General Hunting Laws & Regulations
Laws and Regulations
Use of Electronic Devices for Hunting
- A person shall not possess or use any of the following equipment or devices while hunting or taking any game mammal or game bird or while locating game mammals or game birds for the purpose of hunting or taking, including, without limitation:
- Electronic night-vision equipment;
- Electronically enhanced light-gathering devices;
- Thermal imaging devices;
- Infrared night-vision equipment; or
- Any other comparable equipment or device used to enhance night-vision.
- The provisions of subsection 1 do not limit the use of a sight attached to a firearm, bow or crossbow that:
- Is powered by a battery contained within the sight;
- Is illuminated by light gathering fiber optics; or
- Uses a radioactive isotope such as a tritium.
(Refer to R035-20)
Carrying Loaded Rifle or Shotgun in/on Vehicle
- A rifle or shotgun is loaded when there is an unexpended cartridge or shell in the firing chamber.
- A rifle or shotgun cannot be loaded in or on any vehicle (including ATV’s and motorcycles) which is standing on or along, or is being driven on or along any public highway or any other way open to the public.
- Exception: a paraplegic, amputation of leg(s), or paralysis of one or both legs which severely impedes walking may shoot from a stopped motor vehicle that is not on the traveled portion of a public highway. However s/he may not shoot from, over or across a highway or road specified in NRS 503.175.
(Refer to NRS 503.165)
Transportation Permits and Use of Tags as Transportation Permits
A person in legal possession of a game tag may use the tag as a transportation permit once the tag has been validated and attached to the carcass of the harvested animal.
A person may transport the harvested animal or portions of the animal for the legal tag holder if the transportation permit included on the tag is complete with the transporter’s information. (Refer to NAC 502.401)
Transportation permits are required when transporting harvested animals or portions of animals taken by trapping or whenever a person will be transporting more than one legal limit of animals taken by trapping. Permits may be obtained from the Department or Game Wardens free of charge. (Refer to NRS 503.040)
Unlawful to Waste Game
- It is unlawful to cause through carelessness, neglect or otherwise any edible portion of any game bird, game mammal, game fish or game amphibian to go to waste.
(Refer to NRS 503.050, NAC 503.0047)
Reasonable Effort Required to Take Wildlife
Each person who shoots and wounds any wildlife while hunting shall make a reasonable effort to take that wildlife, including, without limitation, pursuing and tracking it. Refer to NAC 503.191 for more information.
Hunting on Posted Lands Without Permission
- It is unlawful for any person to hunt, fish in nonnavigable waters or trap upon private property which is cultivated, or private property where the person has been warned by the owner or occupant of the property not to trespass in the manner prescribed in NRS 207.200, or where signs are displayed forbidding hunting, trapping or fishing without permission obtained from the owner or occupant of the private property.
- Any person using that private property for hunting, fishing or trapping shall comply with the provisions of NRS 207.220.
(Refer to NRS 503.240)
Camping Near Water Hole
It is unlawful for any person to camp within 100 yards of a water hole in such a manner that wildlife or domestic stock will be denied access to such water hole.
(Refer to NRS 503.660).
Sale of Nonedible Parts
The sale of the hide, head, antlers or horns or other nonedible parts of game animals which were legally killed is permitted.
Note: The sale of bear gall bladders is unlawful.
(Refer to NAC 503.174)
Scouting from Aircraft
- A person shall not, for the purpose of hunting or trapping, locate or observe, or assist a person in locating or observing, any big game mammal, game bird or fur-bearing mammal in a management unit described in NAC 504.210 during the period beginning on July 1 and ending on the last day of February of each calendar year with the use of:
- An aircraft, including, without limitation, any device that is used for navigation of, or flight in, the air.
- A hot air balloon or any other device that is lighter than air;
- An unmanned aerial vehicle; or
- A satellite or any other device that orbits the earth and is equipped to produce real-time images.
- Evidence of an act constituting a violation of subsection 1 includes, without limitation:
- Flying slowly at low altitudes;
- Hovering;
- Circling; or
- Repeatedly flying over a forest, marsh, field, woodland or rangeland where a big game mammal, game bird or fur-bearing mammal is likely to be found.
(Refer to NAC 503.148)
Hunting with a Dog
It is unlawful to hunt, chase or pursue:
- Any black bear or mountain lion with a dog except during the open season, in an open management area and under the authority of a hunting license and:
- A black bear tag, if the person is hunting, chasing or pursuing a black bear; or
- A mountain lion tag, if the person is hunting, chasing or pursuing a mountain lion.
- Any fur-bearing mammal with a dog except during the open season and under the authority of a trapping license.
- Any wild turkey with a dog from March 1 - June 30.
(Refer to NAC 503.147)