Northwest Region

Lake Stone, Escambia County: open to fishing.
- Gasoline motors may not be used on boats.
- Channel catfish bag limit: - 6
- No motor vehicles on dams, spillways and fishing fingers.
Joe Budd Pond, Gadsden County: Closed to fishing, except as authorized by permit for Commission-sanctioned events (see for details). Open to fishing during daylight hours on Saturdays and Sundays during July, August and September or as specified by order of the Executive Director.
- No motor vehicles on dams, spillways and fishing fingers.
- Gasoline motors may not be used on boats.
- Panfish bag limit: - 20
- Channel catfish bag limit: - 6
- Sunshine bass bag limit: - 10
- Black bass bag limit: - 1
- Black bass less than 16 inches in total length must be released immediately.
Lake Victor, Holmes County: open to fishing.
- Gasoline motors may not be used on boats.
- Channel catfish bag limit: - 6
- Black bass bag limit: - 15
- Black bass 16 inches in total length or longer must be released immediately.
- Circle hooks required when fishing with natural bait greater than 3 inches in length.
- No motor vehicles on dams, spillways and fishing fingers.
Merritt’s Mill Pond, Jackson County: open to fishing.
- The taking of fish and wildlife with rifles is prohibited.
- Gigs are prohibited.
- Trotlines may be used.
- Redear sunfish (shellcracker) bag limit: - 10
- Redear sunfish less than 10 inches in total length must be released immediately.
- No bag limit for channel catfish.
Lake Piney Z, Leon County: open to fishing.
- Panfish bag limit: - 20
- Channel catfish bag limit: - 6
- Swimming, and taking of fish or wildlife with firearms or possession of alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
- Watercraft shall be allowed only as authorized by the City of Tallahassee.
- Access is prohibited from sunset until sunrise.
- Use or possession of cast nets or minnow seines is prohibited.
- No motor vehicles on dams, spillways and fishing fingers.
Hurricane Lake, Okaloosa County: open to fishing.
- Gasoline motors may not be used on boats.
- Channel catfish bag limit: - 6
- No motor vehicles on dams, spillways and fishing fingers.
Karick Lake, Okaloosa County: open to fishing.
- Gasoline motors may not be used on boats.
- Channel catfish bag limit: - 6
- No motor vehicles on dams, spillways and fishing fingers.
Bear Lake, Santa Rosa County: open to fishing.
- Gasoline motors may not be used on boats.
- Channel catfish bag limit: - 6
- No motor vehicles on dams, spillways and fishing fingers.
Juniper Bay Lake, Walton County: open to fishing.
- Channel catfish bag limit: - 6