Bear, Turkey, Feral Hog, Alligator & Small Game
Please visit our website, for complete alligator hunting rules and regulations, and zone information.
Check Your Alligator: Harvested alligators must be reported through Georgia Game Check within 24 hours (see Hunting Information).
Season: August 16 (sunset) - October 6 (sunrise)
Quota Process: Alligator harvest is by permit only. To enter the selection process, log into your account at
Application Period: June 1 - July 15
Legal Weapons: Hand-held ropes or snares, snatch hooks, harpoons, gigs, or arrows with restraining line attached. Lawfully restrained alligators may be killed with any caliber handgun or bangstick.
Two bears per season, however, only one bear may be taken from the Central or Southern Zone.
Statewide Restrictions
It is unlawful to kill a female bear with cub(s) or bears under 75 pounds. No hunting bears over bait.
Reporting Harvested Bears
- All bear hunters are required to have a Harvest Record for the current season.
- Harvested bears must be reported through Georgia Game Check within 24 hours (see Hunting Information).
- Additional checking and tagging requirements are listed under each bear zone.
Northern Bear Zone
Carroll, Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Walton, Barrow, Jackson, Madison, Hart and all counties north.
Youth (under 16 years of age) may hunt bear with any legal bear firearm during the Primitive Weapons season.
Restrictions: Hunting bears with dogs is prohibited except as specified for Chattahoochee & Chestatee WMAs (pages 31-32).
Checking & Tagging:
- Bears killed during bonus deer hunts must be reported via Georgia Game Check and taken on the day of kill to the check station for sample collection and tagging.
- Within 3 business days, bears (minimum of hide and skull) must be taken to any Game Management Office (except Fitzgerald) during regular business hours or to a state approved cooperator for biological data collection and tagging.
- List of approved cooperators may be found at Hours may vary; contact cooperators for hours and details.
- Harvested bears may also be checked at any WMA check station in the counties listed above that are open for a bear or bonus deer hunt between 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Central Bear Zone
Bibb, Bleckley, Houston, and Twiggs Counties.
Restrictions: No hunting bears with dogs. No hunting bears on WMAs.
Checking & Tagging:
- Harvested bears must be tagged at the Oaky Woods WMA check station between noon and 9 p.m. on the day of the hunt(s).
Southern Bear Zone
Brantley, Camden, Charlton, Clinch, Echols, Lanier, Lowndes and Ware counties.
Restrictions: Hunting with dogs is allowed, except in Lanier and Lowndes Counties, where only still hunting is allowed.
Checking & Tagging:
Bears (minimum of hide and skull) must be tagged within 24 hours at one of these locations:
- Fargo Georgia Forestry Commission Office – Thursdays and Fridays 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Saturdays noon - 9 p.m., all hunt days
- Folkston Georgia Forestry Commission Office – Thursdays and Fridays 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Saturdays noon - 9 p.m., all hunt days
- Dixon Memorial WMA – Sept. 26-28; 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
- After hours, call 1-800-241-4113, or 912-262-3173 on the following business day to arrange tagging.
Valid falconry permit and hunting license required. For season dates and limits for waterfowl see Public Hunting Opportunities.
- Squirrel (12 per day) Aug. 15 - Mar. 15
- Grouse (3 per day) Oct. 1 - Mar. 15
- Rabbit (12 per day) Oct. 1 - Mar. 15
- Quail (12 per day) Oct. 1 - Mar. 15
Feral Hog
Private Lands
Limit: No limit, no closed season.
Feral hogs may be hunted at night on private land. Hunting over bait is allowed. No hunting from a vehicle under power.
License Requirements:
Residents: All residents 16 years of age or older must possess a hunting license to hunt or trap feral hogs except when hunting on land owned by them or their immediate family (blood or dependent relationship) residing in the same household.
Nonresidents: Must possess a nonresident hunting license.
Exemptions to many of these restrictions for agricultural producers are available by permit. Contact your local Game Management Office for details see Contact Information.
Legal Weapons on Private Land
Any legal weapon. Additional weapon restrictions apply on WMAs and federal lands.
WMAs and National Forest Lands
Limit: No limit.
Hogs may be taken with primitive weapons during primitive weapons deer season, archery equipment during archery deer season, with deer weapons during firearms deer season, with turkey weapons during turkey season and with small game weapons during small game season. No night hunting. No hunting over bait. Hunting license requirements must be met. Hunter orange is required during firearms and primitive weapons deer and bear hunts. See Dog Training for dog training seasons and rules. See Federal Area Regulations for Federal Lands.
Transporting & Release
It is unlawful to transport a live feral hog without a permit from the Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA). Feral hogs captured alive by a person without a valid GDA permit must be killed prior to transport. Release of any live feral hogs into an area that is not fenced in accordance with GDA regulations is prohibited. Any persons convicted of the transport or release of live feral hogs may be subject to losing hunting privileges for up to three years and a fine up to $5,000.00, but not less than $1,500.00. Transport and possession of live feral hogs are regulated by GDA; contact the Livestock & Poultry Program at 404-656-3665 for more information or visit
Any facility that processes hogs for a fee, including deer processors, must obtain a license to operate from the Meat Inspection Section of the Georgia Department of Agriculture. For more information, deer processors may contact the Georgia Meat Inspection office at 404-656-3673. Licensing requirements do not apply to individuals who process feral swine for their own use.
Disease precaution
Feral hogs can carry infectious diseases that are transmissible to people. To avoid possible exposure: wear plastic gloves when field-dressing feral hogs; wash hands with soap and hot water immediately afterwards; avoid direct contact with blood and reproductive organs; cook thoroughly; and properly dispose of all waste.
Small Game
(See Small Game and Trapping Seasons, Dates & Limits for seasons and bag limits)
Bobcat & Fox
Bobcats and foxes may be hunted with small game firearms or centerfire firearms of .17 caliber or larger. Electronic calls may be used. Hunting with dogs allowed. Night hunting allowed.
Complete trapping regulations are available at See Small Game and Trapping Seasons, Dates & Limits & Public Hunting Opportunities for seasons.
Daily: 1 gobbler per hunter
Season: 2 gobblers per hunter
WMAs, VPAs, & National Forest lands: 1 gobbler per area per hunter (see Public Hunting Opportunities)
Check Your Turkey
All turkey hunters are required to have a Harvest Record for the current season. Additionally, harvested turkeys must be reported through Georgia Game Check within 24 hours (see Hunting Information).
Special Opportunity Season
Season is for youth 16 years of age and younger and mobility impaired persons (i.e. confined to wheelchair, hemiplegia, monoplegia, paraplegia, or single-leg amputation above the knee). Such hunters must be accompanied by a licensed adult (18 years or older) who can call but may not take or attempt to take a turkey. This season does not apply to public lands unless otherwise specified.
Turkey Survey
All turkey hunters are encouraged to participate in the Turkey Hunting Population Survey to record turkey observations and hunter success during the spring season. Visit
Banded Turkeys
Hunters harvesting a banded turkey are asked to report their harvest at
Unprotected Species
Coyotes, armadillos, groundhogs, beavers, starlings, pigeons, English sparrows, and nutria are unprotected species. No closed season. No limit. Electronic calls may be used for hunting coyotes.