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Saltwater Fishing

Saltwater Fishing

Commercial Fishing Limits

Commercial Fishing Limits

Bag/Possession are per person unless stated otherwise.

Minimum Length in Inches

Number of Fish






No Limit

No Limit


12 TL


Red Drum••

18 TL to 30 TL1


Spotted Seatrout

14 TL


King Mackerel

24 FL

3,000 lbs

Spanish Mackerel

12 FL

No Limit

Reef fish2

Bigeye Tuna

27 CFL

No Limit

Bluefin Tuna



Yellowfin Tuna

27 CFL


Blue Marlin



White Marlin






Longbill Spearfish



Crabs - Hard Shells


No Limit

Crabs - Soft Shell

No Limit

No Limit

Size and possession limits are subject to change. Visit for the most current limits.

It is illegal to sell Cobia caught in Mississippi territorial waters or Cobia landed in Mississippi.

•• Commercial fishermen may retain only one Red Drum over 30 inches.

1 - Range represents minimum and maximum lengths.

2 - It is illegal to sell, barter or trade any species of reef fish without possessing the proper federal permits and/or licenses required by the NOAA Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Fishery Management Plan and complying with any other conditions set forth by federal or state regulations for the management of the identified reef fish.

3 - The season for Flounder and Red Drum will run from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31 each year. The season for Spotted Seatrout will run from Feb. 1 through Oct. 31 each year. Total allowable catch (TAC) limits are 74,000 pounds for Flounder, 60,000 pounds for Red Drum and 50,000 pounds for Spotted Seatrout. The commercial TAC for Spotted Seatrout is 50,000 pounds, which is divided into two fishing periods. For more information on the commercial Spotted Seatrout season, see Catch Restrictions. When landing reports, as required by law, show the TAC has been reached for a given species, MDMR will, with adequate notice, issue a news release and public notice closing state waters to commercial fishing for that species for the remainder of that fishing year.

Federal regulations may differ from state regulations. For federal regulations, contact the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council at 888-833-1844, or download the free mobile app Fish Rules.

4 - As measured from tip of one lateral spine across the back of the shell to tip of opposite lateral spine.

Catch & Release

Why Release Fish?

  1. A fish is too valuable a resource to be caught only once.
  2. A personal commitment to conservation adds fun to fishing.
  3. Size, season and bag regulations make release of some fish mandatory.

How to Begin

  1. Use barbless or circle hooks that are made from metals that rust quickly.
  2. Set your hook immediately. Try to prevent a fish from swallowing the bait.
  3. Work a fish out of deep water slowly, so it can adjust to the pressure change.
  4. Otherwise, land your quarry quickly; don’t play it to exhaustion.

Handling Your Catch

  1. Leave the fish in the water (if possible) and don’t handle it.
  2. Net your catch only if you cannot control it any other way.
  3. When you must handle a fish: Use a wet glove or rag to hold it; turn a fish on its back or cover its eyes with a wet towel to calm it; don’t put your fingers in the eyes or gills of your catch. Larger fish may be kept in the water by holding the leader with a glove or by slipping a release gaff through the lower jaw. Avoid removing mucus or scales.

Removing The Hook

  1. If possible, back the hook out the opposite way it went in.
  2. Cut the leader close to the mouth if a fish has been hooked deeply or if the hook can’t be removed quickly.
  3. Use needle-nose pliers, a hemostat or a hookout to remove the hook and protect your hands.
  4. For a larger fish in the water, slip a gaff around the leader and slide it down to the hook. Lift the gaff upward while pulling downward on the leader.
  5. Do not jerk or pop a leader to break it. This could kill the fish.

The Release

  1. Gently place the fish in the water, supporting its midsection and tail.
  2. Resuscitate an exhausted fish by moving it back and forth or tow it alongside the boat to force water through its gills.
  3. For fish pulled up from deep water, air bladder deflation is achieved by inserting an approved venting tool through the side of the fish immediately behind the upper part of the pectoral fin base. The deflation position varies among species. However, penetration at a point below the fourth or fifth dorsal fin spine is generally appropriate.
  4. Watch the fish to make sure it swims away.
  5. If it doesn’t, recover the fish and try again.
  6. Venting of fish species is not mandatory.