For license requirements, possession limits, public lands, shooting hours, legal means of taking and other migratory bird/waterfowl hunting restrictions see Migratory Game Bird Regulations.
Youth, Veteran & Active Military Waterfowl Days: Sept. 28 & Feb. 1.
Zones 1 & 2
Nov. 9-24 & Nov. 30 - Jan. 26.
Youth, Veteran & Active Military Waterfowl Days: Nov. 2 & Feb. 1.
Ducks & Mergansers
Daily Limit:
Six combined of any species of duck. The daily limit may include no more than five mallards (only two may be hens), three wood ducks, two redheads, two canvasbacks, one scaup and one pintail.
Mergansers are included in the duck daily limit.
Daily Limit:
Wetland Development Units
Wetland Development Units (WDUs) are areas specially managed to provide waterfowl hunting and important habitat and refuge resources to waterfowl and other migratory birds.
All shotgun hunting is restricted to federally-approved nontoxic shot and the possession of lead shot is prohibited. In addition, shooting hours for waterfowl close at 1 p.m. daily. Many WDU maps and Waterfowl Reports are available at
- Closed to all air-driven watercraft.
- Hunting on these areas is limited to half-day hunting: one-half hour before official sunrise to 1 p.m. daily. On Wetland Development Units (WDUs), no permanent blinds are permitted. All shotgun hunting on state Wetland Development Units is restricted to federally approved nontoxic shot only and the possession of lead shot is prohibited.
Copan WDU
Hunting Contact - (918) 629-5108
Deep Fork WMA: Swift Bottoms WDU
Hunting Contact - (918) 759-1816
Drummond Flats WMA
Hunting Contact - (580) 541-5319
Eufaula WMA: Deep Fork WDU
Hunting Contact - (918) 617-1113
Fort Cobb WMA: Walnut Slough WDU
Hunting Contact - (580) 595-0347
Grassy Slough WDU
Hunting Contact - (580) 513-5020
Hackberry Flat WMA & WDU:
Hunting Contact - (405) 823-8425
Hugo WMA: Hugo/Kiamichi River & Sawyer WDUs
Hunting Contact - (580) 513-5020
Hulah WMA: Whipporwill WDU
Hunting Contact - (918) 629-5108
Keystone WMA: Boston Pool, Buckeye Creek & Cottonwood Creek WDUs