Fishing Lincenes and Fees
Fishing and Hunting Licenses are good for the calendar year. You must purchase new licenses at the beginning of each year. All licensed anglers must carry a valid form of identification while fishing.
Resident Licenses
Conservation Stamp(Class CS) - $5.00
Required for licensed anglers except holders of Class X, X3, XP, XJ, XS, A-L, B-L, and AB-L licenses
Hunting and Trapping (Class A) - $19.00
Fishing (Class B) - $19.00
Sportsman Hunting/Fishing/Trapping (Class X) - $35.00
for ages 18 through 64
NEW Sportsman Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Plus (Class XP) - $45.00
Annual license that also includes the trout stamp
NEW Sportsman Hunting/Fishing/Trapping 3-year (Class X3) - $105.00
A three-year Sportsman license
NEW Sportsman Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Plus 3-year (Class XP3) - $135.00
A three-year Sportsman license that also includes the trout stamp
Five-day Fishing (Class L) - $8.00
Junior Sportsman Hunting/Fishing/Trapping (Class XJ) - $16.00
for ages 15 through 17
Trout Fishing Stamp (Class O) - $10.00
Required of licensed anglers fishing for trout, except holders of Class XS, XP and XP3 licenses
Apprentice Junior Hunting/Trapping/Fishing (Class AHJ) - $16.00
for ages 15-17, includes privileges of Class XJ
Nonresident Licenses
Conservation/Law Enforcement Stamp (Class CS/LE) - $13.00
Required for all licensed anglers
Fishing (Class F) - $37.00
One Day Fishing (Class LL) - $3.00
Junior Sportsman Hunting/Fishing/
Trapping (Class XXJ) - $16.00
for ages 8 through 17 (not required for fishing under age 15)
National Forest Hunting/Trapping/Fishing (Class I) - $2.00
Required of licensed anglers except for holders of Class XXJ
Trout Fishing Stamp (Class OO) - $16.00
Required of licensed anglers fishing for trout
Apprentice Junior Hunting/Trapping/Fishing (Class AAHJ) - $16.00
For ages 15-17, includes privileges of Class XXJ
Resident and Nonresident Licenses
Special Hunting and Fishing License for Persons with a Life-threatening Condition (Class DT) - FREE
Issued for ages 20 or less. Requires no additional licenses or stamps.
Resident Lifetime Licenses
Resident lifetime hunting, trapping and fishing licenses serve in lieu of the equivalent annual license; applications are available at DNR offices, license agents and online at
Resident seniors who previously have made a resident purchase through a license agent or at a DNR office may buy a senior lifetime license online at Non-resident, full-time students of any West Virginia college or university are eligible to purchase lifetime licenses.
Combination Hunting, Trapping and Fishing (Class AB-L) - $805
Combination Hunting, Trapping and Fishing - Child
(Class AB-L)*:
Under age 1 - $322.00
Age 1 to under 5 - $442.75
Age 5 to under 10 - $603.75
Age 10 to under 15 - $724.50
Senior Hunting/Trapping/Fishing License (Class XS) - $25
Required for resident hunters and anglers who have reached 65 years of age on or after January 1, 2012, except holders of Class A-L and AB-L licenses, which still require other stamp purchases (for example, bear damage and trout stamps).
Class XS license includes a trout stamp.
Fishing (Class B-L)* - $552.00
NEW - Fishing - Child (Class B-L)*:
Under age 1 - $220.80
Age 1 to under 5 - $303.60
Age 5 to under 10 - $414.00
Age 10 to under 15 - $496.80
Trout Fishing (Class O-L)** - $230.00
NEW - Trout Fishing - Child (Class O-L)**:
Under age 1 - $92.00
Age 1 to under 5 - $126.50
Age 5 to under 10 - $172.50
Age 10 to under 15 - $207.00
* The above lifetime license fee schedule for a child under 15 also applies to children who have been legally adopted or legally placed in foster care. Conservation Stamp not required.
** The above lifetime license fee schedule for a child under 15 also applies to children who have been legally adopted or legally placed in foster care. Valid only when accompanied by a Class B, AB-L, B-L, X, or XJ license.
Nonresident Lifetime Licenses
Fishing License (Class F-L) - $1,150
Fishing License - Child (Class F-L)
Under age 1 - $460
Age 1 to under 5 - $632.50
Age 5 to under 10 - $862.50
Age 10 to under 15 - $1,035
Trout Stamp (Class OO-L)* - $368
Trout Stamp - Child (Class OO-L)*:
Under age 1 - $147.20
Age 1 to under 5 - $202.40
Age 5 to under 10 - $276
Age 10 to under 15 - $331.20
National Forest Stamp (Class I-L)** - $46
National Forest Stamp - Child (Class I-L)**:
Under age 1 - $18.40
Age 1 to under 5 - $25.30
Age 5 to under 10 - $34.50
Age 10 to under 15 - $41.40
* Requires Class F or Class F-L license
** Requires Class E-L, Class EE-L or Class F-L license
NOTE: WVDNR also offers a variety of lifetime hunting and trapping licenses for nonresidents. For more information, go to
Definition of Resident
A person who has been a domiciled resident continuously in West Virginia for 30 consecutive days or more immediately prior to the date of application for a license or permit. This includes members of the U.S. armed forces stationed outside the state who were West Virginia residents at the time of entry into the service and any full- time student of a college or university of this state. Non- resident, full-time students of any West Virginia college oruniversity are eligible to purchase lifetime licenses.
Trout Stamp Requirements
Lifetime license holders who turned 65 after December 31, 2011, must purchase a trout stamp or the Senior Lifetime License which includes that privilege.
- residents who turned 65 years of age before January 1, 2012
- resident and nonresident youth under 15 years of age
- residents who are disabled veterans receiving 100% permanent service-connected disability, or those who are former POWs
- residents on active duty in the U. S. armed forces while on military leave. Leave number shall be carried while fishing.
- senior lifetime license (XS) holders
Fishing License NOT Required for
- Residents who are totally blind. A physician’s statement or certificate must be carried while fishing. A trout stamp is not needed to fish for trout.
- Residents who turned 65 years of age before 1/1/12. A WV driver’s license or WV photo ID card issued by the Division of Motor Vehicles shall becarried while fishing.
- Nonresidents or residents under 15 years of age.
- Residents on active duty in the U. S. armed forces while on military leave. Leave number shall be carried while fishing.
- Resident landowners or their resident children, resident parents, or bona fide resident tenants of such land may fish on their own land during open seasons in accordance with the laws and regulations applying to such fishing.
- Residents honorably discharged from the U. S. armed forces receiving total permanent service-connected disability benefits or former prisoners of war as determined by the Veterans Administration or resident disabled veterans who qualify under West Virginia Code 17A-10-8 and are exempted from payment of any motor vehicle registration fee by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. Such persons must carry a card issued by the DNR.
- Residents or in-patients of any state mental hospital, health or benevolent institution. Such persons must be under proper supervision and carry a written statement or certificate signed by the superintendent of the institution or facility.
- Developmentally disabled residents. A DDFL card issued by the DNR must be carried while fishing. A trout stamp is not needed to fish for trout.