Issued: January 2025
New regulations are highlighted in red
(please visit: for the most current regulations)
Regulations apply to state waters of the Gulf and Atlantic
State waters extend 9 miles from shore on the Gulf and 3 miles from shore on the Atlantic coast.
« Spearing Prohibited.
p Must remain in whole condition (removal of gills and guts allowed).
u Measured as total length. Total length is the straight line distance from the most forward part of the head with the mouth closed to the farthest tip of the tail with the tail compressed or squeezed together while the fish is lying on its side.
n State regulations apply in federal waters.
l Additional gear rules apply, please see:
T Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook (any hook with two or more points and a common shaft) in conjunction with live or dead natural bait.
X State Reef Fish Angler designation required when fishing for select reef fish species from a private vessel in the Gulf of Mexico or Atlantic Ocean.
General Snapper Regulations:
- Snapper Aggregate Bag Limit – Within state waters of the Atlantic and Gulf, all species of snapper are included in a 10 fish per harvester per day aggregate bag limit in any combination of snapper species, unless stated otherwise.
- Seasons – If no seasonal information is provided, the species is open year-round.
Snapper, Cubera — p u l
Minimum Size Limits:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 12" (see below)
Daily Recreational Bag Limit:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 10 per harvester under 30", included within snapper aggregate bag limit
- May additionally harvest up to 2 over 30" per vessel, and these 2 fish over 30" are not included within snapper aggregate bag limit
Snapper, Red — p u l X
Minimum Size Limits:
- Atlantic - 20"
- Gulf - 16"
- Atlantic - Open year-round
- Gulf - Visit for 2025 season updates.
Daily Recreational Bag Limit:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 2 per harvester
- Gulf - Zero daily bag and possession limit for captain and crew on for-hire vessels.
Snapper, Vermilion — p u l X
Minimum Size Limits:
- Atlantic - 12"
- Gulf - 10"
Daily Recreational Bag Limit:
- Atlantic - 5 per harvester not included within snapper aggregate bag limit
- Gulf - 10 per harvester not included within snapper aggregate bag limit
Snapper, Lane — p u l
Minimum Size Limits:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 8"
Daily Recreational Bag Limit:
- Atlantic - 10 per harvester
- Gulf - 100 pounds per harvester, not included within snapper aggregate bag limit
Snapper, Gray (Mangrove) — p u l
Minimum Size Limits:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 10"
Daily Recreational Bag Limit:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 5 per harvester
Snapper, Mutton — p u l X
Minimum Size Limits:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 18"
Daily Recreational Bag Limit:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 5 per harvester
Snapper, Schoolmaster — p u l n
Minimum Size Limits:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 10"
Daily Recreational Bag Limit:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 10 per harvester
Snapper, Yellowtail — p u l X
Minimum Size Limits:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 12"
Daily Recreational Bag Limit:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 10 per harvester
Other Snapper — p u l n
Minimum Size Limits:
- Dog and Mahogany: Atlantic and Gulf - 12”
- No minimum size limit for other snappers
Daily Recreational Bag Limit:
- Atlantic and Gulf - 10 per harvester
See Recreational Gear for gear rules pertaining to reef fish.
All art: © Diane Rome Peebles, except blueline tilefish, golden tilefish and snowy grouper (Duane Raver); lionfish (FWC); and crustaceans and mollusks