Unlawful Activities
- Hunting without landowners’ permission, including power line, gas line, railroad and other rights- of-way. Written permission must be obtained if land is so posted.
- Hunting while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Holding, possessing, releasing, or importing wildlife without a permit from the DNR.
- Concealing the taking or possession of wildlife (or parts) which the person in possession reasonably should have known was obtained illegally.
- Killing or crippling game without reasonable efforts to retrieve.
- Hunt, shoot, kill, or wound any farmed deer (e.g. elk, red deer, fallow deer, sika deer, or axis deer) or exotic wild animal (e.g. farmed deer, mouflon sheep, Barbary sheep [aoudad], antelope, etc.) held under a wild animal license for enjoyment, gain, amusement, or sport.
- Hunting or shooting from or across a public road.
- Hunting from a vehicle, plane, or boat under power.
- Selling or purchasing any game species or parts thereof, except antlers, hides, and tails of legally taken deer, tails of legally taken squirrels, hides of legally trapped furbearers, and legally taken alligator products.
- Use of a computer or any other device to remotely discharge a firearm for the purpose of hunting.
- Use of drugs, poisons, chemicals, smoke, gas, explosives, or electronically-amplified sounds to hunt any game species, except that electronic calls may be used to hunt bobcats, crows, and foxes.
- Use of any pitfall, deadfall, snare, catch, net, live decoy, or baited hook to take game species.
- Use of electronic communications equipment to aid in the pursuit of game.
- Disturbing wildlife dens, holes, or homes, or driving wildlife from their dens, holes, or homes.
- Discharging a firearm within 50 yards of a public road.
- Blinding wildlife with lights.