Northeast Zone
The Northeast Zone is all waters draining into the Columbia River east of the Deschutes River and all waters draining into the Snake River system up to Hells Canyon Dam. This zone does not include any portion of the mainstem Columbia and Snake rivers. Regulations for the Columbia River can be found in the Columbia River Zone, and regulations for the Snake River can be found in the Snake River Zone.
Northeast Zone Regulations
A valid Columbia River Basin Endorsement must be in possession when fishing for salmon, steelhead, or sturgeon in the Northeast Zone.
Northeast Zone Regulations |
Species |
Bag Limit |
Size Limit and Other Specifications |
Season |
Trout |
Lakes: 5 per day, 3 daily limits in possession. Streams: 2 per day, 3 daily limits in possession. |
Lakes: Open all year. Streams: Open May 22 - Oct 31, unless noted under Exceptions. |
Salmon |
Closed in all waters unless noted by species under Exceptions. |
Steelhead |
3 per day. |
Sturgeon |
Catch-and-release only. |
Lakes: Open all year. Streams: Open during trout, salmon or steelhead seasons only, except portions of Columbia River tributaries flooded by John Day and McNary dams are open all year. |
Bass |
Lakes: 5 per day, 3 daily limits in possession unless noted under Exceptions. Streams: No limit. |
Bluegill, Catfish, Crappie, Other Sunfish, Walleye,Yellow Perch, Sucker, Carp, Chub, Northern Pikeminnow, Sculpin, Whitefish, Shad, and other Nongame Fish |
No limit. |
Exceptions to Northeast Zone Regulations
Aldrich Ponds
- 2 trout per day, 8 inch minimum length.
Big Sheep Creek
Mouth to Little Sheep Cr
- Open all year for trout.
- 5 hatchery rainbow trout per day.
- Wild rainbow trout must be released.
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31.
- Use of bait allowed.
Butter Creek and Tributaries
- Open all year.
- Use of bait allowed.
Catherine Creek
Mouth to Hwy 203 bridge above Catherine Cr State Park
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31.
- Use of bait allowed.
Deer Creek (Wallowa Co.)
Mouth up to marker approx. 0.2 Mi
- Closed.
Grande Ronde River
State Line to Clark Creek Rd. (Elgin)
- Open all year for trout.
- 5 hatchery rainbow trout per day.
- Wild rainbow trout must be released.
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31.
- Open for coho salmon Sep 1 - Nov 30, 2 adult coho salmon and 5 jack coho salmon per day.
- Use of bait allowed.
Clark Creek Rd. to Hilgard State Park
- Open all year for trout.
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31.
Granite Creek and Tributaries
- Closed
Imnaha River
The following apply to open sections below: *
- Open all year for trout.
- 5 hatchery rainbow trout per day.
- Wild rainbow trout must be released.
- Hook-gap size may not exceed 3/8 inch May 1 - Aug 31.
* Mouth to Big Sheep Cr
- Catch-and-release for bull trout.
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31.
- Use of bait allowed.
* Above Big Sheep Cr. to Confluence of North and South Forks
- Catch-and-release for bull trout.
John Day River
Mainline railroad bridge to North Fork
- Open all year for hatchery steelhead.
- Open all year for bass, catfish, and other warmwater fish.
- Use of bait allowed.
- Closed from ODFW marker ¼ Mi below Tumwater Falls to 200 ft above the falls near the head of John Day Arm, except for warmwater fish.
North Fork to Indian Cr
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31.
- Use of bait allowed.
Above Indian Cr
- Use of bait allowed.
John Day River, Middle Fork
Mouth to Hwy 395 bridge
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31.
- Use of bait allowed.
Above Hwy 395 bridge
- Use of bait allowed.
- Hook-gap size may not exceed 3/8 inch.
- Closed from Hwy 7 to Summit Cr.
John Day River, North Fork
Mouth to Hwy 395 bridge
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31.
- Use of bait allowed.
Hwy 395 bridge to USFS North Fork Campground
- Use of bait allowed.
- Hook-gap size may not exceed 3/8 inch.
Above North Fork Campground
- Use of bait allowed.
La Grande Reservoir and Upstream Tributaries
- Open May 22 - Oct 31.
- 2 rainbow trout per day, 8 inch minimum length.
- Artificial flies and lures only.
Little Sheep Creek
Within the fenced boundary of the hatchery facility
- Closed.
Lookingglass Creek and Tributaries
- Hook-gap size may not exceed 3/8 inch.
- Closed between 300 ft below Jarboe Cr and 200 ft above the hatchery water intake (0.4 Mi).
Lostine River
Mouth to confluence of the East and West Forks
- Hook-gap size may not exceed 3/8-inch.
McKay Creek
- Open all year for trout.
McKay Reservoir
- 5 bass per day, only 1 bass over 15 inches may be harvested.
Meadow Creek
Forest boundary to Smith Cr Rd crossing
- Closed.
Morgan Lake
- Open Apr 22 - Oct 31.
Prairie Creek (Wallowa Co.)
- Use of bait allowed.
Spring Creek and Pond (Wallowa Hatchery)
Between Fish Hatchery Rd crossings
- Closed.
Umatilla River
The following apply to open sections below: *
- 2 trout per day, 8 inch minimum length.
- 2 adult and 5 jack hatchery spring Chinook salmon per day.
- 3 adult fall Chinook salmon, coho salmon, or hatchery steelhead in aggregate per day and 5 jack salmon.
- Open all year for warmwater fish.
* Hwy 730 bridge to Threemile Dam
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31.
- Open for hatchery spring Chinook salmon Apr 16 - Jun 10.
- Open for coho and fall Chinook salmon Sep 1 - Nov 30.
- Use of bait allowed.
* Threemile Dam to CTUIR reservation boundary (approx. 0.7 mi above Hwy 11 bridge)
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31.
- Open for hatchery spring Chinook salmon Apr 16 - Jun 30.
- Open for coho and fall Chinook salmon Sep 1 - Nov 30.
- Use of bait allowed.
Umatilla Indian Reservation
- Tribal angling permits required on the Umatilla Indian Reservation (541) 276-3165.
* Above CTUIR reservation
- Use of bait allowed up to Ryan Cr (approx. 550 ft), artificial flies and lures only above Ryan Cr.
- Hook-gap size may not exceed 3/8 inch.
Walla Walla River and Tributaries
- Hook-gap size may not exceed 3/8 inch.
Wallowa Lake
- 25 kokanee per day in addition to other trout catch limits. No size limits.
Wallowa River
- Open all year for trout.
- 5 hatchery rainbow trout per day.
- Wild rainbow trout must be released.
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31, from mouth to Trout Cr.
- Use of bait allowed.
Wenaha River
Mouth to Crooked Cr
- Catch-and-release for bull trout.
- Open for hatchery steelhead Jan 1 - Apr 30 and Sep 1 - Dec 31.
Crooked Cr to confluence of the North and South forks
- Catch-and-release for bull trout.
Willow Creek Reservoir
- 5 bass per day, only 1 bass over 15 inches may be harvested.
- 25 crappie per day.
Willow Creek and Tributaries
- Open all year.
- Use of bait allowed.