Connecticut › Fishing › Marine Volunteer Angler Survey Program
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- Marine Volunteer Angler Survey Program
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Marine Volunteer Angler Survey Program
The Marine Fisheries Program is seeking marine recreational anglers who will volunteer to participate in the Connecticut Volunteer Angler Survey (VAS) Program. The VAS Program is designed to collect fishing trip and catch information from marine recreational (hook and line) anglers who volunteer to record their angling activities via a logbook. VAS anglers contribute valuable fisheries-specific information concerning striped bass, fluke, bluefish, scup, tautog and other important finfish species used in monitoring and assessing fish populations inhabiting marine waters.
Participants will have the choice of either filling out the traditional paper logbooks and mailing them back or by entering their data electronically by a computer web based application. In either case, paper logbooks will still be sent out to each angler.
Both the VAS paper logbook and the computer electronic version are easy to enter. Each participating angler is assigned a personal code number for confidentiality. The paper logbook instructions are located on the inside cover and the electronic version will have a specified menu with assisted help information. Upon completion of the paper logbook, tape the pre-postage paid logbook and drop it in the mail. All paper logbooks are returned to each angler for their own personal records upon data entry. Anglers that participate are also provided with updated program results and public hearing notices concerning recreational fishery management regulations.