Angling Tag Instructions & Codes
Anglers can now record their catch of salmon, steelhead, sturgeon, and halibut by using the MyODFW Mobile Application or on a valid ODFW paper angling tag. Anglers will choose which method they use at the time of purchase.
Upon taking an adult salmon, steelhead, legal size sturgeon, or Pacific halibut, the angler must immediately enter the codes for the species caught, location code where the fish was taken, and the month and day of catch.
When taking salmon or steelhead anglers are required to also record if a hatchery or wild fish was taken. Jack salmon are not required to be tagged.
When taking a halibut or sturgeon the length of the fish must also be recorded, in inches.
When using the mobile application
- Select species code
- Select hatchery or wild (salmon and steelhead only)
- Enter length (sturgeon and halibut only)
- Select angling zone, use your phone's GPS or maps for guidance
- Chose tag location code
- Press save button in the lower left corner of the app
Tips for e-tagging
Oregon State Police and ODFW want to remind hunters and anglers that it is your responsibility to e-tag your harvest correctly.
- Download the MyODFW app (which lets you tag when out of cell reception).
- Login to the app before fishing or hunting and be sure your licenses and tags are in your portfolio.
- Buy your big game tag or redeem your SportsPac voucher by the deadline.
- If you are in an area with poor cell service, toggle your MyODFW app to Field Mode (under Settings) or put your phone in Airplane mode to make e-tagging easier.
- Immediately tag your fish or animal after harvest and enter required information properly.
- Keep your phone charged—it’s your responsibility to be able to show your license and tag to OSP.
- Using the app’s Field Mode also helps when using GPS or fish finders that use your WiFi connection.
When using a paper angling tag:
- Entries must be recorded in ball point pen! No erasures allowed!
- Enter species code
- Check hatchery or wild
- Enter the location code
- Enter the day and month
- Record harvested fish in consecutive order
- Use only 1 line per fish
- Return expired tags to ODFW, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, OR 97302-1142 or deposit with any ODFW license agent
Fish Species Codes |
Codes |
Species of Fish |
1 |
Chinook (king or blackmouth) — has black lower gum line |
2 |
Coho (silver) — has white lower gum line |
3 |
Other Salmon — Pink (humpy); Chum (dog); or Sockeye |
6 |
Steelhead |
Salmon or Steelhead Species |
Check One |
Location Code |
Month |
Day |
Wild |
Hatchery |
1 |
1 |
✓ |
131 |
4 |
29 |
2 |
6 |
✓ |
87 |
12 |
12 |
Example of how to record an entry:
Species |
Length |
Location Code |
Month |
Day |
Pacific Halibut |
37 |
9 |
5 |
21 |
White Sturgeon |
52 |
211 |
6 |
11 |
Ocean Harvested Fish Only (for Bays and Estuaries use River Systems Codes) |
Code |
Coastal Port of Departure |
1 |
Astoria |
18 |
Gearhart Beach N to Astoria |
19 |
Cannon Beach |
2 |
Nehalem |
3 |
Garibaldi |
4 |
Netarts Bay |
5 |
Cape Kiwanda & Pacific City |
6 |
Salmon River |
7 |
Siletz |
8 |
Depoe Bay |
9 |
Newport |
10 |
Waldport |
11 |
Florence |
12 |
Winchester Bay |
13 |
Charleston |
20 |
Sunset Bay |
14 |
Bandon |
15 |
Port Orford |
16 |
Gold Beach |
17 |
Brookings |
Coastal River Systems |
Code |
Waterbody |
21 |
Alsea R. & Bay |
22 |
North Fk. Alsea R. |
23 |
South Fk. Alsea R. |
24 |
Applegate R. |
25 |
Beaver Cr. (Lincoln Co.) |
26 |
Beaver Cr. (Tillamook Co.) |
27 |
Big Cr. (Lane Co.) |
28 |
Big Elk Cr. (Yaquina R.) |
29 |
Brush Cr. (Curry Co.) |
30 |
Cape Cr. |
248 |
Chetco R. & Bay up to Nook Creek |
249 |
Chetco R. & Bay above Nook Creek |
32 |
Cook Cr. (Nehalem R.) |
33 |
Coos R. & Bay |
34 |
South Fk. Coos R. |
35 |
Coquille R. & Bay |
36 |
North Fk. Coquille R. |
37 |
East Fk. Coquille R. |
38 |
South Fk. Coquille R. |
39 |
Middle Fk. Coquille R. |
52 |
Cow Cr. |
40 |
Cummins Cr. |
42 |
Deadwood Cr. (Siuslaw R.) |
43 |
Drift Cr. (Alsea R.) |
44 |
Drift Cr. (Siletz R.) |
45 |
Eel Cr. & Lake |
46 |
Elk Cr. (Clatsop Co.) |
47 |
Elk R. |
48 |
Euchre Cr. |
49 |
Fall Cr. (Alsea R.) |
50 |
Five R. (Alsea R.) |
51 |
Floras Cr. |
54 |
Hunter Cr. |
55 |
Illinois R. |
240 |
Isthmus Slough |
56 |
Indian Cr. (Siuslaw R.) |
57 |
Kilchis R. |
58 |
Lake Cr. (Siuslaw R.) |
60 |
Miami R. |
61 |
Middle Cr. (Coquille R.) |
62 |
Millicoma R. |
63 |
East Fk. Millicoma R. |
64 |
West Fk. Millicoma R. |
65 |
Necanicum R. |
66 |
Nehalem R. & Bay below Hwy. 26/Elsie |
204 |
Nehalem R. above Hwy 26/Elsie |
67 |
North Fk. Nehalem R. |
224 |
Neskowin Cr. |
69 |
Nestucca R. & Bay |
70 |
Little Nestucca R. |
51 |
New R. |
71 |
Pistol R. |
72 |
Rock Cr. (Lane Co.) |
73 |
Rock Cr. (Nehalem R.) |
74 |
Rock Cr. (Siletz R.) |
225 |
Rogue Bay up to Elephant Rock |
226 |
Rogue R. from Elephant Rock to Grave Cr. |
227 |
Rogue R. from Grave Cr. to Fishers Ferry Boat Ramp |
228 |
Rogue R. above Fishers Ferry Boat Ramp |
77 |
Salmon R. (Coast) |
78 |
Salmonberry R. |
79 |
Sand Lk. |
80 |
Schooner Cr. (Siletz R.) |
81 |
Siletz R. & Bay |
84 |
Siltcoos R. & Lk. |
85 |
Siuslaw R. & Bay |
86 |
North Fk. Siuslaw R. |
87 |
Sixes R. |
89 |
Smith R. |
90 |
North Fk. Smith R. |
75 |
Soapstone Cr. |
92 |
Sweet Cr. (Siuslaw R.) |
93 |
Tahkenitch Cr. & Lake |
94 |
Tenmile Cr. & Lake (Coos Co.) |
95 |
Tenmile Cr. (Lane Co.) |
96 |
Three Rivers |
97 |
Tillamook Bay |
98 |
Tillamook R. |
194 |
Tioga Cr. |
99 |
Trask R. |
100 |
North Fk. Trask R. |
101 |
South Fk. Trask R. |
102 |
Umpqua R. & Bay |
103 |
North Umpqua R. below Winchester Dam |
201 |
North Umpqua R. from Winchester Dam to Rock Cr. |
219 |
North Umpqua R. from Rock Cr. to Soda Springs (Fly Area) |
104 |
South Fk. Umpqua R. |
105 |
Wilson R. |
106 |
South Fk. Wilson R. |
107 |
Little North Fk. (Wilson R.) |
108 |
Winchuck R. |
110 |
Yachats R. |
111 |
Yaquina R. & Bay |
Columbia River Mainstem |
Code |
Waterbody |
211 |
Buoy 10 to Tongue Pt. |
212 |
Tongue Pt. to Longview Bridge |
213 |
Longview Bridge to I-5 Bridge |
214 |
I-5 Bridge to Bonneville Dam |
215 |
Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam |
216 |
The Dalles Dam to John Day Dam |
217 |
John Day Dam to McNary Dam |
218 |
McNary Dam to Stateline |
Columbia River Tributaries |
Code |
Waterbody |
187 |
Alton Baker Canoe Canal (Willamette R.) |
114 |
Bear Cr. (Clatsop Co.) |
115 |
Beaver Cr. (Columbia Co.) |
116 |
Big Cr. (Clatsop Co.) |
149 |
Big Sheep Cr. from mouth to Little Sheep Cr. |
223 |
Blue R. (McKenzie R.) |
117 |
Bull Run R. |
120 |
Catherine Cr. |
122 |
Clackamas R. below Carver Bridge |
245 |
Clackamas R. from Carver Bridge to Bakers Ferry Rd. |
246 |
Clackamas R. from Bakers Ferry Rd. to River Mill Dam |
247 |
Clackamas R. from River Mill Dam to Cazadero Dam |
123 |
Clatskanie R. |
131 |
Deschutes R. below Sherars Falls |
203 |
Deschutes R. above Sherars Falls |
132 |
Eagle Cr. (Clackamas. R.) |
133 |
Eagle Cr. (Columbia R.) |
134 |
Fall Cr. (Willamette R.) |
209 |
Little Fall Cr. (Willamette R.) |
135 |
Fifteenmile Cr. |
137 |
Gales Cr. (Tualatin R.) |
138 |
Gnat Cr. |
231 |
Grande Ronde R. from Stateline to Wildcat Bridge |
232 |
Grande Ronde R. from Wildcat Bridge to Island City Bridge |
233 |
Grande Ronde R. above Island City Bridge |
140 |
Herman Cr. (Columbia R.) |
229 |
Hood R. |
144 |
Imnaha R. |
208 |
John Day Arm |
250 |
John Day R. (Clatsop Co.) |
238 |
John Day R. below Cottonwood Bridge |
239 |
John Day R. above Cottonwood Bridge |
146 |
Middle Fk. John Day R. |
147 |
North Fk. John Day R. |
148 |
Johnson Cr. (Willamette R.) |
151 |
Klaskanine R. |
152 |
North Fk. Klaskanine R. |
153 |
South Fk. Klaskanine R. |
150 |
Knappa / Blind sloughs |
154 |
Lewis & Clark R. |
220 |
Long Tom R. |
141 |
Lost Cr. (Will. R. Middle Fk.) |
156 |
Luckiamute R. |
156 |
Little Luckiamute R. |
241 |
Lookingglass Cr. |
157 |
Marys R. |
155 |
McKenzie R. below Leaburg Dam |
158 |
McKenzie R. above Leaburg Dam |
164 |
Molalla R. |
139 |
Mosby Cr. (Will. R. Coast Fk.) |
196 |
Plympton Cr. |
242 |
Powder R. |
165 |
Rickreall Cr. |
221 |
Row R. |
167 |
Salmon R. (Sandy R.) |
168 |
Sandy R. from mouth to Revenue Bridge |
205 |
Sandy R. from Revenue Bridge to Salmon R. |
244 |
Sandy R. above Salmon R. |
169 |
Santiam R. |
170 |
North Fk. Santiam R. |
171 |
Little North Fk. Santiam R. |
172 |
South Fk. Santiam R. |
197 |
Skipanon R. above Harbor St. Bridge |
176 |
Snake R. |
183 |
Springfield Mill Race |
178 |
Tanner Cr. |
180 |
Tualatin R. |
236 |
Umatilla R. below Three-Mile Dam |
243 |
Umatilla R. Three-Mile Dam to Nolin |
237 |
Umatilla R. above Nolin |
182 |
Walla Walla R. |
234 |
Wallowa R. mouth to Minam State Park |
235 |
Wallowa R. above Minam State Park |
184 |
Wenaha R. |
203 |
White R. |
185 |
Willamette R. & Slough below Oregon City Falls |
186 |
Willamette R. above Oregon City Falls |
188 |
Middle Fk. Willamette R. |
210 |
Coast Fk. Willamette R. |
190 |
Yamhill R. |
191 |
North Fk. Yamhill R. |
192 |
South Fk. Yamhill R. |
193 |
Youngs R. & Bay |