Public Hunting Lands
a public archery range
v provisions to hunt from a vehicle, call each area for other conditions that may apply
i provisions for hunters with mobility impairments, call each area for site conditions
f free permit required
s public shooting range
d daily sign-in required
t trapping allowed by permit
S limited Sunday hunting allowed
r reservation required
Public Hunting Lands
Public hunting lands consist of Cooperative Wildlife Management Areas, Fishery Management Areas, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission managed lands, State Forests including Chesapeake Forest Lands, State Parks (which include Natural Environment Areas and Natural Resources Management Areas), Wildlife Management Areas and other county, federal, municipal and state properties that allow hunting. The following bullets and list contain information about those public hunting lands managed by the Department of Natural Resources.
- Hunting and trapping is permitted in accordance with state and federal laws and the restrictions for each area.
- Only temporary stands and blinds may be used and must be removed at the end of each day.
- Target shooting is permitted only at designated shooting ranges.
- The use of hunting dogs is permitted.
- Possession or use of hunting devices is prohibited in state forests and state parks outside of regular open hunting seasons.
- On Chesapeake Forest Lands an individual may not hunt within 150 yards of an occupied building or camp and within 150 feet of any exterior Chesapeake Forest Lands boundary. See for maps, conditions, regulations and information on CFLs.
- Maps of public hunting lands are available on the Department of Natural Resources website ( A consolidated listing of areas for hunters with mobility impairments can also be found on this website at
- Hunters should contact the appropriate managing authority for information on public hunting opportunities not listed here, such as National Wildlife Refuges, military installations, or other government-owned properties.
- CFL- Chesapeake Forest Land
- CWMA- Cooperative Wildlife Management Area
- FMA- Fishery Management Area
- MNCPPC- Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
- NEA- Natural Environment Area
- NRMA- Natural Resources Management Area
- WMA- Wildlife Management Area
Billmeyer-Belle Grove WMA - vtiS
1,114 acres. Free permit required for trapping, call 301-334-4255. 301-478-2525.
Dan’s Mountain WMA - vtS
10,328 acres. Free permit required for trapping, call 301-334-4255. 301-478-2525.
Green Ridge State Forest - svtS
49,000 acres. Free permit required for trapping, call 301-478-3124.
McCoole FMA - S
16 acres. Includes boat ramp to North Branch Potomac River 301-334-8218.
Rocky Gap State Park - v
1,451 acres (general hunting), 300 acres (archery only). Special provisions to assist mobility-impaired hunters during the deer Firearms Season. Hunting permitted Monday-Saturday. 301-722-1480.
Warrior Mountain WMA - tiS
5,204 acres. Free permit required for trapping, call 301-334-4255. 301-478-2525.
Anne Arundel
Sandy Point State Park - fr
258 acres. Deer archery hunting, reservation required. Waterfowl hunting at designated offshore sites during the third split of the waterfowl season only. Reservations required. Boat access only. For deer and waterfowl reservations contact: 301-743-5161.
Crownsville CWMA - fr
550 acres. Deer hunting only. Opens the Monday after Thanksgiving. 301-743-5161.
Patapsco Valley State Park
See Baltimore County.
Severn Run NEA - fr
490 acres. Deer archery hunting. 301-743-5161.
Gunpowder Falls State Park - a
3,000 acres.
- Hammerman, Hart-Miller Island, Days Cove and North Point Areas: Waterfowl blinds by lottery and/or by daily reservation. 410-356-9272 fr
- Hereford Area: Deer archery hunting only. 410-356-9272; df
Gwynnbrook WMA - fr
35 acres. Archery hunting only. 410-356-9272.
Liberty Reservoir - f
9,200 acres. Archery hunting only for all game species. No waterfowl hunting. Archery hunting permit available on page 63 or online at 410-356-9272.
Loch Raven Reservoir - vf
1,600 acres. Deer archery hunting only. Archery hunting permit available on page 63 or online at 410-356-9272.
North Point State Park - fr
300 acres. Deer archery hunting only. 410-356-9272.
Patapsco Valley State Park - fvd
(For the Norbeck Area formerly known as the Mercer property, see Carroll County)
4,219 acres. Deer archery hunting only. 410-356-9272 Park information: 410-461-5005.
Prettyboy Reservoir - f
7,380 acres. Archery hunting only for all game species. No waterfowl hunting. Archery hunting permit available on page 63 or online at 410-356-9272.
Soldiers Delight NEA - fr
1,425 acres. Deer hunting by permit only. 410-356-9272.
Biscoe Gray Heritage Farm CWMA - fr
175 acres. Deer and turkey hunting only. No Sat. hunting until Dec. 1. 301-743-5161.
Calvert Cliffs State Park - fd
600 acres. Free permit required for waterfowl hunting zone. 301-743-5161.
Flag Ponds Park CWMA - fr
100 acres. Deer archery hunting only. Opens to hunting the Monday before the late Muzzleloader Season split. 301-743-5161.
Hall Creek NRMA - fdrt
275 acres. Reservation required for waterfowl blind. 301-743-5161.
Huntingtown Area of King’s Landing NRMA - fvidrt
960 acres. Hunting within King’s Landing NRMA is allowed only in the Huntingtown Area which is north of Cocktown Creek. Hunting is not permitted in the Calvert County managed King’s Landing Park. Reservation required for waterfowl blinds. 301-743-5161.
Parkers Creek WMA -
1,810 acres. Deer hunting only. 301-743-5161.
Ayton Tree Nursery -
5 acres. Dove hunting by lottery only. Limited to youth age 15 and under with unarmed licensed adult. Limited to 4 junior hunters per day. Application (see page 47) due by 2 p.m. August 16, 2024.
Drawing August 16, 2024. 410-673-2467,
Bridgetown Ponds - d
100 acres. Deer archery hunting only. Restricted Season: Nov 23, 2024–Feb 3, 2025. Daily sign-in required at Tuckahoe State Park. 410-820-1668.
Idylwild WMA - vt
3,600 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. 410-376-3236.
Merrikan Gordy Complex CFL - t
417 acres. 410-632-3732.
Messenger Branch Complex CFL - t
372 acres. 410-632-3732.
Seipp Complex CFL - t
30 acres. 410-632-3732.
Tuckahoe State Park - avd
1,000 acres. General Hunting. Migratory goose hunting by lottery. Applications available online at: 410-820-1668.
Avondale WMA - ftr
180 acres. 410-356-9272.
Farver CWMA - fr
45 acres. Deer archery hunting only. 410-356-9272.
Hahn CWMA - fr
25 acres. Deer archery hunting only. 410-356-9272.
Hanover Watershed CWMA - fr
337 acres. 410-356-9272.
Maring CWMA - fr
237 acres. 410-356-9272.
Morgan Run NEA - fr
600 acres. Deer hunting by permit only. 410-356-9272.
Patapsco Valley State Park -
See Baltimore County.
Norbeck Area (formerly known as the Mercer property) 150 acres. Deer hunting by permit only 410-356-9272. fr
Sawmill CWMA - fr
600 acres. 410-356-9272.
Speigel CWMA - fr
250 acres. 410-356-9272.
Woodbrook CWMA - fr
522 acres. 410-356-9272.
Bohemia River State Park - fdr
200 acres. Deer hunting only. Archery, and firearms (limited firearms dates, see permit packet for more information, shotgun or straight wall rifle only). Reservations are required: 410-356-9272.
C & D Canal Lands -
- Bethel: 400 acres. Archery hunting only for deer on Saturday and Sunday only; vftS
- Courthouse Point: 315 acres. Archery hunting only for deer; vftS
- Elk Forest: 242 acres; ftS
- Grove Neck: Waterfowl only from two blind sites on the Sassafras River. No on site boat access available; f
- Stemmers Run: 750 acres. Boat access restricted to waterfowl hunting only; Closed until further notice; vft
- Welch Point: 77 acres; vftS
Earleville WMA - Svftr
195 acres. 410-356-9272.
Elk Neck State Forest - vats
3,695 acres. 410-287-5675.
Elk Neck State Park - fdi
277 acres. Deer and waterfowl hunting by permit only. 410-356-9272. Turkey Point Area closed for construction. Area information 410-287-5333
Fair Hill NRMA - fd
4,180 acres. Deer archery hunting (2,760 acres), raccoon hunting (3,500 acres), and a falconry program for small game (895 acres). 410-398-1246.
Grove Farm WMA - Sftr
987 acres. 410-356-9272.
Old Bohemia WMA - Sftr
975 acres. 410-356-9272.
Cedar Point WMA - viftr
1,920 acres. Permit and reservations only required for waterfowl sites. 301-743-5161.
Cedarville State Forest - vdt
1,600 acres. Sign-in required. 301-743-5161.
Chapel Point State Park - vd
550 acres. Call for mobility impaired hunting access. 301-743-5161.
Chapman State Park
(Mt. Aventine Parcel) - fv
800 acres. Deer and waterfowl only. Waterfowl by boat access only. Permit required. Call for mobility impaired hunting access. 301-743-5161.
Chicamuxen WMA - ftr
381 acres. Permit and reservations only required for waterfowl sites. 301-743-5161.
Doncaster Demonstration Forest - t
1,700 acres. 301-743-5161.
Hughes Tree Farm CWMA - frv
170 acres. Deer and turkey hunting only. 301-743-5161.
Indian Creek NRMA - dt
650 acres. 301-743-5161.
Myrtle Grove WMA - savt
5,191 acres. 301-743-5161.
Nanjemoy Creek WMA - ftr
224 acres. Permit and reservations only required for waterfowl sites. 301-743-5161.
Nanjemoy WMA - viftr
1,806 acres (general hunting), 140 acres (archery only). Permit and reservations only required for the Douglas Point waterfowl site. 301-743-5161.
Popes Creek WMA - t
522 acres. 301-743-5161.
Riverside WMA - ftr
927 acres. Permit and reservations only required for waterfowl sites. 301-743-5161.
Tayloes Neck Tract (State Forest) -
470 acres. Permit and reservations only required for waterfowl sites. 301-743-5161. ftdr
Zekiah Swamp NEA - fr
Waterfowl hunting only. Boat access only. 301-743-5161.
Sunday hunting is allowed for the Spring Turkey Season on Dorchester County public lands.
Complex CFL - tS
210 acres. 410-632-3732.
Fishing Bay WMA - tS
30,387 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. 410-376-3236.
Hoernicke-Oliphant Complex CFL - tS
368 acres. 410-632-3732.
Insley Complex CFL - tS
450 acres. 410-632-3732.
LeCompte WMA - itvS
747 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. No squirrel hunting. Waterfowl hunting on tidal waters of Chicamacomico River. Waterfowl hunting blinds for mobility-impaired only on managed impoundment (permit required). 410-376-3236.
Lewis Complex CFL - tS
1,562 acres. Waterfowl hunting allowed in designated areas within State boundary only. Refer to map at: 410-632-3732.
Linkwood WMA - tS
313 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. 410-376-3236.
Marshyhope Complex CFL - tS
3,454 acres. 410-632-3732.
Nanticoke River WMA
See also Wicomico County 410-376-3236
- Calloway Wharf: 55 acres. Water access only; S
- Lower Marshyhope Swamp: 415 acres. Water access only. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process; tS
Tar Bay WMA -
12 acres. Waterfowl (water access only). 410-376-3236
Taylors Island WMA - tS
1,114 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. Primarily boat access. 410-376-3236.
Cunningham Falls State Park - iv
4,400 acres. General Hunting. Limited free reservations required for limited mobility hunters (call number below). Free permit required to hunt furbearers at night. Hunting permitted Monday–Saturday. 301-271-7574.
Frederick City Watershed CWMA - t
7,300 acres. Free permit required to hunt furbearers at night. 301-842-2702.
Gravel Hill Swamp WMA
69 acres. Archery hunting only. 301-842-2702
Heater’s Island WMA - t
194 acres. Boat access only. 301-842-2702.
Monocacy NRMA -
1,800 acres. Hunting permitted Monday–Saturday. 301-924-2127
Ridenour Swamp WMA
82 acres. Archery hunting only. 301-842-2702.
South Mountain State Park -
1,115 acres. Hunting permitted Monday–Saturday on designated state owned property; call park for areas. Hunting prohibited on National Park Service property. 301-791-4767
Urbana FMA -
60 acres. Archery hunting only - all legal species. 301-898-5443.
Cunningham Swamp WMA - tiS
328 acres. 301-334-4255.
Deep Creek Lake NRMA - fr
Goose hunting at designated sites. For information call 301-387-5563.
Deep Creek Lake State Park - iv
551 acres. No firearms hunting until Oct. 15, 2024. Special Goose Season in November. Hunting permitted Monday–Saturday. 301-387-5563.
Mt. Nebo WMA - vitS
1,854 acres. 301-334-4255.
State Forest - avtS
19,000 acres. For trapping permit call 301-334-2038.
Sang Run State Park -
122 acres. Hunting permitted Monday-Saturday. 301-387-5563.
Savage River State Forest - svtS
55,185 acres. For trapping permit call 301-895-5759.
Wolf Den Run State Park
1986 acres. Hunting permitted Monday–Saturday. 301-334-9180.
Youghiogheny Reservoir CWMA - t
900 acres. 301-334-4255.
Youghiogheny Wild River NEA - t
1,200 acres. Hunting permitted Monday–Saturday. 301-387-5563.
Gunpowder Falls State Park -
See Baltimore County.
Rocks State Park -
- Deer Creek Area: 120 acres. Deer archery hunting only. 410-557-7994. d
- Cameron Area: 105 acres. Deer archery hunting only. 410-356-9272. fd
Stoney Demonstration Forest - fdr
- James Run Tract: 318 acres. 410-356-9272.
- Grays Run Tract: 528 acres, 410-356-9272
Susquehanna State Park - fdr
650 acres. Deer archery hunting only. Waterfowl blinds by daily reservation. 410-356-9272, Park information: 410-557-7994.
Hugg-Thomas WMA - vftr
276 acres. 410-356-9272.
Patapsco Valley State Park -
See Baltimore County.
Patuxent River State Park -
4,750 acres. 301-924-2127
Cypress Branch State Park - d
75 acres. Archery deer hunting only. Due to the very limited wooded area, only 3 hunters in the morning and 3 hunters in the afternoon are allowed on a first-come, first-served basis. Daily sign in required.
Millington WMA - ivtfr
4,002 acres. 410-928-3650. Closed season for bobwhite quail. Free Public Hunting Permit and reservation required for spring turkey hunting and waterfowl blinds. 410-356-9272.
Sassafras NRMA - idv
1,100 acres. General hunting with restrictions. Migratory goose hunting by lottery only. Restrictions and applications available online at: 410-820-1668.
Cherrington CWMA (MNCPPC) -
275 acres. Deer hunting only. 410-356-9272.
Islands of the Potomac WMA - t
Boat access only. 410-356-9272.
- Mason Island: 274 acres
- Oxley Island: 35 acres
- Maddox Island: 169 acres
McKee-Beshers WMA - t
1,960 acres. 410-356-9272.
Patuxent River State Park -
See Howard County.
Seneca Creek State Park -
650 acres for general hunting and 2,500 acres for deer archery hunting only.
- Schaeffer Farm: Deer hunting; r 410-356-9272.
Strider WMA - fr
170 acres. Archery hunting only. 410-356-9272.
Prince George’s
Aquasco Farm CWMA
(MNCPPC) - dfr
150 acres. Deer hunting only. 301-743-5161.
Belt Woods NEA - fr
458 acres. Deer hunting only. 301-743-5161.
Bowen WMA - ftr
300 acres. Waterfowl and rail hunting only. Boat access only. 301-743-5161.
Cedarville State Forest -
See Charles County.
Cheltenham WMA - afr
60 acres. Dove and deer archery hunting only. 301-743-5161.
Gardner Road Park
120 acres. Deer hunting only. 301-743-5161.
Marlboro Natural Area CWMA
(MNCPPC) - vdfr
637 acres. Deer archery hunting only. 301-743-5161.
Merkle NRMA - fdr
1500 acres, deer archery hunting only. 301-743-5161.
Milltown Landing NRMA - vdfrt
250 acres. Permit and reservations only required for waterfowl sites. 301-743-5161.
National Park Service Blind Sites - fr
Waterfowl hunting only. Boat access only. 301-743-5161.
Nottingham NRMA - fdrt
329 acres. Permit and reservations only required for waterfowl sites. 301-743-5161.
Patuxent River Park/
Billingsley (MNCPPC) - fdvr
400 acres. Deer archery hunting only. Open Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. to one half hour after sunset. 301-743-5161.
Queen Anne Bridge Rd.
182 acres. Deer archery hunting only. 301-743-5161.
Rosaryville State Park - dvf
460 acres. Deer archery hunting only. 301-743-5161.
Spice Creek NRMA - fdrt
230 acres. Reservations required for waterfowl blind site. 301-743-5161.
Queen Anne’s
Browns Branch WMA - rft
1,172 acres. 410-356-9272.
Tuckahoe State Park -
See Caroline County.
Wye Island NRMA - di
2,500 acres. Deer Archery Season hunting limited to 25 hunters per day. Deer Muzzleloader and Firearms Seasons hunting by lottery. Migratory goose hunting by lottery. Lottery applications are available or 410-827-7577.
Brice Stump Complex CFL
1,663 acres. Located off Allen Road and Route 13. 410-632-3732
Cedar Island WMA - t
3,081 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. Boat access only. 410-651-2065
Deal Island WMA - t
13,565 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. Impoundment areas open to hunting during: September Resident Canada goose season and Youth/Veteran/Military waterfowl hunting days. Lottery permit required for all regular duck season impoundment hunting days, as follows: October segment on opening day and any Saturday; November segment on opening day, any Saturday, and the Friday following Thanksgiving; December/January segment on opening day, any Saturday, and Wednesdays beginning January 1. The impoundment will be closed to hunting on all other days. Lottery application available online at Application deadline is Sept. 9, 2024. Motorized boats, except those powered by electric motors, are prohibited in the impoundments between October 1 and March 31. 410-651-2065.
E. Mace Smith Complex CFL - t
1,737 acres. 410-632-3732.
Fairmount WMA - t
5,240 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. Impoundment areas open to hunting during September Resident Canada goose season, early teal season, Youth/Veteran/Military waterfowl hunting days, and during regular duck seasons as follows: October segment on opening day and any Saturday; November segment on opening day, any Saturday, and the Friday following Thanksgiving; December/January segment on opening day, any Saturday, and Wednesdays beginning January 1. Lottery permit required for opening day of each regular duck season segment. The impoundments will be closed to hunting on all other days. Lottery application available online at Application deadline is Sept. 9, 2024. Motorized boats, except those powered by electric motors, are prohibited in the impoundments between October 1 and March 31. 410-651-2065.
Marumsco Complex CFL - t
1,083 acres. 410-632-3732.
Janes Island State Park -
2,900 acres. Waterfowl hunting only. Park information: 410-968-1565
Maryland Marine Properties WMA - t
1,030 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. 410-651-2065.
Oriole Complex CFL - t
693 acres. 410-632-3732
Peters McAllen Complex CFL - t
683 acres. 410-632-3732.
Pocomoke Sound WMA - t
922 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. Boat access only. 410-651-2065.
South Marsh WMA - t
2,969 acres. Furbearers trapping permits issued by bid process. Boat access only. 410-651-2065.
Wellington WMA - t
684 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. 410-651-2065.
Wells Complex CFL - t
1,900 acres. 410-632-3732.
St. Mary’s
Elms CWMA - df
545 acres. Sign-in required. Environmental education on adjacent site. 301-743-5161.
Greenwell State Park - d
187 acres. 301-872-5688.
Historic St. Mary’s City CWMA - fr
175 acres. Deer hunting only, beginning Dec. 1st. Open Tues.–Sat. (closed Christmas). Reservation required. 301-743-5161.
Newtowne Neck State Park - fr
360 acres. Permit and reservation required for all hunting. Free permit required for waterfowl hunting zones (301-743-5161). Hunters must use archery equipment during early muzzleloader season. Spring turkey season available Monday through Friday. Park Information 301-872-5688.
Myrtle Point CWMA - fr
192 acres. Deer and waterfowl hunting only. Permit and reservation required. Deer archery hunting only; open Oct. 15–Jan. 31. Waterfowl hunting by boat only in the third split of the season. 301-743-5161.
Point Lookout State Park (Jacobs Tract Only) - d
240 acres. Deer, turkey (winter season only) and waterfowl hunting only. Hunters must use archery equipment during the early muzzleloader season. Waterfowl hunting at designated blind sites only. Access by boat only. 301-872-5688.
St. Clement’s Island State Park - fr
63 acres. Deer, small game and waterfowl hunting. Deer hunting with archery equipment only. Contact 301-743-5161. Accessible only by boat. Park information: 301-872-5688.
Salem Tract (State Forest) - tS
1550 acres. 301-743-5161.
St. Inigoes State Forest - ftSr
600 acres. Permit and reservation required at all times. 301-743-5161.
St. Mary’s Lake - fr
Waterfowl hunting at designated sites only. Access by boat only (no gas motors). Permit and reservation required. 301-743-5161. Park information 301-872-5688.
St. Mary’s River State Park - d
2,200 acres. 301-872-5688.
Seth Demonstration Forest CFL -
121 acres. Deer archery hunting only. 410-632-3732
Fort Frederick State Park -
260 acres. Hunting permitted Monday–Saturday. Deer archery hunting by reservation only. 301-842-2155.
Gathland State Park
170 acres (archery only). Hunting permitted Monday–Saturday on designated state owned property; call for areas. Hunting prohibited on National Park Service property. 301-791-4767.
Greenbrier State Park -
500 acres. Free permit required to hunt furbearers at night. Hunting permitted Monday–Saturday. 301-791-4767
Indian Springs WMA - vtS
6,600 acres. 301-842-2702.
Prather’s Neck WMA - tS
205 acres (general hunting), 10 acres (archery hunting only). 301-842-2702.
Sideling Hill WMA - tS
3,519 acres. 301-842-2702.
South Mountain State Park -
2,885 acres (general hunting). Hunting permitted Monday–Saturday on designated state owned property; call for areas. Hunting prohibited on National Park Service property. 301-791-4767.
Woodmont NRMA - v
2,400 acres. Hunting permitted Monday–Saturday. 301-842-2155.
Athol Complex CFL - t
682 acres. 410-632-3732.
Aughty Naughty Complex CFL - itv
1,243 acres. 410-632-3732.
Ellis Bay WMA - t
3,208 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. 410-376-3236.
Fair Meadow Complex CFL - t
362 acres. 410-632-3732.
Greenhill Complex CFL - t
3,957 acres. 410-632-3732.
Johnson WMA - t
468 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. Deer hunting with bow only. 410-651-2065.
Lathrop Complex CFL
Waterfowl hunting only along shoreline north of Stump Gut. 410-632-3732.
Nanticoke River WMA
See also Dorchester County 410-376-3236
- Nutter’s Neck: 1,587 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. t
- Sharptown Dunes: 198 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. t
Wetipquin WMA - t
211 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. 410-376-3236.
Wicomico Demonstration Forest CFL - t
3,463 acres. 410-632-3732.
Assateague State Park - vd
Archery-only hunting for deer in a 450 acre designated hunting area with a limit of 10 hunters per day (plus one disabled hunter) with daily sign-in required. Hunting restricted from the second Monday of November to the end of primitive season. Universal Disability Pass for disabled hunters. ADA parking space only to be used by hunters in possession of a Universal Disability Pass. ADA reservation required, call 443-614-4393 at least 24 hours in advance. Please leave your name, phone number, and requested dates. No hunting north of Route 611 except for designated ADA.
Bay Club/Old Joseph Farm CFL - t
674 acres located off Libertytown Road approx. 1 mile west of Berlin. 410-632-3732.
Bethards Tract CFL - t
33 acres. 410-632-3732.
Buck Harbor Complex CFL - i
1095 acres located off Stevens Road. 410-632-3732
Cordery Complex CFL - t
588 acres. 410-632-3732.
Creek Complex CFL - t
868 acres. This complex is comprised of the Creek, Chatham and Tankard Farm tracts. 410-632-3732.
Dunn Swamp Complex CFL - t
1,146 acres. 410-632-3732.
E. A. Vaughn WMA - vt
2,630 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. Caution squirrel hunters: Delmarva Fox Squirrel may not be hunted. 410-651-2065.
Foster Complex CFL - t
4,808 acres located off Route 12/Snow Hill Road. 410-632-3732
Isle of Wight WMA - t
224 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. Area south of Rt. 90 closed to hunting. 410-651-2065.
Johnson & Johnson Tract CFL - t
853 acres. 410-632-3732.
Pocomoke State Forest - vtf
18,492 acres. Free permit required for furbearer trapping. Limited vehicle access. Note: the 226-acre Summerfield tract near Snow Hill is archery hunting only. Refer to maps located at: 410-632-3732.
Pocomoke River WMA - t
1,024 acres. Furbearer trapping permits issued by bid process. 410-651-2065.
Selby Complex CFL - t
460 acres. 410-632-3732.
Shockley Complex CFL - t
1,032 acres. This complex is in Wicomico and Worcester Counties. 410-632-3732
Sinepuxent Islands WMA -
25 acres. Boat access only. 410-651-2065
Timmons Complex CFL - t
477 acres. 410-632-3732.
Twigg Fooks Complex CFL - t
1,103 acres. Located off MD Rt. 12/Spearin Road adjacent to Pocomoke State Forest. This complex is in Wicomico and Worcester Counties. 410-632-3732.
Whitesburg Complex CFL - t
375 acres. 410-632-3732.