Recreational Fishing — Bait Species, Lobster & Crabs

Taking Of Bait Species
For personal use/not for sale: Recreational license required in marine district.
Net and traps which may be used to catch bait species only (see species list below)
- Cast Nets.
- Minnow Traps: no larger than 20" long by 15" in diameter.
- Umbrella Nets: not more than 4 ft. in length by 4 ft. in width.
- Scoop or Scap Nets: no larger than 36" in diameter.
- Seines: no longer than 30 feet in length.
- Up to two eel pots.
- Hook & Line.
- By hand.
Species that may be taken using the gears listed above
- Menhaden (see possession limit on Marine Recreational Fishing Regulations: Also see Gillnetting Menhaden)
- Striped Killifish and Banded Killifish
- Atlantic Silverside
- Tidewater Silverside
- Mummichogs
- Sea Herring (Atlantic Herring)
- Sand Lances (Sand Eels)
- American Eel (see possession limit on Marine Recreational Fishing Regulations)
- Sea Lamprey
- Bay Anchovy
- Mullet Species
- Sheepshead Minnow
- Shrimp Species
- Green, Fiddler, Asian Shore and Hermit Crabs
Gillnetting Menhaden
Personal Use Gillnet License Required ($100.00)
Legal Menhaden Capture Methods
Use of a single gillnet, not more than 60 feet in length and 3 inch minimum mesh size.Prohibited
The taking of any species other than menhaden.Required
- Annual Report of Catch
- See Personal Use Gillnet License Guidelines for a complete list of requirements.
- Call 860-434-6043, ask for the Personal Use Menhaden Gillnet License Guidelines.
- Or go to and search for Personal Use License.
- Or go to
For personal use/not for sale: Town Shellfishing License required.
Species Include
- Mussels
- Oysters
- Clams
- Scallops
Personal Use Lobster License Required ($60.00)
Legal Lobster Capture Methods:
- Ten pots or less (pot tags required)
- Skin Diving
- SCUBA Diving
- Hand Capturing
- Annual Report of Catch
- See Guidelines for Personal Use Lobster Fishing for a list of requirements.
- Call 860-434-6043, ask for the Guidelines for Personal Use Lobster Fishing in Connecticut.
- Lobster Gauges can be purchased ($4) at the Marine Fisheries office in Old Lyme or from DEEP Licensing at: 79 Elm Street, 1st Floor, Hartford, CT 06106-5127 860-424-3105
- Or go to and search for Personal Use License.
- Or go to
Blue Crab
For personal use/not for sale: No license required.
Blue crab fact sheet: Blue Crab Capture Methods:
- Scoop Net, Hand Line, Dip Net, Trot Line
- Star Crab Trap (or similar device)
- Circular Topless Trap (not exceeding 26" in diameter)
- Semi-Circular Cylindrical Trap (12" or less in diameter)
Open Season
May 1–November 30.Minimum Shell Width: (Spike Tip to Spike Tip)
- 5" hard shell crabs
- 3½" soft shell crabs
- Possession of uncooked blue crab meat without the body shell attached.
- Possession of more than 2 claws per body.
- Possession of egg bearing females.
- Chesapeake-style crabs traps.
Jonah Crab
For personal use/not for sale: No license required. 50 crabs per day.
For personal use/not for sale: No license required if taken using a squid jig.
Reduce Catch and Release Mortality — Use Circle Hooks.
For additional information, refer to the Marine Fisheries Information Circular by visiting the or call the Marine Fisheries Program at: 860-434-6043.
Resources For Fishermen: