Mississippi › Fishing › Saltwater Fishing › Catch Restrictions
Catch Restrictions
The commercial season will run from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 each year. Total allowable catch limits are 74,000 pounds for Flounder, 60,000 pounds for Red Drum and 50,000 pounds for Spotted Seatrout. When landing reports, as required by law, show the TAC has been reached for a given species, MDMR will, with adequate notice, issue a news release and public notice closing state waters to commercial fishing for that species for the remainder of that fishing year.
Individuals commercially harvesting Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) must possess a Spotted Seatrout endorsement ($10.00), in addition to a current applicable harvester’s license. To qualify for this endorsement, an application must be completed. The endorsement will be valid from Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 each year.
If the first half of the commercial TAC for Spotted Seatrout is not met in the first time period (Jan. 1 - May 31) the extra poundage shall be added to the second time period (June 1 - Dec. 31). However, if the 25,000-pound TAC is exceeded, the overage shall be subtracted from the second time period (June 1 - Dec. 31).
Commercial fishermen may retain two Cobia per person for personal consumption.
It is illegal to sell Cobia caught in Mississippi territorial waters or landed in Mississippi.