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Deer Regulations

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Deer Regulations

License Requirements

Unless exempt (see License Information), an individual must have a signed or digital deer hunting, resident youth hunt/trap, lifetime comprehensive hunting, or lifetime comprehensive hunting/fishing license when hunting deer on public or private land. Except with the deer license bundle, comprehensive lifetime hunting license, and resident youth hunt/trap license, only one deer can be taken per deer hunting license. See the tables in Deer Seasons, Licenses & Equipment for a summary of deer seasons, licenses, bag limits, and equipment requirements.

  • Archery Season: To use a long bow, compound bow, or recurve bow during the archery season, an individual must have an archery license, deer license bundle, bonus antlerless, resident youth hunt/trap, lifetime comprehensive hunting, or lifetime comprehensive hunting/fishing license. To use a crossbow during the archery season, an individual must have a crossbow license, deer license bundle, bonus antlerless, resident youth hunt/trap, lifetime comprehensive hunting, or lifetime comprehensive hunting/fishing license.
  • Firearms Season: A deer firearms, deer license bundle, bonus antlerless, resident youth hunt/trap, lifetime comprehensive hunting, or lifetime comprehensive hunting/fishing license is required. (Note: a muzzleloader license is not valid during the deer firearms season). A deer firearms license is only valid for the harvest of one antlered deer during the firearms season.
  • Muzzleloader Season: A muzzleloader, deer license bundle, bonus antlerless, resident youth hunt/trap, lifetime comprehensive hunting, or lifetime comprehensive hunting/fishing license is required. (Note: a firearms license is not valid during the deer muzzleloader season).

Deer License Bundle

The deer license bundle is valid for all deer seasons except for the reduction zone season.

Antlerless deer harvested with the deer license bundle must be used toward the bag limit for bonus antlerless deer, archery, or muzzleloader. When used toward the bonus antlerless deer county quota, the county quota applies. See Bonus Antlerless Deer for bonus county quotas.

The deer license bundle allows an individual to harvest up to three deer (two antlerless and one antlered) with only one license. An antlered deer harvested with the deer license bundle counts toward an individual’s one antlered deer limit for statewide seasons.

The bundle can be used to take a deer with equipment legal during the archery (this includes crossbows), firearms, or muzzleloader seasons.

The bundle may not be used toward the bag limit for bonus antlerless deer on DNR properties where the bonus antlerless license cannot be used. Contact the property (Public Hunting Areas) or go to for details.

Legal Hunting Hours

Legal hunting hours for all deer seasons are from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.

Hunter Orange Requirements

Hunters, including those using archery equipment, must meet hunter orange requirements while hunting for deer during the following seasons: firearms (Nov. 16 - Dec. 1, 2024), muzzleloader (Dec. 7 - Dec. 22, 2024), and deer reduction (Nov. 16, 2024 - Jan. 31, 2025 in deer reduction zones).

Hunter orange must be worn during the youth deer season (Sept. 28-29, 2024). See General Information: Hunter Orange Requirements for more information.

An occupied ground blind must have at least 144 square inches of hunter orange that is visible on each side of the blind while deer hunting during any deer season in which a hunter is already required to wear hunter orange. Hunter orange is required on ground blinds placed on or within four feet of the ground and constructed of man-made or synthetic materials. The hunter orange is required on public and private land. A flag placed on top of a blind does not satisfy this hunter orange requirement.

Infrared Sensors/Electronic Calls

The use of infrared sensors, drones, or electronic deer calls to take deer is illegal. It is also illegal to hunt deer with the aid of an infrared sensor.

Antlered Deer

An antlered deer must have at least one antler that is at least 3 inches long.

Tree Stands

Tree stands may be used for hunting deer during all deer hunting seasons. It is illegal to erect or hunt from a permanent tree blind on state-owned or state-leased lands. Portable tree stands may be used on state-owned or state-leased lands, U.S. Forest Service lands, and lands of Muscatatuck, Patoka River, and Big Oaks national wildlife refuges. Tree stands may be left overnight only from noon Sept. 15 through Jan. 10 and from noon on Sept. 1 through Jan. 31 on DNR properties within a deer reduction zone.

Fasteners that penetrate a tree more than 1/2 inch are prohibited on these lands.

A tree stand placed on public land must be legibly marked with the owner’s name, address, and telephone number, or DNR Customer Identification Number.

Fair Chase

It is illegal to use snares, salt, and bait to take deer. Bait is considered any product that is transported into a hunting area and placed there for animal consumption. Bait is considered an attractant that is intended to lure an animal and can be in the form of salt, mineral blocks, prepared solid or liquid, apples, and other food. An area is considered to be baited for 10 days after the removal of the bait and any affected soil.

It is illegal to use dogs or other domesticated animals to take deer. Dogs may be used while on a leash only to track or trail wounded deer.

Artificial deer decoys are legal for deer hunting.

Deer Reduction Zones

In addition to statewide bag limits, deer reduction zones give hunters opportunities to harvest deer in areas with high deer densities.

The deer reduction zone season is Sept. 15, 2024 through Jan. 31, 2025. The bag limit for the reduction zones is 10 deer, of which only one can be antlered. Individuals hunting in a designated reduction zone who are attempting to satisfy the reduction zone bag limit must harvest an antlerless deer before harvesting an antlered deer (aka earn-a-buck). The earn-a-buck requirement only applies to the reduction zone bag limit. The reduction zone bag limit is in addition to all other bag limits (Deer Seasons, Licenses & Equipment).

Hunters attempting to satisfy the reduction zone bag limits must have a deer reduction zone, resident youth hunt/trap, lifetime comprehensive hunting, or lifetime comprehensive hunting/fishing license, or meet a license exemption. The license bundle is not valid when working toward the reduction zone bag limit. A valid license is required for each deer taken.

The season does not override any local ordinances which restrict or prohibit the discharge of firearms, bows, or other equipment.

Where allowed by local ordinances, archery equipment legal for deer hunting can be used in reduction zones from Sept. 15, 2024 to Jan. 31, 2025.

Where allowed by local ordinances, firearms, muzzleloaders, and air guns legal for deer hunting can be used in reduction zones from Nov. 16, 2024 to Jan. 31, 2025.

From Nov. 16, 2024 to Jan. 31, 2025, hunters must follow hunter orange clothing requirements to hunt deer with a firearm in a reduction zone. Hunters must obtain permission from landowners to hunt on private property.

Certain restrictions apply regarding deer reduction zone licenses on DNR-managed properties. Please contact the property you plan to hunt for more information.

Please visit to see a current map and zone descriptions.

Deer Reduction Zone CheckIN

Hunters must ensure deer harvested within a deer reduction zone are checked in correctly. DNR uses these responses and corresponding harvest numbers to determine the effectiveness of these zones. In counties with a deer reduction zone, hunters are required to report in CheckIN Game whether the deer was harvested in a deer reduction zone. If so, hunters are then required to report whether they want that deer to count toward the deer reduction zone bag limit. Hunters using reduction zones to harvest a second buck or to fulfill the deer reduction zone antlerless bag limit must ensure that their deer are counted toward the zone bag limit. Hunters who hunt in an area inside the deer reduction zone but are not interested in counting deer toward the zone bag limit or who are not using a license valid in a deer reduction zone should select that the deer will not count toward the reduction zone bag limit.

Tagging Requirements

Immediately upon killing a deer, the hunter must complete a temporary tag on paper that states the hunter’s name, address, sex of the deer, license number (if applicable) of the individual who took the deer, and the day and month of the kill. A hunter is not required to place the tag on the deer while dragging it out of the field as long as the hunter has filled out and is carrying the required information. A hunter must maintain immediate custody of and visual contact with the deer carcass unless the completed temporary transportation tag is attached. The tag must be attached to the deer before the hunter leaves the deer.

Reporting Requirements

Hunters are required to register their harvested deer within 48 hours of the kill. This can be done one of three ways:

  • Online through the DNR’s CheckIN Game system (
  • Call 800-419-1326 (a $3 fee applies)
  • Find a check station or license retailer who will enter the information for you through CheckIN Game

Once the deer is registered with the CheckIN Game system, a confirmation number will be generated. The number must be recorded on a temporary transportation tag and kept with the deer until processing begins.

The deer head must remain attached to the carcass until the deer is registered with CheckIN Game and a confirmation number is issued.

Hunting Equipment

Legal Firearms

Shotguns, handguns, rifles with legal cartridges, muzzleloading long guns, muzzleloading handguns, and air guns are legal during the firearms season. Only muzzleloading firearms are legal during the muzzleloader season. Firearms with suppressors may be used to take deer in accordance with federal law.

Hunters may carry more than one type of legal firearm when hunting during the firearms, youth, and reduction zone (in zones where local ordinances allow the use of a firearm) seasons only.

Carrying Handguns

While hunting, an individual may carry a handgun without a handgun license in accordance with Indiana Code 35-47-2-1 found at

Deer can be taken with a handgun only when in compliance with DNR regulations and only during the firearms season, with muzzleloading handguns only in the muzzleloader seasons, and in deer reduction zones when and where local ordinances allow.

How Deer Season Dates are Determined

Reduction Zone: From Sept. 15 through Jan. 31 of the following year in a deer reduction zone.

Youth: Two consecutive days beginning on the Saturday immediately before Oct. 1.

Archery: Oct. 1 through the first Sunday in Jan.

Firearms: From the first Saturday after Nov. 11 and continues for an additional 15 days.

Muzzleloader: From the first Saturday after the closing day of firearms season and continues for an additional 15 days.

Find complete regulations in Indiana Administrative Code, Title 312, Article 9, (