Other—Nongame Wildlife
Reptiles and Amphibians
- No person shall sell native species of reptiles or amphibians, including parts or eggs thereof, except:
- Non-living snapping turtles and bullfrogs raised outside the state which may be possessed, bought, and sold for use as food provided that with each package there shall be a bill of sale bearing the species, the weight of the package, and the place of origin; and
- Non-living amphibians and reptiles obtained outside the state to be used for educational purposes.
- No person shall take or possess a spotted turtle, Blanding’s turtle, wood turtle, Eastern box turtle, black racer, Eastern hognose snake, timber rattlesnake, marbled salamander, Fowler's toad, northern leopard frog, or any egg or part thereof.
- Importation, possession, and release of reptiles shall be in accordance with Fis Chapter 800.
- No person shall take any species of indigenous turtle from May 15 to July 15.
- Persons taking reptiles or amphibians shall not take more than 2 reptiles or 5 amphibians per day.
- The taking of amphibians and reptiles shall be only by hand capture, including the use of hand-held nets.
- Snapping turtles may only be taken if less than 6 inches or 12 to 15 inches in length, as measured along the top of the carapace.
- The possession limit of harvested reptiles and amphibians is 2 times the daily bag limit.
- Individuals may possess up to 2 each of the following native reptiles:*
- Musk turtle
- Painted turtle
- Snapping turtle
- Ring-necked snake
- Eastern milk snake
- Brown snake
- Northern watersnake
- Red-bellied snake
- Garter snake
- Individuals may possess up to 5 each of the following native amphibians:*
- American toad
- Gray tree frog
- Spring peeper
- American bullfrog
- Green frog
- Pickerel frog
- Mink frog
- Wood frog
- Spotted salamander
- Northern
salamander - Red-spotted newt
- Northern dusky
salamander - Eastern red-backed salamander
Other Wildlife
There is no restriction in New Hampshire on the taking of woodchucks, porcupines, English sparrows, European starlings, common feral pigeons, red squirrels, and other rodents not covered in this publication. All other birds not specifically covered in this digest are protected by New Hampshire or federal law and may not be taken. For more information on nongame and endangered wildlife, look for the N.H. Wildlife Action Plan at wildnh.com.
* NOTE: Although limited possession of these species is currently legal in New Hampshire, the N.H. Fish and Game Department encourages people to leave these wildlife species wild. Populations of some species, especially turtles, can be adversely affected by the removal of a small number of individuals.
Help Protect Nongame Wildlife

When you buy your license, consider adding a donation to N.H. Fish and Game’s Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program. Work related to nongame species and their habitats helps many other wildlife species, including those you like to hunt!
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