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Non-Lead Ammunition Rebate Program
Feature Non-lead Ammunition Rebate Program—Going Statewide: Hunters For Eagle Conservation in New York
Lead bullets used for hunting often fragment, leaving small particles behind in a gut pile that can sicken or cause death to eagles and other scavengers that feed on them. Last Fall, DEC partnered with the NY Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Cornell, United States Geological Survey, and Conservation Science Global to implement the first year of a multi-year program to determine if we can improve eagle survival by increasing the use of non-lead ammunition. As part of this program, Conservation Science Global provides rebates to hunters to offset the cost of non-lead ammunition. This year, we would like to increase hunter participation to better inform the program’s effect on NYS’s eagle population.
For the upcoming 2024/2025 big game season, DEC is expanding the opportunity to participate in the program. Voluntary participation will not be limited to specific wildlife management units (WMU), instead YOU ARE ELIGIBLE IF YOU INTEND TO GUN HUNT FOR DEER ANYWHERE IN NEW YORK. This year, all gun or muzzleloader deer tag holders are eligible, as well. See below for information on how to participate.
Researchers will offer a rebate of up to $60 for purchase of certified non-lead ammunition and for participation in pre- and post-hunt surveys. Certified non-lead ammunition has less than 1% lead content and a list of manufacturers and resources to help locate non-lead ammunition can be found at https://huntersforeagleconservation.org/new-york/. Rebates will be issued when hunters complete a post hunt survey at the conclusion of their deer season.
To Learn More and Sign Up!
This is a voluntary program for deer hunters throughout NYS. Hunters must participate in pre- and post-hunting season surveys and submit appropriate documentation of purchase of certified non- lead ammunition to qualify. To learn more and sign-up, go to https://huntersforeagleconservation.org/new-york/. For more information on DEC efforts to minimize risks from lead ammunition, please visit dec.ny.gov/things-to-do/hunting/deer-bear/non-lead-ammunition. Questions? [email protected] (subject: non-lead ammo study).