Fish of the Year
42 Anglers Submit 199 Entries in 2023
Indiana’s Fish of the Year (FOTY) program continues to be popular, with 42 anglers submitting entries for 72 species in 2023.
The longest was a 49-inch flathead catfish caught by Connor McKanna from Otter Creek in Vigo County. The smallest winner was a 2.25-inch rainbow darter caught by Steven Kellett from McCormick’s Creek in Owen County. Anglers collectively submitted entries for 72 different species. Black crappie was the species with the most entries, with 10. Other notable species entries were a 40-inch steelhead caught by Jeff Winegardner from Lake Michigan in LaPorte County, a 29-inch freshwater drum caught by Jonah Switzer from the Wabash River in Tippecanoe County, and an 11-inch bluegill caught by Megan Wagner from Lake of the Woods in Marshall County.
The Wabash River had more winning entries than any other body of water, including freshwater drum, goldeye, highfin carpsucker, shovelnose sturgeon, smallmouth buffalo, spotted bass, and yellow bass. Other bodies of water with multiple winning entries included Lake Michigan, the Ohio River, and the Tippecanoe River.
Anglers planning to enter in 2024 must remember that their entry must include a photo showing the full length of their catch while on a measuring board or tape.
If you think you’ve caught a winner, you can enter online or via email.
- For online entries, enter the required information using the online entry form (found at; click Record Fish) and submit a photo of the fish showing the measurement and a copy of your fishing license (if you are required to have one) to [email protected].
- For email entries, submit an electronic version of the entry form and attach a photo of the fish and a copy of your fishing license (if you are required to have one) to [email protected].
Winners are notified by mail and receive an award certificate and a commemorative patch.