwy. 27, 5 miles east of Powell’s Crossroads
Marty Griffith (423) 658-0298 • SG, BG
Unauthorized entry or presence is prohibited between sunset and sunrise. Organized competition events for motorized vehicles is prohibited. The maximum noise limit for all motorized vehicles is 86 dBa, as measured 50 feet from the exhaust, except as otherwise permitted. The maximum speed limit is 25 mph or less if otherwise posted. All side roads and trails will be closed to motorized vehicles Dec. 20–March 15. Big game hunters are required to check in big game at the WMA check station when station is in operation. Closed to all hunting March 1–the fourth Friday in August, except during spring turkey and spring squirrel seasons.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting and dog training will close at sunset the day before and during scheduled big game hunts unless otherwise indicated. Closed to quail hunting.
Fox - Opossum - Raccoon - First Friday in Nov.–end of Feb., except hunting will be limited to Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights only. Bag limit is one (1) per party per night. Deer (Archery) - One (1) hunt: Sept. 21–23. Hunter quota 400. Two (2) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer).Deer (Archery) - One (1) hunt: Sept. 24–27. Two (2) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer).
Deer (Muzzleloader) - Two (2) hunts: Oct. 10–12, 24–26. Hunter quota 250. Two (2) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer).
Deer (Gun - Young Sportsman) - One (1) hunt: Oct. 19–20. Two (2) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer).
Deer (Gun) - One (1) hunt: Nov. 8–10. One (1) deer, antlered only (bonus deer).
Deer (Gun) - One (1) hunt: Nov. 30–Dec. 5. Two (2) deer, antlered only (bonus deer).
Turkey - Six (6) hunts: April 15–17, 18–20, 23–25, May 1–3, 6–8, 9–11. One (1) male turkey per day. Counts toward statewide bag limit. Trapping - Dec. 2–12. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15. Shooting Range - Open Thursday, Friday, Saturdays only, during daylight hours. Closed during big game hunts. Permit required. Camping - Hunter check station campground open year-round, except closed Jan.1 through Feb. 28 (No Access to WMA During Big Game Hunts).Davis Pond campground - open year-round, except closed during big game hunts (Must be at campground by sunset, no riding around privileges after sunset).
Tennessee Wall Campground - open year-round (no access to area during big game hunts).
Skinner Mountain
Fentress County • 18,950 acres
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 • SG, BG, HI
Special Use - Hooved animal riding, bicycling and Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) use permitted only by individuals possessing a valid hunting and fishing license and WMA permit or a High Impact Habitat Conservation Permit. OHVs permitted from the fourth Saturday in August through the spring squirrel season.
Same as statewide seasons unit 4. Trapping and small game hunting closes at sunset the day before hog control season. Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt by legal deer hunters.
Bear - Sept. 28–Oct. 25. Archery only. See Bear Seasons and Bag Limits for bear hunting details. Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15.Wild Hog (Control Season - Dogs Permitted) - Jan. 10–12. No limit, either sex. Only authorized participants allowed on the area during the Wild Hog Control Season.
All participants in the hog control season must wear on the upper portion of their body and head a minimum of 500 square inches of blaze orange, visible front and back.
Participants may use any legal weapon and ammunition that is legal for taking Deer, Bear or Elk.
Legal hours - 30 minutes before sunrise and to 30 minutes after sunset.
Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.Standing Stone State Forest
Overton County • 8,764 acres
Managed by Standing Stone SF (931) 403-1010
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 • NP
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt by legal deer hunters.
Bear - Sept. 28–Oct. 25. Archery only. See Bear Seasons and Bag Limits for bear hunting details. Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15. Camping - State forest regulations apply or state park managed campgrounds.Tellico Lake
Monroe and Loudon County • 8,000 acres
Mitch Clure (423) 884-6767 • SG, BG
Field trial permit required.
Same as statewide season, except as noted. Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt by legal deer hunters. No blinds or decoys left overnight.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15.Tellico West Unit - (The Portion of Tellico Reservoir Development Agency Industrial Park at LTRM 18.0 on the south side of Tellico Reservoir)
Deer (Archery) - Four (4) hunts: Sept. 21–22, Oct. 12–13, Nov. 16–17, Dec. 14–15. Hunter quota 30 each hunt. Two (2) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer). Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Two (2) hunts: April 12–13, April 26–27. Hunter quota 5. One (1) male turkey. Counts toward statewide bag limit.Mcghee-Carson Unit - (That Peninsula of Ft. Loudoun State Historic Park at LTRM 21.0)
All small game hunting is for Young Sportsman (ages 6–16 only). Each youth must be accompanied by a non hunting adult 21 or older. For small game hunting either the youth or the adult must possess a WMA small game permit. For big game hunting youth must possess a WMA big game permit.
Dove - Sept. 1, 2, 7. Opens at noon on Sept. 1, all day Sept. 2 and 7. Youths must be accompanied by a licensed adult, 21 or older, who may also hunt. Rabbit, Squirrel - Nov. 16–17, 23–24, Nov. 30–Dec. 1, Dec. 7–8, 14–15, 21–22, 28–29, Jan. 4–5. Bag limit three (3) rabbits per day. Shotguns only. Deer (Shotgun only - Young-Sportsman) - One (1) hunt: Nov. 9–10. Hunter quota 35. One (1) antlered or antlerless deer. (Bonus deer). Turkey (Young Sportsman) - April 12–13, April 26–27. Hunter quota five (5). One (1) male turkey. Counts toward statewide bag limit. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15. Closed during field trials and big game hunts. Daylight hours only.Dog Field Trials - Field Trial Permit Required. Sept. 1–April 30. Trials must be scheduled with Area Manager and special field trial permit must be obtained from the TWRA Region III Office at least 30 days before trial dates. Field trial gallery—must be kept out of standing or planted crops by marshals provided by sponsoring clubs. Horses permitted during dog training and field trials.
Chota Refuge Unit - (That Portion from LTRM 26.0 upstream to the Hiwassee - Alcoa powerline at LTRM 29.7)
Same as statewide, except as noted. Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 through last day of Feb., except in designated observation areas. Wild hogs may be taken during any deer or bear hunt by legal deer or bear hunters. All seasons closed during the refuge closure dates. Steel shot is required for doves.
Nontoxic shot approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service required for small game hunting as posted.
Rabbit, Quail - Oct. 26–Nov. 1. Dog training - March 1–Oct. 31.Dog Field Trials - March 1–Oct. 31. Field Trial Permit Required. Trials must be scheduled with Area Manager and special field trial permit must be obtained from the TWRA Region III Office at least 30 days before trial dates.
The Boils
Jackson County • 119 acres
johnny poston • (615) 342-9307 • sg, wf, bg
Use of motorized vehicles prohibited.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to quail hunting.
Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.Watts Bar
Roane County • 3,880 acres
Primarily on islands and access areas on Watts Bar Lake
Rob Klippel (423) 693-6791 • SG, WF, BG
Same as statewide season, except as noted. Waterfowl hunting allowed from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.
Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Dog training - Sept. 1–March 15.Iron Hill Island; Long Island Unit; Thief Neck Island Unit
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting is open with statewide seasons, except it is shotgun-archery only. During the deer season, small game hunting is closed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday on Thief Neck Island.
Archery equipment only for deer except juveniles may use shotguns or muzzleloaders during statewide Young Sportsman hunts. Centerfire rifles prohibited. Quail - Nov. 2–Jan. 15. Same as statewide season, except no trapping during the duck season on the Long Island Unit.Yuchi Refuge
Rhea County • 2,364 Acres
Brian Letner (423) 365-9571 • SG, WF, BG
Nontoxic shot only in Wetland Zone. Wetland Zone closed to all forms of public use, including all forms of trespass, from Nov. 15–the last day of Feb. No boat access. No ATV, ORV, or horseback riding permitted.
During big game quota hunts, one (1) non-hunting juvenile under the age of 16 may accompany an adult hunter (18 years or older) who has a valid WMA quota permit. During deer gun hunts, non-hunting juveniles must also comply with blaze orange regulations specified for legal hunters.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
Closed to quail hunting. Small game seasons closed in Wetland Zone from Nov. 15–last day of Feb. Small game hunting closes at sunset the day before and during scheduled big game hunts.
Wood Duck, Teal - Same as Sept. Wood Duck/Teal season. No duck hunters permitted on the refuge from two (2) hours after shooting hours have ended until 4 a.m. the following day. Walk-in access only. No boat access from the river Dove - Sept. 1 until the end of the first segment. Raccoon, Opossum - Nov. 19 until the last day of Feb. Hunting permitted on Tuesday and Wednesday only, sunset to sunrise. Bag limit on raccoons, one (1) per person per night. No limit on opossums. All dogs must be removed from the area prior to sunrise on Thursday. Rabbit - Nov. 15–last day of February. Bag limit on rabbits is three (3) per day. Deer - Antlered deer must have a minimum of four (4) points on one (1) antler or a 15 inch minimum outside antler spread on all hunts.Deer (Gun - Young Sportsman) - Three (3) hunts: Sept. 28–29, Oct. 5–6, Oct. 19–20. Hunter quota 75 each hunt. Three (3) deer, only one (1) antlered (bonus deer). Antler point restrictions do not apply to these hunts.
Deer (Gun): Two (2) hunts: Oct. 26–27, Nov. 9–10. Hunter quota 75. Three (3) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (Bonus deer). First deer harvested must be antlerless.
Deer (Gun) (Upland Zone) - One (1) hunt: Dec. 14–15. Hunter quota 50. Three (3) deer, no more than one (1) antlered (bonus deer). First deer harvested must be antlerless.
Deer, Turkey (Wheelchair-bound Only) - Three (3) wheelchair-bound hunters allowed per quota deer hunt and two (2) hunters per turkey quota hunt. Hunters must contact Region 3 office to reserve hunt date. Turkey - Four (4) hunts: March 28–30, April 4–6, 11–13, May 18–20. Hunter quota 10. One (1) male turkey. Counts toward statewide bag limit. Hunting ends at noon. Walk-in only.Turkey (Young Sportsman) - One (1) hunt: March 22–23. Hunter quota 15. One (1) male turkey. Counts toward statewide bag limit. Hunting ends at noon. Walk-in only.
Dog training - Nov. 15 to last day of Feb. in upland zone. Closed to dog training in wetland zone. Daylight hours only. No fox or coyote chasing. No dog training one (1) day before and during scheduled big game hunts.Retriever Dog Field Trials - Pre-approved by Area Manager at least 30 days in advance of trial dates.