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Freshwater Fish Regulations

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There is a continuous, year-round season for all freshwater fish, with the following exceptions:

Regulations for anadromous (coastal) striped bass, alewife and blueback herring above and below the fall line, in tidal rivers of the Chesapeake Bay; and anadromous (coastal) American shad and hickory shad, and all other saltwater fish below the fall line, in tidal rivers of the Chesapeake Bay, are set by the Virginia Marine Resources Commission. For more information call (757) 247-2200 or go online at

Fish Bait Information

Bait Type

Possession Limit


1, 2 Minnows, Chubs, Madtoms


In aggregate with other bait, see below

1, 3 Crayfish


In aggregate with other bait, see below

1 Hellgrammites


In aggregate with other bait, see below

1 Salamanders


No possession allowed

4 Shad (Gizzard, Threadfin, Herring)


Only permitted in certain waters, see below

6 Trout


Artificially raised trout only, see below

6 Virginia Game Fish

See Creel & Length Limits

Collected by angling with hook and line only

Fathead minnows, golden shiners, goldfish


Legally purchased fish bait


Receipt needed specifying # and species

Legal Methods for Capturing Nongame Bait:

  • Seine not exceeding 4 feet depth by 10 feet in length.
  • Minnow traps with throat openings no larger than 1 inch in diameter.
  • Collected by angling with hook and line.
  • Cast net.
  • Hand-held bow nets with diameter no larger than 20 inches and handle length not to exceed 8 feet.
  • Umbrella-type net not to exceed 5 by 5 feet square.
  • Dip nets may be used to take shad, herring, mullet, and suckers only but may not be used in waters where anadromous (American) shad and herring cannot be possessed.

Areas Restricted:

  • Designated stocked trout waters between October 1 and June 15.
  • Department-owned lakes, unless otherwise posted.
  • Lick Creek in Smyth and Bland counties, Bear Creek in Smyth County, Laurel Creek and tributaries upstream of the Highway 16 bridge in Tazewell and Bland counties, streams and their tributaries that flow into Hungry Mother Lake in Smyth County, Susong Branch and Mumpower Creek in Washington County and the City of Bristol, and Timbertree Branch in Scott County.
  • The use of nets other than cast nets (throw nets) to collect bait in the Roanoke (Staunton) and Dan Rivers in Campbell, Charlotte, Halifax, and Pittsylvania counties, and in the City of Danville is prohibited. Cast nets may be used to collect bait in these rivers.

Don’t Let Them Hitch a Ride

Zebra mussels are small (<1") freshwater bivalves with dark and light bands on their shells. They can attach to surfaces, in clusters, leading to tremendous recreation, wildlife, and eco­nomic damage. They can be accidentally transported to Virginia by boaters and anglers, and we are counting on you to help stop the spread of zebra mussels by taking the following precautions:

  • Regulations require boaters to remove vegetation from vessel, trailer, and equipment in addition to removing drain plugs from bilges.
  • Visually inspect and scrub boat hulls, motors, anchors, and trailers, removing any attached vegetation at site of origin, then hose equipment with hot (140°F) and/or high-pressure water if possible.
  • Bilges, live wells, and any other water-holding compartments should be drained at the site of origin and flushed with disinfectant or hot water.
  • Boat and other equipment should remain completely dry for at least 24 hours before being used again.
  • Take same precautions with waders, bait buckets, and other equipment that can hold water or come into contact with water.

If you believe you have seen or found a zebra mussel, please contact the Department immediately at (804) 367-6913 or Brian Watson at the Department’s Forest Office (434-525-7522). For more information on zebra mussels, please see

Zebra Mussels