Welcome to 2024-25 Nevada Big Game Hunting Regulations & Seasons


If you are reading this, it is likely that you or someone you know has drawn a Nevada big game tag for 2024. Not only have you bucked the odds to draw the tag, but you have been blessed with drawing after two consecutive wet winters, the likes of which Nevada has not seen since 1982 and 1983. These back-to-back wet winters mean Nevada’s scarcest resource, water, is readily available with springs, seeps, streams, lakes, and reservoirs near capacity. Increased precipitation has improved forage and habitat conditions leading to better body condition, over winter survival and annual recruitment. Big game surveys indicate that populations across the state are showing near record recruitment rates and increasing populations across most of our big game species.
Nevada’s first ever antlered moose hunt has been awarded to two lucky recipients who get to pursue this amazing species come September 1st. I had the pleasure to meet one of the tag holders, Luke, an amazing, energetic, twelve-year-old from a local hunting family whose first draw ever was a Nevada moose tag. I cannot wait to hear the stories of his family’s adventure in pursuing our largest big game species that has taken nearly 75 years to become established. I wish both tag holders all the luck and hope their hunt is as memorable for them as it is for Nevada.
Also new this year are the primitive only junior antlered mule deer hunt seasons in eight different hunt units. These hunts were proposed to provide additional opportunity in the primitive weapon seasons to juniors who wish to challenge themselves by restricting their gear to either archery or muzzleloaders. It is our hope that these tags will not only provide additional opportunity but create the motivation for experienced junior hunters to try these other weapon types and maybe even find a lifelong passion.
These back-to-back wet years have brought about abundant vegetative productivity and incredible conditions for wildlife populations, but it also brings elevated wildfire risks. Experience shows that the fuels created from wet years increases the number and size of wildfires in the following years. Since 1986 Nevada has lost or converted over 50 percent of the state’s sagebrush habitat due to wildfire and annual invasive grasses. I ask that you be mindful of the elevated fire risk as you sight in your rifle, travel and camp while scouting and pursuing your big game tag. Please visit the Nevada Fire Info website (https://www.nevadafireinfo.org/restrictions) to understand this season’s fire restrictions, prevention tips, and equipment preparation.
I hope you all, regardless of your big game draw success, take advantage of this year’s productivity and get out in Nevada’s outdoor and create memories. For more information for your fishing and hunting pursuits, please visit ndow.org (https://www.ndow.org/).
Wishing you all the best of luck and best of times.
Alan Jenne
Director, Nevada Department of Wildlife