Important Hunting Information
Access on Lands Enrolled in the Department’s Access Yes Walk-In Areas or Hunter Management Areas.
Access to private lands enrolled in the Access Yes Walk-In or Hunter Management Program is granted only for the take of wildlife species and for the time periods specified in Department publications. Travel by motorized vehicle is prohibited, except as otherwise stated. Hunters wishing to use enrolled private lands for any other wildlife species, activity or time period must obtain permission from the landowner or person in charge of the property. Department publications or signs shall serve as official regulations of the Commission and may advise of addi-tional restrictions. The landowner or person in charge of the property may grant permission for motorized vehicle travel contrary to that specified by Department signs or publications.
Access Yes Program
The Access Yes Program was es-tablished to help address the difficulties of finding places to hunt and fish. Sportspersons can voluntarily donate any whole dollar amount to Access Yes when they purchase or apply for a license. Contributions are used to secure addi-tional public hunting and fishing access on private lands and inaccessible public lands. Donating helps support the program, but does not provide or imply access to all private or inaccessible public lands in Wyoming.
Age Restrictions; Big or Trophy Game
The minimum age to take any big or trophy game animal is eleven (11) years old, if that person will be twelve (12) years old by the end of that calendar year. Youths under fourteen (14) years of age shall at all times be accompanied by an adult who possesses and can exhibit a hunter safety certificate, or who has been issued a Wyoming big game hunting license within the last five (5) years. If the accompanying adult is not the youth’s parent or guardian, the youth shall have in their possession a permission slip signed by their parent or guardian allowing them to hunt under supervision. Each accompanying adult shall supervise not more than one (1) hunter under fourteen (14) years of age.
Archery Equipment
Archery equipment is legal to take game animals. When hunting antelope, bighorn sheep, black bear, deer, mountain goat, mountain lion, or gray wolf where designated as a trophy game animal, an archery hunter shall use a longbow, recurve bow or com-pound bow of not less than forty (40) pounds draw weight. When hunting elk or moose, an archery hunter shall use a longbow, recurve bow or compound bow of not less than fifty (50) pounds draw weight. A crossbow hunter shall use a crossbow having a peak draw weight of at least ninety
(90) pounds and a bolt of at least sixteen (16) inches in length. The broadhead used on arrows or bolts shall not pass through a seven-eighths (7/8) inch solid ring when fully expanded.
Archery Licenses and Special Archery Seasons.
No person shall hunt big game or trophy game animals with archery equipment during a special archery hunting season without first obtaining an archery license and the appropriate hunting license. No person holding an archery license shall take big game or trophy game animals during a special archery hunting season or limited quota archery season by the use of any type of firearm. Upon request by a game warden or other Wyoming law enforcement offi-cer, a person who has taken a big or trophy game animal during a special archery hunting season or limited quota archery only hunting season shall allow testing of the an-imal’s tissue for confirmation of compliance with this sec-tion.
Artificial Light for Hunting Prohibited; Exception.
No person shall take any wildlife with the aid of or by using any artificial light or lighting device except that predators may be taken with the aid of an artificial light or lighting device by:
- A public officer authorized to and conducting predator control;
- A landowner, resident manager or person with the landowner’s or a resident manager’s written permission to take predators, on land under the landowner’s con-trol for the protection of their property.
It is prima facie evidence of a violation if a person uses an artificial light in an area that may be inhabited by wildlife while having in their possession and control any device for taking wildlife. This shall not prohibit the hunting on foot of raccoon with the aid of a handlight, pro-vided the hunter is accompanied by a raccoon hunting dog and, if hunting on private land(s), has the written permis-sion of the landowner or their agent.
Automatic Weapon and Suppressors. No person shall take any wildlife with any fully automatic weapon. Firearm suppressors may be used during the legal taking of any game animal.
Bag Limits and Number of Licenses. No person shall apply for or receive more than one (1) license valid for each big or trophy game species during any one (1) calendar year, except as otherwise allowed by Commission regulations. The maximum bag limit is one (1) big or trophy game animal per each valid license held, and in accordance with age, sex, spe-cies and antler or horn development limitations as specified by Commission regulation.
Baiting of Big Game Animals Prohibited; Exception for Qualified Disabled Persons. No person shall take any big game animal over, or by the use of bait, except as follows: any legally blind person, person confined to a wheel-chair, person hunting with a permit issued pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 23-3-304 (d) (iv) or any person hunting with a license issued pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 23-1-705 (j) may place a bait for big game or take a big game animal by the use of bait.
Bear Pepper Spray Required When Hunting in Grand Teton National Park (Elk Hunt Areas 75 and 79). All persons hunting elk in Grand Teton National Park shall carry and have readily accessible bear pepper spray.
Carcass Coupons; Dating and Display. When any big game animal, trophy game animal or wild turkey is killed under a license, or sandhill crane is killed under a limited quota sandhill crane permit, the licensee shall detach, sign and date the proper carcass coupon and attach the coupon to the carcass in a readily visible manner before leaving the site of the kill. When dating a carcass coupon, the entire day and month of the kill shall be completely cut out and removed.
The carcass coupon shall remain on the game animal, wild turkey or sandhill crane carcass at all times until the meat undergoes processing, or on the trophy game animal hide until it reaches the hunter’s home or a taxidermist, except that during transportation of the carcass or hide, the validated carcass coupon may be removed to prevent its loss. If the carcass coupon is removed for transportation
of the carcass or hide, it must be completely filled out and in the possession of the person accompanying the carcass or hide at all times. While quarters or pieces of an animal are being packed from the field, the carcass coupon shall remain with the person transporting the animal.
Check Stations. Every hunter, angler or trapper entering or leaving areas for which check stations have been established shall stop and report at the check station if the check station is on the hunter’s, angler’s or trapper’s route to and from the hunting or fishing area. This requirement applies even if the person does not have wildlife in possession. Game and fish licensees shall produce their licenses, permits or stamps as required by regulation for any game animals, game birds, fish or furbearing animals in their possession for inspection upon request by any authorized department representative.
Closed Areas. All areas within the state of Wyoming not opened by specific order of the Commission shall be closed to the taking of game animals, furbearing animals and game birds.
Clothing Requirements. Hunters Required to Wear Fluorescent Orange or Fluorescent Pink Clothing.
All persons hunting big or trophy game during an open regular season, shall wear in a visible manner one (1) or more exterior garments of a fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink color that shall include at least one of the following: a hat, shirt, jacket, coat, vest or sweater. Fluorescent orange camouflage or fluorescent pink camouflage are legal. Hunters participating in limited quota muzzle-loading seasons are also required to meet the fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink requirements. Archers and crossbow hunters hunting during a special archery sea-son or limited quota archery only Type 9 season are exempt from this requirement.
Conservation Stamp Required; Exemptions.
Con-servation stamps are only available electronically through the Department’s Electronic Licensing Service (ELS), and may be purchased from the Cheyenne Headquarters, De-partment Regional Offices, license selling agents through-out the state and the Department website.
Persons holding the following licenses are exempt from the requirement to purchase a conservation stamp while exercising privileges under THESE licenses:
- Daily hunting or fishing license;
- Nonresident five (5) consecutive day fishing license;
- Special limited fishing permit holders;
- Wyoming fifty (50%) percent disabled veteran fishing license; or,
- Resident permanently and totally disabled lifetime fishing license.
Persons holding the following licenses are exempt from the requirement to purchase a conservation stamp while exercising hunting or fishing privileges under ANY Wyoming license. The person shall, at all times, be in possession of the license allowing the conservation stamp exemption while in the field:
- Any Wyoming pioneer hunting or fishing license;
- Honorably discharged Wyoming resident veteran who is one hundred percent (100%) disabled game bird, small game and fishing license;
- Military combat general elk or general deer license;
- Military combat game bird or small game license;
- Licenses reissued to a veteran with disabilities or a per-son with a permanent disability who uses a wheelchair; or,
- Resident United States Military Purple Heart Medal recip-ients.
A lifetime conservation stamp may be purchased by apply-ing to the Cheyenne Headquarters or through any Depart-ment Regional Office.
Credit Card Fee.
The Department shall charge a two point five percent (2.5%) credit card processing fee of the cost of any license, permit, stamp, tag, preference point or competitive raffle chance applied for or purchased by the use of a credit card.
Department Website.
Disabled Hunter Information.
Contact the Cheyenne Headquarters or any Department Regional Office for specific information.
Duplicate and Replacement License Issued Upon Loss or Destruction of Original; Purchase and Fees.
When any license issued has been lost or destroyed, the licensee may secure a duplicate of the original license from the Cheyenne Headquarters, any Department Region-al Office or designated license selling agents. A duplicate license shall be issued if the original license contained a carcass coupon. A replacement license shall be issued if the original license did not contain a carcass coupon. The licensee may secure a replacement license at the Cheyenne Headquarters, Department Regional Offices or from ELS agents. The Department shall charge a fee of seven dollars ($7) for each duplicate or replacement license.
Emergency Closures.
The Commission may institute an emergency closure by regulation to shorten the season in any area at any time if a harvest quota is reached or if an emergency arises warranting the closure. Should a closure become necessary after the season opens, no refunds will be given for unused licenses.
Firearm Calibers for Hunting Big Game, Black Bear, Mountain Lion or Gray Wolf.
When hunting big-horn sheep, elk, moose, mountain goat or black bear by the use of a firearm, a hunter shall use any center-fire firearm of at least .24 caliber and firing a cartridge of at least two (2) inches in overall length and using an expanding point bullet. When hunting antelope, deer, mountain lion, or gray wolf where designated as a trophy game animal, a hunter shall use any center-fire firearm of at least .22 cali-ber (excluding .22 Hornet) and having a bullet weight of at least sixty (60) grains and firing a cartridge of at least two (2) inches in overall length and using an expanding point bullet.
Big or trophy game animals may be taken with any other cartridge of at least .35 caliber and at least one and one-half (1.5) inches in overall length and using an expanding point bullet, or any shotgun firing “00” or larger buckshot, or a slug. Any muzzle-loading rifle or muzzle-loading handgun of at least .40 caliber and firing an expanding point bullet or lead ball and using a charge of at least fifty (50) grains of black powder or its equivalent may also be used to hunt big or trophy game animals.
Wyoming has no restrictive laws concerning firearms that may be legally possessed under the law of one’s home state. Safety dictates that all firearms in a vehicle should be unloaded with the action open.
Guides Required; Exceptions. Issuance of Resi-dent Guide License.
No nonresident shall hunt big or trophy game animals on any designated wilderness area, as defined by federal or state law in Wyoming unless accom-panied by a licensed professional guide or a resident guide. There shall be at least one (1) licensed professional guide or resident guide accompanying each two (2) nonresident hunters. A resident guide shall not guide more than two (2) hunters in any calendar year on any wilderness area.
Any resident possessing a valid big or trophy game animal license shall apply for and receive a free resident guide license prior to guiding any nonresident in designated wil-derness areas. A resident guide license may be obtained at no charge from the Cheyenne Headquarters, Department Regional Offices and game wardens.
Harvest Survey.
Each year a request to participate in the harvest survey is sent to a sample of hunters. Since a person can hunt multiple species in Wyoming, some hunters may be asked to complete more than one harvest survey ques-tionnaire. Your reply provides critical data the Department uses to evaluate the past hunting season and set future hunting seasons. Even if you did not hunt, we need to hear from you to accurately track hunter effort. We ask that you reply online, if possible, as soon as you are done hunting each species for the year. Your time and assistance are much appreciated.
Hunter Safety/Mentor Program; Exemption.
Except as otherwise provided, no person born on or after January 1, 1966, may take wildlife by the use of firearms on land other than that of their own family, unless that person can demonstrate they have obtained a certificate of competency and safety in the use and handling of firearms. Attendance and successful completion of a hunter safety course offered by an association or governmental agency approved by the Commission satisfies the requirements of this section.
- A person who has not received a certificate of competency and safety in the use and handling of firearms may apply to the Department for a special authorization to take wildlife with the use of a firearm while being accompanied by a per-son acting as a mentor. A special authorization shall be valid for one (1) year from the date of issue and shall be in the possession of the recipient at all times while in the field. The application process may be completed on the Department website. Any person acting as a mentor shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age, shall possess a valid hunting license and shall demonstrate they have successfully com-pleted a hunter safety course. A mentor shall not provide su-pervision for more than one (1) person at a time in the field, other than immediate family members, and shall accompany the mentee at all times to provide constant supervision.
- A person under fourteen (14) years of age who has not yet received a hunter safety certificate may take small game and game birds while being accompanied by a mentor who possesses a valid Wyoming small game or game bird license and conservation stamp.
- Any active member, honorably discharged past member or veteran of the armed forces of the United States and any active or retired Wyoming peace officer qualified pursuant to Wyoming Statutes § 9-1-701 through § 9-1-707 may obtain an exemption from the hunter safety requirement. Hunter safety exemption applications are available at the Cheyenne Headquarters and Department Regional Offices. This hunt- er safety exemption is not valid for hunting elk within Grand Teton National Park (Hunt Areas 75 and 79), or for persons acting as mentors in the Hunter Mentor Program.
Issuance of Deer and Antelope Limited Quota Li-censes, Reduced Price Doe/Fawn Licenses, Elk Limited Quota Licenses and Reduced Price Cow/ Calf Licenses.
(a) For deer, no person shall apply for and receive more than one (1) full price deer license (General, Type 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 9) through the initial drawing. After the initial drawing is com-pleted, any person may apply for and receive up to two (2) full priced deer licenses provided that at least one (1) license is a Limited Quota Type 3 any white-tailed deer license. However, no person shall apply for and receive more than a total of two (2) deer licenses valid for the taking of antlered or any deer, of which not more than one (1) shall be valid for antlered or any mule deer.
(b) For doe/fawn deer, any person may apply for and re-ceive a maximum of two (2) limited quota reduced price doe/ fawn deer licenses (Type 6, 7 or 8) through the initial drawing. After the initial drawing is completed, any person may apply for and receive up to four (4) limited quota reduced price doe/ fawn deer licenses. However, no person shall apply for and receive more than a total of four (4) limited quota reduced price doe/fawn deer licenses. In Hunt Areas 24 and 65 after the leftover drawing is completed, any person may purchase an unlimited number of limited quota reduced price doe/fawn deer licenses.
(c) For antelope, no person shall apply for and receive more than one (1) full price antelope license (Type 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 9) through the initial drawing. After the initial drawing is com-pleted, any person may apply for and receive up to two (2) full price antelope licenses. However, no person shall apply for and receive more than a total of two (2) full price antelope licenses.
(d) For doe/fawn antelope, any person may apply for and receive a maximum of two (2) limited quota reduced price doe/fawn antelope licenses (Type 6, 7 or 8) through the initial drawing. After the initial drawing is completed, any person may apply for and receive up to four (4) limited quota reduced price doe/fawn antelope licenses. However, no person shall apply for and receive more than a total of four (4) limited quo-ta reduced price doe/fawn antelope licenses.
(e) For elk, no person shall apply for and receive more than one (1) full price license (General, Type 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 9) and one (1) reduced price cow/calf license (Type 6, 7 or 8) through the initial drawing. After the initial drawing, a person may apply for and receive up to a total of three (3) elk licenses, of which no more than one (1) shall be a General, Type 0, 1, 2, 3 or 9 license. However, no person shall apply for and receive more than a total of three (3) elk licenses which shall include not more than one (1) General, Type 0, 1, 2, 3 or 9 license in a single hunting season, except as authorized in Commission regulations.
(g) It is a violation to apply for and receive more than the spec-ified number of licenses allowed by Commission regulations.
Landowner Coupons: Antelope, Deer and Elk.
Antelope, deer and elk licenses shall have two (2) coupons attached: one (1) designated “antelope, deer or elk carcass coupon” and one (1) designated “landowner coupon”. When an antelope, deer or elk is harvested on a landowner’s private land, the landowner coupon shall be promptly detached, dated, signed and delivered to the landowner. Landowner coupons are not transferable.
License Fraud Prohibited; Invalidation by Improp-er Fees.
Department licenses, permits, stamps, tags or coupons shall not be altered by anyone other than authorized Department personnel. No license, permit, stamp, tag or coupon shall be transferred or used for the purpose of taking wildlife except by the individual to whom it was issued and therein named and while in that individual’s possession. No individual shall take or attempt to take any wildlife using an-other individual’s license, permit, stamp, tag or coupon. Any license, permit, stamp, or tag shall not be valid unless the
proper fees have been received by the Department. Any Wyoming Game and Fish law enforcement officer may seize as evidence any license, permit, stamp or tag that was obtained in violation of Commission regulations or Wyoming statutes.
Open Hours for Taking Big Game and Trophy Game Animals.
Big game and trophy game animals may only be taken from one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise to one-half (1/2) hour after sunset.
Outfitter Information.
Hunter responsibility when booking a big or trophy game outfitter or professional guide. No person shall directly or indirectly compensate a person holding themselves out as engaging in the business of, or acting in the capacity of, an outfitter or a professional guide unless that person provides proof that they are a licensed outfitter or professional guide as required by statute. Before hiring an outfitter, the Department advises hunters to consult the Wyoming State Board of Outfitters and Professional Guides to verify the outfitter is licensed by the state of Wyoming. Landowners who outfit on their own deeded land, or deeded lands leased to them, are not required to be licensed as outfitters or guides. Contact: Wyoming State Board of Outfitters at 1950 Bluegrass Circle Suite 280, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82002 or call toll free 1-800-264-0981. Any license holder utilizing the services of an outfitter shall legibly print the name of the outfitter, the outfitter’s license number and the type of outfitter license on the back of licensee’s big or trophy game license.
Permission to Hunt, Fish, Trap or Collect Antlers or Horns.
No person shall enter upon the private property of any person to hunt, fish, trap or collect antlers or horns with-out the permission of the landowner or person in charge of the property. The license must bear the signature of the land-owner, lessee or agent of the landowner on whose private property the person is accessing or other legitimate proof as evidence that permission to hunt has been granted.
Precautions When Hunting in Areas Occupied by Grizzly Bears.
Hunters and anglers are reminded grizzly bears occupy many areas in and around the Bridger-Teton, Shoshone and Caribou-Targhee National Forests in northwest Wyoming. The Department strongly recommends individuals working and recreating in these areas take precautions, including carrying bear pepper spray, to avoid conflicts with grizzly bears. Information about human safety and proper storage of food and other attractants in occupied grizzly habitat is available from the Cheyenne Headquarters, Department Regional Offices, U.S. Forest Service Offices and the Department website. Regulations concerning food/carcass storage in occupied grizzly habitat can be obtained from the U.S. Forest Service. Report all conflicts with grizzly bears to the nearest Department Regional Office.
For information about staying safe in bear country, visit the Department bear wise page: Print.
Prohibited Acts.
It is Illegal to:
- Shoot or attempt to kill any wildlife from any public road or highway. No person shall fire any firearm from, upon, along or across any public road or highway. No person shall knowingly fire any rifle from the enclosed lands of one person onto or across the enclosed lands of another without the permission of both persons.
- Use any dog to hunt, run or harass any big or trophy game animal, protected animal or furbearing animal except as otherwise provided by statute. The Commission shall regulate the use of dogs to take mountain lions and bobcats during hunting or trapping seasons.
- Use any aircraft with the intent to spot, locate and aid in the taking of any game animal from August 1 through January 31 of the following calendar year. Additionally, no person shall use any aircraft to spot, locate and aid in the taking of any trophy game animal during any open season. This shall not apply to the operation of an aircraft in a usual manner where there is no attempt or intent to locate any game animal, such as aircraft used for the sole purpose of passenger transport.
- Take and leave, abandon or allow the edible portion of any game bird, game fish or game animal (except trophy game animal) to intentionally or needlessly go to waste.
- Transport illegally taken wildlife across state lines; such transportation is a violation of the Federal Lacey Act.
- Place any bait for the purpose of taking a big game animal or knowingly take a big game animal by the use of bait, except as authorized by Commission regulation or state statute.
- Allow the edible portions of a big game animal to spoil. Failure to properly dress and care for any big game animal you have killed, and, if the carcass is reasonably accessible, within forty-eight (48) hours to take or transport the carcass to your camp, and there properly care for the carcass is prima facie evidence of a violation.
- Abandon meat from a big game animal or game bird at a meat processing plant. Unless there is an express agreement between the processing plant and the person providing otherwise, any meat from a big game animal or game bird left at a meat processing plant for more than forty-five (45) days is prima facie evidence of a violation if written notice of the expiration of time has been attempted by the processing plant
- in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission.
- Carry a firearm with a cartridge therein, or take any wild-life, while intoxicated or under the influence of any controlled substance.
- Harass, pursue, hunt, shoot or kill any Wyoming wildlife except predatory animals with, from or by use of any flying machine, automotive vehicle, trailer, motor-propelled wheeled vehicle or vehicle designed for travel over snow. The Commission may exempt handicapped hunters from any of these provisions. It is also illegal to shoot waterfowl from a boat under power or sail.
Edible portions of big game
“Edible portion of big game animal” means the meat from the front quarters as far down as the knees, meat from the hindquarters as far down as the hocks, and the meat along the backbone between the neck and hindquarters including the loins and tenderloins, excluding meat on the ribs and neck.
- Front quarter - meat from the front quarters as far down as the knees
- Hind quarter – meat from the hindquarters as far down as the hocks
- Backstrap - meat along the backbone between the neck and hindquarters
- Tenderloins - tenderloins are located inside body cavity
Retention of Evidence to Identify Sex, Species and Horn or Antler Development of Big Game Animal Harvested.
Any person who takes any big game animal in a hunt area where the taking of either sex, species, or antler or horn development is controlled or prohibited by regulation shall comply with this section while said animal is in transportation from the site of the kill to the residence of the person taking the animal, or delivered to a processor for processing.
(a) In hunt areas where the taking of any big game ani-mal is restricted to antler point or horn size by regulation, the antlers or horns shall accompany the carcass, or edible portions thereof.
(b) In hunt areas where the taking of any big game animal is restricted to a specific sex of animal by regulation, either the visible external sex organs, head or antlers shall accompany the carcass, or edible portions thereof.
(c) In hunt areas where the taking of a species of deer is controlled or prohibited by regulation, either the head or the tail of the deer shall accompany the carcass or edible portion thereof as evidence of the species taken.
Retrieval of Game Animals from the Field.
(a) The Department may require substantive proof from any person who fails to retrieve from the site of kill all edible por-tions of a big game animal as to why the edible portions were not removed from the field.
(b) Wounding and Retrieving. No person shall wound or kill any game animal without making a reasonable effort to re-trieve it and reduce it to possession. For the purpose of this subsection, making a reasonable effort shall include a person physically going to the nearest location where the game ani-mal was when a person attempted to take the game animal, in order to search for any sign the game animal was wounded or killed, and take the game animal into possession.
Shipping Game Animals and Game Birds out of State.
Except as otherwise exempt by state statute, no game animal or game bird, or any part thereof, shall be shipped or transported from the state except by the person who harvest-ed the animal, and in possession of the proper license, stamp and carcass coupon as required, or unless the amount does not exceed twenty five (25) pounds and is properly tagged with a Wyoming interstate game tag. Not more than twenty five (25) pounds from any one (1) big or trophy game animal may be exported from the state unless the part to be exported from the state is of a nonedible trophy or hidelike nature and properly tagged with a Wyoming interstate game tag or the big or trophy game animal was legally harvested by a non-resident and is tagged with a Wyoming interstate game tag.
Shipping Game Animals and Game Birds within Wyoming.
Except as otherwise exempt by state statute, no person shall ship, transport or receive for shipment or trans-portation within Wyoming any game animal, game bird, or any part thereof, unless tagged with a Wyoming interstate game tag, or unless the transportation of a big or trophy game animal is by a person in possession of a proper carcass coupon signed and dated by the person who harvested the animal, or the transportation of game birds or small game is by a properly licensed hunter in possession of not more than the daily bag or possession limit.
Taking Predatory Animals and Predacious Birds.
Predatory animals and predacious birds may be taken with-out a license.
Use of Leashed Dogs for Tracking.
A person may use one (1) leashed blood-trailing dog to track a wounded or killed big game animal within seventy-two (72) hours of shooting the animal. A person using a dog in this manner:
- Shall maintain physical control of the dog at all times by means of a maximum fifty (50) foot leash attached to the collar or harness of the dog;
- Shall wear fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink consis-tent with Wyoming Statute § 23-3-113(a);
- May kill the wounded animal using any weapon authorized under the hunting license; and,
Shall, in accordance with Wyoming Statute § 23-3-104, at-tach the proper coupon to the carcass of any animal killed under the hunting license.
A person acting solely as a dog handler accompanying the licensed hunter that wounded the game animal is exempt from the licensing requirement of this act. Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow a dog handler to hunt without a license.
Use of Specialized Hunting Technologies and Equipment.
(a) No person shall use any device attached to a legal firearm, muzzleloader or archery equipment, capable of producing a thermal or infrared image, or other imaging outside the nor-mal visible light spectrum, with the intent to spot, locate and aid in the taking of any big game animal, trophy game animal or wild bison.
(b) No person shall use any real-time video photography equipment, thermal or infrared imaging device, or other imaging device outside the normal visible light spectrum, with the intent to spot, locate and aid in the taking of any big game animal, trophy game animal or wild bison.
(c) A trail camera, or similar device, that can only store an image, picture or video inside the device, and which does not have the capability to utilize cellular or WiFi technol-ogy to transmit images or video for remote viewing is permissible for use in the taking of any big game animal, trophy game animal or wild bison.
(d) No person shall sell or barter any geographic location in-formation for any big game animal, trophy game animal or wild bison to aid in the taking of any big game animal, trophy game animal or wild bison.
Vehicle Restrictions on Federal Land.
Sportspersons are advised that many areas of National Forest and Bureau of Land Management lands are subject to travel and vehicle use limitations to protect resources. Maps and additional information regarding these limitations are available at U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and other agen-cy offices near these public lands.
Wilderness Areas.
Nonresident big game and trophy game hunters must be accompanied by a professional or resident guide when hunting in designated wilderness areas.
Wildlife Violator Compact.
Wyoming is a member of the Wildlife Violator Compact. The Compact enables a vi-olator from any member state to accept a wildlife citation and proceed on their way without being required to post an appearance bond unless the violation requires MUST APPEAR and NO BOND ACCEPTED. The Compact provides for the suspension of wildlife license privileges in the home state of any person whose license privileges have been suspended by a participating state. If you have had your privileges suspended in any of the participating states, you may lose your privileges in Wyoming, in addition to all the participating Compact states. Additional information about the Compact can be obtained by contacting the Wildlife Law Enforcement Coordinator at (307) 233-6413.
Wind River Reservation.
Only non-Indian owned, fee title lands are open to the taking of wildlife with a State of Wyoming license. Land status is complicated and lawful access must be investigated thoroughly. Sportspersons are advised it is their responsibility to determine land status prior to entering these areas.
Wyoming State Parks.
Wyoming State Parks allow limited hunting opportunities at specific locations and may have additional restrictions and regulations for access and hunting. Sportspersons are encouraged to contact Wyoming State Parks at or contact the individual State Park Office for additional information prior to hunting.