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Freshwater Creel & Size Limits

MLL - Minimum Length Limit
SL - Slot Limit

Possession Limit is TWICE the daily creel limit unless otherwise stated.4

Freshwater Game Fish

Largemouth Bass and Spotted Bass

Black Bass (Largemouth & Spotted)1


Size Limit

Daily Creel Limit

All state waters EXCEPT as follows:


10 daily

Eagle Lake

16” MLL

10 daily

Poverty Point Reservoir

15-19” protected SL2

8 daily

No more than one over 19” total length

False River (Pointe Coupee Parish)

14” MLL

5 daily

John K. Kelly-Grand Bayou Reservoir (Red River Parish)

14-17” protected SL2

8 daily

No more than four over 17” total length

Caddo Lake

14-18” protected SL2 for Largemouth Bass

No length restriction for Spotted Bass

8 daily

No more than four Largemouth Bass over 18” total length

Toledo Bend Reservoir and the Sabine River3 above Toledo Bend

14” MLL for Largemouth Bass

No MLL for Spotted Bass

8 daily in combination or aggregate

Sabine River from Toledo Bend dam to I-10

12” MLL for Largemouth Bass

No MLL for Spotted Bass

8 daily in combination or aggregate

Sabine River south of I-10 (Louisiana waters only)

Statewide regulations apply

10 daily

Bussey Brake

16” maximum total length limit, EXCEPT one fish over 16 inches may be kept

5 daily, in the aggregate

5 fish while on water and 10 fish while off water possession limit, in the aggregate

1 NOTE: For enforcement purposes, a spotted bass is defined as a black bass with a tooth patch on the tongue.

2 Fish falling within a protected slot limit must be immediately released.

3 Sabine River upstream from Toledo Bend Reservoir to the point at which the entire river enters TX (state line is marked with a sign).

4 Anglers may have up to three times the daily bag limit of black bass (Micropterus spp.) below U.S. Highway 90 in coastal Louisiana providing the fish are kept whole or whole gutted in separate bags for each daily take limit. The bags must be marked with the date fish were taken, the species and number of fish contained in the bag, and the name and recreational fishing license number of the person taking the fish.

Freshwater Game Fish


Size Limit

Daily Creel Limit

Striped or Hybrid Striped Bass (or any combination thereof)

Striped Bass

All state waters


5 daily

No more than two over 30” total length

White Bass

White Bass

All state waters EXCEPT as follows:


50 daily

Caddo Lake, Sabine River and Toledo Bend Reservoir


25 daily


Black CrappieWhite Crappie

All state waters EXCEPT as follows:


50 daily; 100 fish possession limit

Poverty Point, Caddo Lake and Sabine River


25 daily; 50 fish possession limit

Toledo Bend Reservoir


25 daily; 100 fish possession limit

Eagle Lake (Madison Parish)

11” MLL

30 daily; 30 fish possession limit

Bussey Brake

10” MLL

25 daily, in the aggregate

25 fish while on water and 50 fish while off water possession limit, in the aggregate

D’Arbonne Lake

50 daily, in the aggregate, of which no more than 7 may exceed 12” in length;

50 fish while on water and 100 fish while off water possession limit, in the aggregate

Sunfish (Bream)

BluegillRedear Sunfish

All state waters EXCEPT as follows:



Bussey Brake


50 daily, in the aggregate

50 fish while on the water and 100 fish while off the water possession limit, in the aggregate

Yellow Bass

Yellow Bass

All state waters EXCEPT as follows:


50 daily

Caddo Lake, Sabine River and Toledo Bend Reservoir


No limit

Freshwater Nongame Fish


Size Limit

Daily Creel Limit

Bowfin (Choupique)


All state waters

16” MLL

No limit

Buffalo Fish (or their hybrids)

Bigmouth Buffalo and Smallmouth Buffalo

All state waters

16” MLL

25 daily


Flathead Catfish, Blue Catfish and Channel Catfish

All state waters EXCEPT as follows:

Blue Catfish: 12” MLL

100 daily in the aggregate. An angler may possess up to 25 undersized catfish of the three species combined.

Channel Catfish: 11” MLL

Flathead Catfish: 14” MLL

Caddo Lake, Sabine River and Toledo Bend Reservoir

Blue & Channel Catfish: None

50 daily in the aggregate No more than five over 30” total length

Flathead Catfish: 18” MLL

10 daily

Freshwater Drum (Gaspergou)

Freshwater Drum

All state waters

12” MLL

25 daily




30” max lower jaw fork length

2 daily (fish cannot be retained alive & cannot be harvested by snagging methods)

Boundary waters with Texas and below the saltwater line

no legal harvest or possession


Gizzard Shad

All state waters


50 pounds daily



All state waters


No legal harvest or possession

Other Freshwater Fish


Size Limit

Daily Creel Limit

All state waters


No limit

Yellow Bullhead and Spotted Gar


All state waters


150 pounds daily

Yellow Bass: Iowa Department of Natural Resources; Gizzard Shad: NOAA; All other images by Duane Raver