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Fishing Regulations

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Indiana’s Statewide Size & Bag Limits


Daily Bag Limit

Minimum Size


Unlimited7 (exceptions: Basic Fishing Information)


Redear Sunfish7

257 (exceptions: Basic Fishing Information)


Black Bass: largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass (in lakes)

5, any combination of largemouth, smallmouth, or spotted bass

14 inches

(exceptions: Bass Regulations)

Black Bass: largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass6
(in rivers and streams)

5, any combination of largemouth, smallmouth, or spotted bass

No fish 12 to 15 inches may be kept, and no more than two fish over 15 inches may be kept (exceptions: Bass Regulations)

Black Bass: largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass (in Lake Michigan)

3, any combination of largemouth, smallmouth, or spotted bass

14 inches

Yellow Bass6



White Bass6,
Hybrid Striped Bas

12, any combination of white bass or hybrid striped bass

No more than two fish may exceed 17 inches

Striped Bass6



Rock Bass6




257 (exceptions: Basic Fishing Information)


Walleye-Sauger Hybrid (Saugeye),

6, any combination of walleye, walleye-sauger hybrid, and sauger

For Walleye: 14 inches south of SR 26; 16 inches north of SR 26

For sauger and saugeye: No size limit (exceptions: Basic Fishing Information)

and Tiger Muskellunge

1 muskellunge or 1 tiger muskellunge

36 inches2

Northern Pike


24 inches; no more than one 30 inches or longer4

Yellow Perch

Unlimited (15 only on Lake Michigan)


Catfish: Channel, Blue,
(in streams)


13 inches; not more than one blue catfish that’s at least 35 inches, one flathead catfish at least 35 inches, and one channel catfish at least 28 inches or longer may be kept

Catfish: Channel, Blue,
(in lakes, reservoirs)

105 (exceptions: Basic Fishing Information)

None; not more than one blue catfish that’s at least 35 inches, one flathead catfish at least 35 inches, and one channel catfish at least 28 inches or longer may be kept




Lake Whitefish



Shovelnose Sturgeon


25 inches (fork length)

Bag & Possession Limits

It is illegal to take more than the daily bag limit of a wild fish in a calendar day. The possession limit is two times the daily bag limit and does not apply to a wild fish that is processed and stored at an individual’s primary residence.

It is illegal to carry, transport, or ship outside Indiana, in open season, in one day, a wild fish that the individual has taken in open season in excess of the possession limit.

Illegal Stocking, Aquarium Release

It is illegal to take any live fish and release it into any public waters without a stocking permit. DNR fisheries biologists approve stocking of fish only after careful consideration of the potential impacts of new fish on the existing habitat and fish populations. The release of fish from an aquarium would be considered the stocking of fish, which a permit is required for.

Hooks for Pole Fishing or Hand Lines

You may not fish with more than three poles or hand lines at a time. Each line may have no more than three single- or multi-pronged hooks, three artificial lures, or a combination of three hooks and artificial lures.

A multi-pronged hook or two or more single-pronged hooks used to hold a single bait is considered one hook.

Single- or multi-barbed hooks may be used for float or jug fishing, limb, hand, pole, drop, or trot lines. Special hook size and barb regulations apply to Lake Michigan and its tributaries.

Gaffs, Grab Hooks, & Landing Nets

Landing nets, gaff hooks, or grab hooks may be used only to assist in the landing of legally caught fish. They may not be used as a method for catching fish. See Lake Michigan and its tributaries.


You may use no more than one snare to take suckers, carp, gar, and bowfin. Snaring these fish may be done only between sunrise and sunset.

Limb Lines

A limb line (also known as a drop line or bank pole) is a passive fishing device consisting of a line with not more than one hook that is affixed to a stationary object suspended over the water.

You may fish with no more than 10 limb lines or drop lines at a time. Each line may have no more than one single or multi-barbed hook attached to it. Each line must have a readable tag showing the name and address of the user or the user's DNR-issued Customer ID number. All lines must be checked at least every 24 hours. It is illegal to use a limb or drop line within 300 yards of a dam structure located on any stream, river, ditch, canal, or reservoir.

Snagging Fish

Snagging is the practice of dragging or jerking a hook (or hooks) through the water with the intention of hooking a fish on contact. It is illegal to snag fish from public waters in Indiana, including the Ohio River. Trout and salmon that are foul-hooked (not caught in the mouth) cannot be kept. They must be released back into the body of water from which they were foul-hooked.

Trot Lines

A trot line (also known as a set line or throw line) is a passive fishing device consisting of a main line attached to a stationary object that is affixed to an anchor in a body of water. The main line has hooks attached via droppers (or snoods). Droppers may be attached to the main line with knots, clips, or swivels. Floats and weights may be added to the main line to suspend it at desired depths. You may fish with no more than one trot line at a time. The trot line must have no more than 50 single- or multi-barbed hooks. Each drop line on a trot line may have only one hook. Trot lines must bear a readable tag showing the name and address of the user or the user's DNR-issued Customer ID number. Trot lines must be checked at least once every 24 hours. It is illegal to use a trot line in Lake Michigan or within 300 yards of any dam structure located on any stream, river, ditch, canal, or reservoir.

Umbrella Rigs

You may use an umbrella rig (sometimes referred to as an Alabama rig), but hooks or lures can be attached to only three arms of the rig. Any additional arms must be left empty or can be fitted with a hookless attractor.

Float Fishing

Float or jug fishing is the use of an active fishing device consisting of a line with not more than one hook (single or multi-barbed) that is affixed to a float. Floats are often constructed from empty jugs, bottles, and pool noodles, but cannot be constructed of glass.

As many as five floats may be used, but only one hook may be attached to each float line. Each float must be marked with the user’s name and address or the user's DNR-issued Customer ID number. All lines must be in constant sight of the person using them. Float fishing is not allowed on lakes and reservoirs.

Ice Fishing

When ice fishing, no more than three lines may be used at a time. Each line may contain no more than three hooks (single, double, or treble) or three artificial lures.

Holes cut for ice fishing cannot be more than 12 inches in diameter.

Tip-ups must be identified with the name and address of the user or the user's DNR-issued Customer ID number. Tip-ups must be in constant sight of the person using them.

Ice shanties or portable ice fishing shelters must have the owner’s name and address or the owner's DNR-issued Customer ID number in 3-inch block letters on the outside of the door. Between sunset and sunrise, any ice fishing shelter must have at least one red reflector or a 3-inch by 3-inch reflector strip on each side of the structure.

Ice fishing shelters must be removed from public waters before ice-out. If used before Jan. 1 and after Feb. 15, all structures must be removed daily.

Freshwater Mussels

It is illegal to collect or take live native mussels or dead native mussel shells from public waters. A ban on harvesting shells has been in effect since 1991 to protect against a rapid decrease in freshwater mussel populations. Please do not disturb living mussels.

Bow Fishing & Spear Fishing

A bow and arrow or crossbow can be used year-round at any time of day to take invasive (Asian) carp, bowfin, buffalo fish, common carp, gar, shad, and suckers from streams, rivers, and non-flowing waters (including lakes, ponds, and reservoirs). A fishing license is required to use a bow and arrow or crossbow as fishing equipment. See Lake Michigan Regulations for Lake Michigan tributary restrictions on bow and spear fishing equipment.

A gig, fish spear, spear gun, or underwater spear can be used year-round at any time of day to take invasive (Asian) carp, bowfin, buffalo fish, common carp, gar, shad, and suckers from non-flowing waters (including lakes, ponds, and reservoirs) and the following large rivers:

  • Kankakee River, upstream from the Illinois border to the SR 55 bridge
  • Maumee River, upstream from the Ohio border to the Anthony Boulevard bridge in Fort Wayne
  • St. Joseph River, in Elkhart and St. Joseph counties
  • Tippecanoe River, from confluence with Wabash River upstream to a half mile below its confluence with Big Creek in Carroll County. Fish spears and fish gigs cannot be used in, on, or adjacent to Tippecanoe River from a half mile below its juncture with Big Creek in Carroll County upstream to the Oakdale Dam
  • Wabash River, from confluence with Ohio River upstream to SR 13 in Wabash
  • White River, upstream from confluence with the Wabash River to the junction of East and West Forks
  • White River/East Fork, from the junction of East and West Forks upstream to the dam at the south edge of Columbus
  • White River/West Fork, from the junction of East and West Forks upstream to the dam below Harding Street in Indianapolis

Fishing Near Dams

All waters except the Ohio River:

State law does not allow the taking of fish by trot line, set line, throw line, net, trap, or seine within 200 yards of a dam on an Indiana waterway or boundary water. Limb lines and drop lines cannot be used within 300 yards of a dam. Unless a warning sign is present at a low head dam, there are no distance regulations for using a fishing pole or hand line. If warning signs are present, a person may not access a low head dam within 50 feet.

Ohio River:

No fish may be taken within 200 yards of a dam except by fishing pole or hand line. (see Ohio River).

Wanton Waste

The intentional waste and destruction of fish is prohibited unless the fish is required by law to be killed. Fish must not be mutilated and returned to the water unless the fish is lawfully used as bait. Fish parts, including entrails, must not be discarded into any state waters but should be disposed of in a sanitary manner that does not pollute the water or become detrimental to public health or comfort.

Sale of Aquatic Life

No fish, frogs, turtles, or other reptiles or amphibians taken under a fishing or hunting license may be bought, sold, or bartered. You may keep fish that you catch for an aquarium if that fish meets legal size and bag limit requirements.

If you give your catch away, it’s a good idea to provide the recipient a note identifying the fish you gave them. This avoids confusion with exceeding the daily bag limit or possessing fish without a fishing license.

Smelt Fishing

Smelt may be taken from Lake Michigan from March 1 through May 30. Smelt may be taken only with a single seine or net. The seine or net may not exceed 12 feet in length and 6 feet in depth, nor have a stretch mesh larger than 1½ inches. A dip net may not exceed 12 feet in diameter.

Endangered Fish

The following fish species are classified as endangered in Indiana: cisco, bantam sunfish, Hoosier cavefish (formerly Northern cavefish), channel darter, gilt darter, greater redhorse, lake sturgeon (Reptiles & Amphibians), Western sand darter, pallid shiner, redside dace, and variegate darter.

It is illegal to take or possess these fish at any time. Most of these species are small and would not be caught while angling.

If these fish are captured, immediately return them unharmed to the water in which they were found.

Species Illegal to Possess

The following fish and mussels are illegal to possess alive: Asiatic clam, bighead carp, black carp, silver carp, quagga mussel, round goby, rudd, ruffe, snakehead, stone moroko, tubenose goby, walking catfish, Wels catfish, white perch (not freshwater drum), zander, golden mussel, and zebra mussel.

If any of these exotic species are taken into possession, they must be killed immediately by either removing their head, removing gills from at least one side of the fish, or gutting. Your cooperation is essential to protect Indiana's native species.