Unlawful Activities on WMAs
- Man-drives during deer hunts. A man-drive is defined as an organized hunting technique involving three (3) or more hunters using a coordinated effort to drive deer or feral swine from cover to another hunter for the purpose of shooting.
- Placing bait or wildlife food and hunting any game species or feral hog over bait.
- Target practicing, except on an authorized shooting range.
- Driving a vehicle around any gate, sign, earth berm, or similar device intended to prevent vehicular access.
- Hunting within 50 yards of any road opened for vehicular access. See Federal Area Regulations for National Forests.
- Hunting within a posted safety zone or no hunting zone.
- Consuming alcohol except at designated camp sites (this regulation does not apply on National Forest lands).
- Operate any motor vehicle, including off-road vehicles, in a reckless and negligent manner, or in a manner that willfully causes damage to roads, ditches, wildlife habitat, berms, firebreaks, campgrounds or parking areas.
- Using motor vehicles, signage, flagging tape, or any other method(s) to close or restrict access to roads, trails or any other access features.
- Using metal detectors or collecting artifacts.
- Using paintball equipment (this regulation does not apply on National Forest lands).
- Trapping except that special permits may be issued for certain WMAs.
- Possessing alcohol while hunting on National Forest lands.
- Possessing a cocked crossbow in a motor vehicle.
- Possessing a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle during a legal open hunting season for that area unless such person is a lawful weapons carrier as defined in O.C.G.A. Section 16-11-125.1.
- Hunt any big game species, feral hogs, or coyotes with dogs unless otherwise specified.