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Hunter Education Program

Hunter Education Works

Since 1950 when formal hunter safety programs were introduced, the number of hunting and firearms-related accidents has declined dramatically. In Mississippi, we know that our hunter education efforts have reduced firearms accidents and saved lives. MDWFP offers the hunter education classes at numerous locations across the state, and the course includes ten (10) hours of instruction. Students must be at least 10 years old, must attend all course hours, and score 70 or greater on the written exam.

Hunter Education Courses are typically held in the late summer, fall, and winter months. Courses are taught by MDWFP staff or by certified volunteer instructors. Pre-registration for all Hunter Education Classes is required. To locate and register for a class, visit our website at

Hunter Education Courses are also offered online. As of July 31, 2020, Mississippi residents age 12 and over can complete their hunter education requirement online. The internet course, Today’s Hunter in Mississippi, is video-narrated and interactive. The card from the online course can be presented as a digital or paper copy to license vendors to purchase a hunting license.

All residents under 12 (ages 10-11) and non-residents can obtain their Hunter Education requirement through a classroom course. Students must pre-register for the class, click the following link

Course contents include:

  • hunter ethics and responsibility
  • history of firearms
  • types of firearms
  • types of ammunition
  • safe gun handling
  • fundamentals of marksmanship
  • bowhunting skills
  • wildlife identification
  • principles of wildlife management
  • basic survival skills
  • water safety
  • dangers of hypothermia
  • first aid fundamentals
  • tree stand safety guidelines

Duplicate Hunter/Boater Education Card

If you have lost your hunter/boater education card, please go to to download a card or to purchase a duplicate card for a $3.00 fee.

All Hunter Education classes require online pre-registration.

To locate and register for a class, visit our website at and select a county.

Archery in Mississippi Schools

Archery in Mississippi Schools (AIMS) is designed to introduce 4th-12th grade students to the sport of International-Style Target Archery and as an extracurricular team sport. Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP) is a driving force behind AIMS. The program, which began in 2005 with 10 schools, now has seen more than 500 schools and 70,000 students participating. You can learn more about participating in AIMS in your local community by going to or call (601) 674-0777 and (601) 325-0222.

Mississippi Scholastic Shooting Program

The Mississippi Scholastic Shooting Program (MSSP) is a team-based, youth-development program that uses the shotgun sports of 5-Stand, Skeet, and Sporting Clays to instill life skills such as discipline, safety, teamwork, ethics, self-confidence, and other life values. The program utilizes these disciplines to teach hunting skills through the safe use of hunting equipment, including firearms, and their relationship to hunting situations. For more information on participating in MSSP, contact Gary Holcomb ([email protected]) or call (662) 487-1946.