Connecticut › Fishing › Saltwater Fishing Resource Map
- General Info
- Licenses, Permits & Fees
- Statewide Regulations
Saltwater Fishing
- Marine Regulations
- Marine Recreational Fishing Regulations
- Saltwater Fishing Resource Map
- Saltwater Fish Identification
- State Record Marine Fish
- Marine/Inland Demarcation
- Recreational Fishing — Bait Species, Lobster & Crabs
- Coastal Boat Launches
- Enchanced Fishing Opportunities
- Marine Volunteer Angler Survey Program
- Freshwater Fishing
- PDF Downloads
Saltwater Fishing Resource Map
This online map shows the locations of points of interest related to saltwater fishing, including sporting licensing agents, bait and tackle shops, enhanced opportunity shore fishing sites, car top boat launches with Long Island Sound access, trailered boat launches with Long Island Sound access and party/charter boat locations. For information about these points of interest, go to
Anglers Please Note Reciprocity
New York, Rhode Island, Maine and Massachusetts also have marine license requirements. Though Connecticut has reciprocity with these neighboring states, residents of Connecticut are required to have a CT Resident Marine Waters Sport or an All-Waters Fishing License to fish in the Marine District.