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Saltwater Fish Availability Calendar

Snagging, snatching of anadromous fish: including shad, smelt, white perch, striped bass, trout, and salmon, but excluding alewives or blueback herring.
The taking of striped bass by any means other than hook-and-line.
To “high-grade” striped bass, i.e. the discard of dead, legal size striped bass.
To retain live striped bass in the water by attaching to a stringer or placing in a live well or holding car.
The taking of billfish using gear other than a rod and reel.
The taking of Atlantic salmon, sturgeon, all marine mammals, all sea turtles, and the diamond back terrapin from Massachusetts waters.
For anyone, except the owner, to handle, destroy, or molest any lobster or crab pot or other fishing gear, including any gear swept up on the shore, beaches or flats whether public or private, or to take fish there from.
To sell, barter, or exchange fish or shellfish without a commercial permit.
For any recreational fisherman to use any type of hook other than a circle hook when fishing for striped bass with bait: any marine or aquatic organism, live or dead, whole or parts thereof. This shall not apply to any artificial lure.