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New Jersey

Freshwater Fishing

Freshwater Fishing

Licenses, Permits & Fees

Licenses and fishing-related permits are valid from date of purchase to Dec. 31 of each year.


Resident Fishing

Ages 16–64 yrs. - $22.50

(Buddy License* $11.75)

Senior Resident Fishing

Ages 65–69 yrs. - $12.50

70 & over - Free

Resident Trout Stamp

Ages 16–69 yrs. - $10.50

Non-resident Fishing

Age 16 yrs. and older - $34

(Buddy License* $17.50)

Non-resident Trout Stamp - $20

Non-resident 2-Day Vacation Fishing - $9

Non-resident 7-Day Vacation Fishing - $19.50

All-Around Sportsman

(includes resident fishing, firearm hunting and bow/arrow hunting licenses) - $72.25

(Buddy License* $62.50)

* See License Information for more information on the Buddy License.


WMA Boat Ramp Permit - $15 (Available online or through license agents)

Water Lowering, Fish Stocking, Baitfish Collecting, Fish Tagging Permits - $2 (Available through the Bureau of Freshwater Fisheries - 908-236-2118)

Scientific Collecting Permits - $22 (Available through the Bureau of Freshwater Fisheries - 908-236-2118)

Commercial Snapping Turtles and Frog Permits (Applications available on NJDEP Fish & Wildlife's website. Questions pertaining to these two permits can be answered at (856) 629-4950.)