- General Info
- Licenses, Permits & Fees
Hunting Regulations
- General Hunting Regulations
- Big Game Regulations
- Migratory Game Bird Regulations
- Antlerless Deer Zones
- Turkey Regulations
- Small Game/Hog Regulations
- Elk Zones for Private Lands
- Furbearer Regulations
- Quail Regulations
- Pheasant Regulations
- Ducks, Mergansers & Coots Regulations
- September Teal, Geese & Sandhill Cranes Regulations
- Reptile & Amphibian Regulations
- OLAP Regulations
- Seasons & Limits
- Public Hunting
- PDF Downloads
Elk Zones for Private Lands

- Each elk hunting zone (except the Special Southwest Zone) has a quota that limits the number of elk that may be harvested in that zone.
- Hunters must go online to wildlifedepartment.com before hunting to check the elk quota status for the zone in which they are hunting.
- Successful hunters are required to E-Check their elk harvest within 24 hours of leaving the hunt area at wildlifedepartment.com.
- Once a zone’s quota has been met, elk season is closed in that zone.