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Eastern Region Regulations

Nevada Eastern Region Map

Note: Changes to regulations are marked in blue.

The Eastern Region includes the four counties of northeastern Nevada: Elko, Eureka, Lander and White Pine. Popular fishing waters include Wildhorse, Wilson, Willow Creek, Jakes Creek, Illipah and South Fork reservoirs, Groves Lake, Bassett Lake, Cave Lake, Ruby Lake, other high mountain lakes and several streams located throughout the area. The Eastern Region NDOW Office is located at 60 Youth Center Road, Elko, NV 89801, (775) 777-2300.

Important Note: Within the Eastern Region the general fishing seasons, hours, limits, and regulations apply to all waters EXCEPT those listed under “Eastern Region Special Regulations”. If the water in which you intend to fish is not listed under the Eastern Region’s Special Regulations, then the General Regulations shall apply.

All game fish must be dead before being transported away from the body of water where caught.

Eastern Region General Regulations

Open year around, any hour of the day or night.

Eastern Region Daily Limits

Except as noted under “Special Regulations,” the daily limits are as follows:

Elko, Eureka, Lander and White Pine Counties: The daily limit is 5 trout, 5 mountain whitefish and 15 warmwater game fish of which not more than 10 may be black bass. No limit on northern pike or yellow perch (unlimited possession). No bull trout are allowed in possession.

Attention Trout Anglers – Identify Your Catch in the Jarbidge

When fishing in the Jarbidge River drainage area it is essential to be able to differentiate between rainbow trout and the threatened bull trout. The most common trout you will find is rainbow trout.

The possession of bull trout is prohibited! All captured bull trout must be immediately released unharmed. Knowing how to identify your catch is important.

Bull trout have light colored spots scattered over a dark (olive-green color) background. The fins have no black spotting. Rainbow trout have a light colored background with a pink to red colored stripe across the side of the body. In addition, there is black spotting over the body, tail fin and dorsal fin.

Bull Trout Identification
Rainbow Trout Identification

Health Advisory

The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health has issued health advisories that recommend limited consumption of fish species due to elevated mercury levels in their flesh.

In the Eastern Region, there is a “no consumption” advisory for largemouth bass and northern pike in Comins Lake. For more information visit

Possession Limits

The possession limit is two times the daily limit for the water in which the fish are caught. Possession limits apply to both general and special regulation waters.

Artificial Lure Waters

See General Statewide Regulations.

Bait Regulations

While fishing in this region, the capture, possession, or use of fish as bait, whether dead or alive or the parts thereof, including commercially prepared and preserved baitfish is prohibited other than preserved salmon eggs. Aquatic bait may be used only in the water from which it is taken. See Fishing with Bait Fish for more regulations on the use of bait fish.

All Regulations are applicable to CR 23-15.

Eastern Region Special Regulations


Season and Hours

Daily Limit

Elko County

Jarbidge River, West Fork and East Fork and its tributary streams

Year round; any hour of the day or night

5 trout and 5 mountain whitefish, except the possession of bull trout is prohibited.

Special Regulations: All captured bull trout must be released immediately. Please report the capture of bull trout to NDOW Eastern Region Office.

Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Year round in all areas except as posted. Refuge is open 1 hour before sunrise to 1 hour after sunset.

From Jan 1 - June 14: limit is 5 trout and 5 black bass*.

From June 15 - Dec 31: limit is 5 trout and 10 black bass*.

*Minimum size for black bass is 10 inches total length.

Special Regulations: The areas of the Collection Ditch that are open to fishing may be fished with artificial lures only. Chumming is prohibited. It is unlawful to clean or fillet fish within the boundaries of the Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge. The possession or use of live or dead bait fish (including crayfish and amphibians) is prohibited anywhere on the refuge. See Boating Regulations for boating regulations and refer to the refuge website. The Gallagher Hatchery rearing, brood and spring ponds, and Cave Creek on the west side of the County Road are closed to fishing.

South Fork Reservoir and the South Fork of the Humboldt River from the Lucky Nugget Subdivision causeway downstream to its confluence with the Humboldt River

Year round; any hour of the day or night. Exception: March 1 - June 30, catch and release fishing only for black bass.

5 trout, 1 black bass, 1 white bass hybrid (wiper) and 5 channel catfish. Minimum size for black bass and white bass hybrids is 15 inches total length.

South Fork of the Humboldt River from the Lucky Nugget Subdivision causeway upstream to Lee

Year round; any hour of the day or night

1 trout

Special Regulations: Only artificial lures with single barbless hooks may be used.

Wildhorse Reservoir and all inlet and outlet streams including Penrod Creek up to the bridge below the Gold Creek Ranger Station

Year round; any hour of the day or night. Exception: March 1 - June 30, catch and release fishing only for black bass.

5 trout, 1 black bass, 1 white bass hybrid (wiper) and 5 channel catfish. Minimum size for black bass and white bass hybrids is 15 inches total length. No limit on yellow perch (unlimited possession).

Eureka County

Tonkin Springs Reservoir

Year round; any hour of the day or night

5 trout

Special Regulations: Artificial lures only. Stream above reservoir is closed to fishing. Only boats without motors or boats with electric motors are permitted.

Lander County

Willow Creek Pond and Reservoir including inlet and outlet streams

Year round; 1 hour before sunrise to 2 hours after sunset.

5 trout and 5 black bass. Minimum size for black bass is 10 inches total length. No limit on yellow perch (unlimited possession).

White Pine County

Cold Creek Reservoir

Year round; any hour of the day or night.

5 trout and 5 black bass; Minimum size for black bass is 10 inches total length.

Comins Lake

Year round; any hour of the day or night.

5 trout and 5 black bass. No limit on northern pike (unlimited possession).

Health Advisory: The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health has issued a health advisory recommending no consumption of largemouth bass or northern pike from Comins Lake due to elevated mercury levels in their flesh. Note: If caught, please release tagged northern pike. Tags are located near the dorsal fin.

Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Elko and White Pine Counties

Year round in all areas except as posted. Refuge is open 1 hour before sunrise to 1 hour after sunset.

From Jan. 1 through June 14: 5 trout and 5 black bass*. From June 15 through Dec. 31: 5 trout and 10 black bass*. *Minimum size for black bass is 10 inches total length.

Special Regulations: Those areas of the Collection Ditch that are open to fishing may be fished with artificial lures only. Chumming is prohibited. It is unlawful to clean or fillet fish within the boundaries of the Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge. The possession or use of live or dead bait fish (including crayfish and amphibians) is prohibited anywhere on the refuge. See Boating Regulations for boating regulations and refer to the refuge website. The Gallagher Hatchery rearing, brood and spring ponds, and Cave Creek on the west side of the County Road are closed to fishing.

Snake Range High Lakes

Year round; any hour of the day or night.

Catch and Release Only

Special Regulations: Only artificial lures with single barbless hooks may be used.