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Saltwater Fishing

Saltwater Fishing

Recreational Saltwater Fishing Regulations

Regulations listed below are subject to change during the 2024 season. Check our website for current regulations at


Size Limit


Possession Limit

American eel (1)

Min: 9"

Year Round

25 fish

American Shad

(Merrimack and Connecticut Rivers)

No Limit

Year Round

3 fish

American Shad

(Other Waters)

No Limit

Year Round


Catch and release only.

Black Sea Bass (2,6)

Min: 16.5" May 18 - Sep 3M 4 fish


No Limit

Year Round

3 fish (shore & private)

5 fish (for-hire)

Cod* (3,4)

(Gulf of Maine)


Cod* (3,4)

(Southern New England)


Dab (plaice) (3,4)

Min: 14"

Year Round

No Limit

Grey Sole (3,4)

Min: 14"

Year Round

No Limit

Haddock* (3,4)

(Gulf of Maine)


Haddock (3)

(Southern New England)

Min: 18"

Year Round

No Limit

Halibut (3,4)

Min: 41"

Year Round

1 fish

Mackerel (5)

No Limit

Year Round

20 fish

Monkfish (3,4)

No Limit

Year Round

No Limit

Ocean Pout (3,4)

No Limit



Pollock (3,4)

No Limit

Year Round

No Limit

Redfish (3,4)

No Limit

Year Round

No Limit

River Herring

No Limit



Scup (Private Vessel)

Min: 11" May 1 - Dec 31 30 fish (150 fish/vessel maximum)

Scup (Shore Based)

Min: 9.5" May 1 - Dec 31 30 fish

Scup (For Hire)

Min: 11" May 1 - Jun 30 40 fish
Min: 11" Jul 1 - Dec 31 30 fish


No Limit

Jan 1 - Mar 14

50 fish

Jun 16 - Dec 31

50 fish

Summer Flounder (Fluke) (Shore)

Min: 16.5" May 24 - Sep 23 5 fish

Summer Flounder (Fluke) (Private and For-hire Vessel)

Min: 17.5" May 24 - Sep 23 5 fish

Spiny Dogfish

No Limit

Year Round

No Limit

Striped Bass (7)

28" to less than 31" Year Round 1 fish

Tautog (8)

Min: 16"

Only one fish may exceed 21"

Apr 1 - May 31

3 fish

Jun 1 - Jul 31

1 fish

Aug 1 - Oct 14

3 fish

Oct 15 - Dec 31

5 fish


Min: 16"

Year Round

1 fish

White Perch

Min: 8"

Year Round

25 fish

Windowpane Flounder

No Limit



Winter Flounder

(Gulf of Maine)

Min: 12"

Year Round

8 fish

Winter Flounder

(Southern New England)

Min: 12"

Mar 1 - Dec 31

2 fish


No Limit



Yellowtail Flounder

Min: 13"

Year Round

No Limit

Possession prohibited outside of date ranges listed above.


* Regulatory limits may be subject to change for May 1, 2024

Gulf of Maine refers to all waters north of Cape Cod, including Cape Cod Bay, and those waters east of Cape Cod that are north of 42°00'N latitude.

Southern New England refers to all waters south and west of Cape Cod, including Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Sound, Buzzards Bay and Mount Hope Bay, and all waters east of Cape Cod that are south of 42°00'N latitude including Nauset Harbor and Pleasant Bay.

Tunas, billfish, and swordfish are managed by NOAA's Highly Migratory Species Office. Please consult NOAA Fisheries for permitting requirements and regulations.

1) Subject to regulation by the Division and the municipality. Please consult municipal regulations.

2) Black sea bass are measured from the tip of the snout or jaw (mouth closed) to the farthest extremity of the tail, not including the tail filament.

3) Federal rules apply beyond state waters. Consult NOAA Fisheries for regulations.

4) It is unlawful to fish with hook and line gear in the Winter Cod Conservation Closure from November 15 through January 31. It is unlawful to take cod from the Spring Cod Conservation Closure from April 16 through July 21. See maps in 322 CMR 8.07 for more details.

5) The mackerel limit applies as a daily per angler harvest limit and a per angler possession limit while fishing. It does not apply to holding mackerel in a freezer, fish car, holding car, or shore-based bait well.

6) Black sea bass and scup may be filleted but not skinned while at-sea. No more than two fillets per allowed fish may be possessed.

7) Striped bass are measured from the tip of the snout or jaw (mouth closed) to the farthest extremity of the tail. The discard of dead legal sized striped bass is unlawful. The practice of high-grading, whereby legal sized striped bass are released in favor of larger fish caught subsequently is unlawful. Accordingly, it is also unlawful to keep a striped bass alive in water by attaching a line or chain to the fish (stringer), or placing it in a live well or holding car. Striped bass must be kept whole, meaning the head, tail, and body remain intact. Only evisceration is allowed. Permitted for-hire vessels may fillet striped bass for their customers. All recreational anglers are required to use inline circle hooks when fishing for striped bass with whole or cut natural baits, except when fishing with a natural bait attached to an artificial lure (e.g., tube and worm). The use of non-lethal devices to remove striped bass from the water is required; gaffing striped bass is prohibited.

8) When the tautog fishery is open, private anglers are subject to 10-fish maximum tautog limit for the vessel. The most restrictive limit of the per angler bag limit or per vessel maximum limit applies. During any open season an angler may retain, possess, and land one trophy fish exceeding the 21" maximum size per calendar day.