Department of Wildlife Regional Offices

Western Region Office
1100 Valley Rd.
Reno, NV 89512
(775) 688-1506
Eastern Region Office
60 Youth Center Rd.
Elko, NV 89801
(775) 777-2300
Southern Region Office
3373 Pepper Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89120
(702) 486-5127
Ely Office
1218 N. Alpha St.
Ely, NV 89301
Phone: (775) 289-1655 ext. 21
(Hours subject to change, please call ahead.)
Fallon Office
4082 Reno Highway
Fallon, NV 89406
(775) 423-3171
(Hours subject to change, please call ahead.)
Winnemucca Office
705 E. 4th St., Suite A
Winnemucca, NV 89445
(775) 623-6565
(Hours subject to change, please call ahead.)
State of Nevada
Joe Lombardo, Governor
State Board of Wildlife Commissioners
Tom Caviglia, Chairman
Shane Rogers, Vice Chairman
Tom Barnes, Eddie Booth, Casey Kiel, David McNinch, Mario Walther, and Paul Young.
Nevada Department of Wildlife
Alan Jenne, Director
Shawn Espinosa, Game Division Administrator
Chris Vasey, Conservation Education Division Administrator
Kristy Knight, Chief Game Warden
Swan Questionnaire
Sportsmen who receive a Swan tag MUST submit a harvest return card online. Regardless of harvest.
The Nevada Swan Questionnaire can be found online at This questionnaire must be completed by Feb. 28 of each year. A person who fails to return the questionnaire by this date will be denied all swan tags for one year.
Mandatory Swan Check-In
Successful swan hunters are required to validate their permit pursuant to NAC 502.380, and then present at least the head and neck of their swan to an NDOW agent at selected sites for species verification within three (3) days of harvest.
Mandatory inspection sites and requirements will be provided with the swan hunt permits.
Nontoxic Shot Requirements
- A hunter of ducks, mergansers, geese, swans, coots, gallinules, or snipe shall use nontoxic shot in muzzleloaders or in shells for a shotgun when hunting in this state.
- The possession of shells for a shotgun which contain other than nontoxic shot is prohibited while hunting any birds designated above.
- The possession of shot for a muzzleloading shotgun other than nontoxic shot is prohibited while hunting any birds designated above.
- As used in this section, “nontoxic shot” means any shot which has been approved by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service pursuant to 50 C.F.R. Part 20.134. (see Sec 20.21).
(Refer to NAC 503.183)