- General Info
- Licenses, Permits & Fees
Hunting Regulations
- General Hunting Regulations
- Big Game Regulations
- Migratory Game Bird Regulations
- Antlerless Deer Zones
- Turkey Regulations
- Small Game/Hog Regulations
- Elk Zones for Private Lands
- Furbearer Regulations
- Quail Regulations
- Pheasant Regulations
- Ducks, Mergansers & Coots Regulations
- September Teal, Geese & Sandhill Cranes Regulations
- Reptile & Amphibian Regulations
- OLAP Regulations
- Seasons & Limits
- Public Hunting
- PDF Downloads
September Teal, Geese & Sandhill Cranes Regulations
For license requirements, possession limits, public lands, shooting hours, legal means of taking, hunter orange and other migratory bird/waterfowl hunting restrictions see Migratory Game Bird Regulations.
September Teal
Dates & Open Areas:
- Sept. 7-22; statewide.
Daily Limit:
Special Resident Canada Goose
Dates & Open Areas:
- Sept. 7-16; statewide.
Daily Limit:
White-Fronted Geese
Dates & Open Areas:
- Nov. 2-24 & Nov. 30 - Feb. 2; statewide.
Daily Limit:
Sandhill Cranes
Dates & Open Areas:
- Oct. 19 - Jan. 19; west of I-35 only.
Daily Limit:
Sandhill Crane Permit Required. See Special Licenses & Permits for full information on this permit.
Dark Geese (All Geese, Except White-Fronted and Light Geese)
Dates & Open Areas:
- Nov. 2-24 & Nov. 30 - Feb. 9; statewide.
Daily Limit:
Light Geese (Snow, Blue & Ross)
Dates & Open Areas:
- Nov. 2-24 & Nov. 30 - Feb. 9; statewide.
Daily Limit:
Conservation Order Light Goose Season (COLGS)
Dates & Open Areas:
- Feb. 13 - March 30; statewide.
There is no daily or possession limit.
Special Provisions:
Electronic calls allowed; unplugged shotguns allowed; shooting hours extended to one-half hour after sunset; no daily or possession limits.
All other waterfowl regulations apply, including use of federally approved nontoxic shot. All participants are required to have in their possession while hunting all necessary licenses, waterfowl stamps and a Harvest Information Program (HIP) permit.
Federal regulation requires an estimate of the COLGS light goose harvest. To participate in COLGS, hunters must register for a harvest survey online at gooutdoorsoklahoma.com.