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Saltwater Fishing

Saltwater Fishing

Seafood Dealers & Processors

Seafood Dealers and Processors

A company seeking authorization to engage in any of the following activities must undergo a thorough on-site sanitation inspection conducted by a Seafood Compliance Inspector with the Seafood Technology Bureau, and successfully meet all requirements.

  • Crabs: picking and/or removing the back of crabs
  • Shrimp: peeling shrimp
  • Oysters: shucking, packing, repacking, shipping, receiving, depurating and wet storage of shellstock and/or shellfish. Additionally, if shellstock or shellfish are purchased for resale to other dealers, wholesalers, or retailers.

Upon completion of a preoperational sanitation inspection, the company will be issued a certification number and will undergo periodic inspections throughout the year to maintain its certification. All seafood dealers and processors are required to complete the appropriate MDMR trip tickets.