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New York



Big Game Season Dates

Future Big Game Season Dates

Northern Zone


(WMUs 5A, 5C, 5F, 5G, 5H, 5J, 6C, 6F, 6H, and 6J)


First Saturday after the second Monday in September through the Sunday immediately following the first Saturday in December.

Western Periphery (WMUs 6A, 6G, 6K, 6N)

Early Bowhunting

First Saturday after the second Monday in September through the Friday immediately preceding the regular season (crossbows can be used during the last 10 days of this season).

Early Muzzleloading

7 consecutive days beginning on the first Saturday after Columbus/ Indigenous Peoples' Day.


Second Saturday after Columbus/ Indigenous Peoples' Day through the Sunday immediately following the first Saturday in December.


Early Bowhunting

Sept. 27 through the Friday immediately preceding the regular season (crossbows can be used during the last 10 days of this season).

Early Muzzleloading

7 consecutive days beginning on the first Saturday after Columbus/ Indigenous Peoples' Day.


44 consecutive days beginning on the second Saturday after Columbus/ Indigenous Peoples' Day.

Late Bow and Muzzleloading (some WMUs)

7 consecutive days immediately following the regular season.

Southern Zone


Early Firearms (some WMUs)

16 consecutive days beginning the first Saturday after Labor Day.

Early Bowhunting

Oct. 1 through the Friday immediately preceding the regular season (crossbows can be used during the last 14 days of this season).


23 consecutive days beginning the third Saturday in November.

Late Bow and Muzzleloading

9 consecutive days immediately following the regular season.


Early Firearms (some WMUs)

9 consecutive days beginning the second Saturday of September.

Early Bowhunting

Oct. 1 through the Friday immediately preceding the regular season (crossbows can be used during the last 14 days of this season).


23 consecutive days beginning the third Saturday in November.

Late Bow and Muzzleloading

9 consecutive days immediately following the regular season and Dec. 26 through Jan. 1.

Northern & Southern Zone

Deer & Bear

Youth (ages 12–15)

3 consecutive days beginning on the Saturday of Columbus/ Indigenous Peoples' Day Weekend.

Westchester County

Deer & Bear

Regular (bowhunting only)

Oct. 1 through Dec. 31.

Suffolk County


Regular (bowhunting only)

Oct. 1 through Dec. 31.

Special Firearms Season

First Sunday in January through Jan 31.