Central Fishing District
The Central Fishing District includes all waters in Montana east of the Continental Divide, (including the Belly and St Mary’sRiver drainages) and west of the following described boundary: Interstate 15 from the Montana- Canada border south to itsjunction with Hwy 2 at Shelby, then east on Hwy 2 to Chester, then south on Hwy 223 to State Route 80 at Fort Benton, then southeasterly along State Route 80 to its junction with State Route 81, then easterly on State Route 81 to its junction with U.S. Hwy 191,then northeasterly along U.S. Hwy 191 to its junction with State Route 19, then south on State Route 19 to its junction with U.S. Hwy 87 atGrassrange, then south on U.S. Hwy 87 to its junction with U.S. Hwy 12 at Roundup, then west on U.S. Hwy 12 to its junction with StateRoute 3 at Lavina, then south on State Route 3 to its junction with Interstate 90 at Billings, then easterly and southerly on Interstate 90 to the first crossing of the Little Bighorn River, then southerly along the west bank of the Little Bighorn River to the Montana-Wyoming border.
Note: Roadways that are used as boundaries between the Central and Eastern Fishing Districts are interpreted to be in the CentralFishing District.
Central District Exceptions to the Standard Regulations
Transporting Live Fish: An import permit is required to bring live fish of any kind into Montana (see page 17). It is unlawful to possess or transport any live fish away from the body of water in which the fish were taken with the following exceptions:
- Possession and transport of live fish for authorized commercial purposes (e.g. Commercial Bait Seining Permit, Commercial FishPonds, Commercial Fishing, permitted Fishing Contests);
- Use of live bait subject to restrictions for the taking, possession, transport and use of live bait (see “Bait Regulations” on page 50);
- It is unlawful to possess or transport live fish, other than live non-game bait fish, on roadways that form the boundary betweenthe Eastern and Central fishing districts.
Methods of Taking Fish
Hook and Line Limits
Open Water
Rivers and Streams
- 1 line with 2 hooks per line, with or without a rod. The rod or line must be attended and in the angler’s immediate control.
Lakes and Reservoirs
- 2 lines with 2 hooks per line. All lines must be attended and in the angler’s immediate control.
Ice Fishing
Lakes and Reservoirs
- 2 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice on lakes, reservoirs, or ponds open to fishing. When a line is used through the ice, theangler need not be in immediate control, but must be in the vicinity and in visual contact with the line.
Identification: Attended shelters at Clark Canyon Reservoir, Deadman’s Basin, Hauser Reservoir, Lake Frances and Lake Helena must also be identified.
Daily Removal: Daily removal of shelters is required on Fitzpatrick Lake, Deadmans Basin and Helena Valley RegulatingReservoir.
Bow and Arrow: Waters open to angling are open to taking non-game fish with bow and arrow unless otherwise noted in the exceptions to the standard regulations.
Snagging: Snagging of fish is allowed only on waters specified in District Exceptions.
Spearing: In all waters open to fishing, non-game fish may be taken with rubber or spring-propelled spears by persons swimming or submerged. Game fish species may be taken with rubber or spring-propelled spears by persons swimming or submerged but onlyfrom designated waters. Spearing may be used through the ice for designated species in designated waters.
Bait Regulations
- Game fish, including yellow perch, may not be used as bait except as authorized below under “Dead Bait”. See “Game Fish” in definitions (page 5) for complete list of game species.
- It is unlawful to release live bait of any kind into Montana waters; do not empty any live bait containers at your fishing site.
- Collection methods: Non-game fish may be taken for use as live bait in the following manner:
- with hook and line; or
- with seines no larger than 12 feet x 4 feet; or
- with minnow traps (the dimensions shall not exceed 24 inches x 12 inches x 12 inches); or
- with cast nets (maximum 6-foot radius) and dip nets (no larger than 3 feet x 3 feet).
- See “Dead Bait” and “Live Bait” sections below for details on possession and use non-game bait fish.
- Collection Locations: Non-game fish for use as live bait may be taken from waters where live fish may be used as bait (see waterlist under “Live Bait”). Non-game fish may be collected from water open to angling in the Central District but must be dead beforetransporting.
- On waters within the Central Fishing District that do not allow the use of live bait and are not restricted to artificial flies and lures,Sculpins (genus Cottus) may be collected and used as dead bait. Collection screens or nets may not exceed four (4) feet in length on any side. Sculpins must be killed immediately upon collection and may not be used as live bait. [Note: sculpins (genus Cottus) may not be used for bait in the Western Fishing District.]
- All unattended fishing devices (crayfish traps, minnow traps, fish traps, setlines, etc.) must have the angler’s name and phonenumber or name and individual identifying number issued by the department attached.
- Areas within the Central Fishing District that have been identified as contaminated with Eurasian watermilfoil have additional baitrestrictions as described below.
Dead Bait
- Non-game fish (see “Collection methods” above) that are freshly killed or have been preserved by freezing, salting or pickling maybe used as bait on all waters not restricted to artificial lures only. Heads and entrails of non-game fish may also be used as bait.
- Whole game fish may not be used as bait. Parts/pieces of bass, burbot (ling), channel catfish, crappie, northern pike, paddlefish, sauger, shovelnose sturgeon, walleye, or yellow perch may be used as bait if edible portions are not wasted.
- The eggs of Salmonids (char, cisco, arctic grayling, salmon or trout) may be used as bait. Other parts/pieces of may not be used asbait.
Live Bait
- Live bait fish may not be imported into Montana, except by permit for use in Bighorn Lake and Afterbay Reservoir.
- Bait fish collected in the Bighorn River drainage of Wyoming may be imported under a permit issued by FWP for use only inBighorn Lake. For a permit, contact the FWP Fisheries Division at 2300 Lake Elmo Drive, Billings, MT 59105 or call (406) 247-2940.
- Live animals such as meal worms, red worms, night crawlers, leeches, maggots, crayfish, reptiles, amphibians and insects maybe used as bait on all waters not restricted to artificial lures only. Transport of invasive species is unlawful.
- Leeches may only be imported into Montana from FWP-approved leech dealers. Anglers who import leeches must have in theirpossession a bill- of-sale (a receipt) from the approved out-of-state leech dealer when fishing with leeches in Montana. A list of approved out-of-state leech dealers may be obtained from FWP by calling 406-452-6181.
- Non-game fish species that may be collected and possessed and used as live bait in the Central Fishing District include only the following: fathead minnow, flathead chub, western silvery minnow, plains minnow, emerald shiner, longnose dace, lake chub, creekchub, longnose sucker, and white sucker. All other non-game fish species (not listed above) must be released immediately at the collection site or killed prior to transporting away from the collection site (see “Dead Bait” page 50). See pages 87-88 for live bait fishidentification. Be proactive, bait fish that cannot be positively identified should not be used as live bait.
- The non-game fish species listed above may be used as live fish bait only in the following waters:
Bighorn Lake and Afterbay Reservoir- Bighorn River—Afterbay Dam to the cable 600 feet downstream, and downstream from the Bighorn FAS
- Clarks Fork Yellowstone River and tributaries, except the Rock Creek drainage—downstream from the bridge at Bridger
- Marias River and tributaries downstream from I-15
- Missouri River downstream from Morony Dam
- Muddy Creek Drainage near Vaughn, including all streams and drainage canals
- Teton River and tributaries downstream from I-15
- Tiber Reservoir (Lake Elwell), Toole and Liberty counties
- Yellowstone River and all streams and ditches in the drainage downstream from the mouth of the Clarks Fork (except the section of the Bighorn River between the cable 600 feet downstream from Afterbay Dam and the Bighorn FAS).
Bait restrictions in Eurasian watermilfoil contaminated areas
Eurasian watermilfoil is an invasive aquatic plant that has become established in some Montana waters. This plant is easily spread from onebody of water to another primarily by people transporting plant fragments. Anglers shall inspect all bait buckets, live wells, anchors andgear to ensure that NO PLANT FRAGMENTS are present when leaving a body of water. It takes only a small fragment of Eurasianwatermilfoil to start a new plant and infest a body of water.
Areas within the Central Fishing District that have been identified as contaminated with Eurasian watermilfoil are:
- Jefferson River
- Lower Madison River north of I-90
- Missouri River from the confluence of the three forks to the headwaters of Canyon Ferry Reservoir
- Toston Reservoir (small Missouri River impoundment above Toston Dam) Additional bait restrictions within the contaminated areasare:
Additional bait restrictions within the contaminated areas are:
- The collection of bait animals, including commercial seining is not permitted.
- Transport of live aquatic bait animals to and from these contaminated areas is allowed only in clean water (e.g. transport minnowsand leeches in well water).
Central District Standard Daily and Possession Limits
Each angler may take all of the limits listed in the chart, unless otherwise noted in the Central District Exceptions. For species not listed,there are no limits on the number of fish that may be taken or possessed.
Anglers who move from one fishing water to another may possess the limit of fish allowed only for the water on which they are currentlyfishing.
Species | Daily and Possession Limits | |
T R O U T | Brook Trout | 20 daily and in possession. |
Combined Trout includes brown trout, rainbow trout, golden trout, cutthroat trout, and arctic grayling | Lakes/Reservoirs: 5 daily and 10 in possession, includes cutthroat trout. Rivers/Streams: 5 daily and in possession, only 1 over 18 inches, only 1 can be a cutthroat trout. All arctic grayling must be released immediately. | |
Lake Trout | 3 daily and in possession. | |
Bass | 5 daily and in possession. | |
Burbot (Ling) | 5 daily and in possession. | |
Channel Catfish | 10 daily and in possession. | |
Crappie | 15 daily and 30 in possession. | |
Northern Pike | 10 daily and in possession. | |
Pallid Sturgeon | None - this is an endangered species and all fish must be released immediately. All waters are closed to fishing for pallid sturgeon. | |
Salmon (Kokanee & Chinook) | 10 daily and in possession. | |
Sauger/Walleye | 5 daily, only 2 may be sauger. Possession limit is 10, only 4 may be sauger. | |
Shovelnose Sturgeon | 5 daily and in possession, none over 40 inches. | |
Tiger Muskie | 1 daily and in possession, must be over 40 inches. | |
Whitefish | 20 daily and 40 in possession. |
Central District Exceptions To Standard Regulations
Check the following list of waters for the body of water you intend to fish in the Central District. If the body of water is notfound in the listing of Exceptions, all of the Central District standard seasons, daily/possession limits, and standard regulationsapply. Standard regulations apply for species not listed in the Exceptions
Waterbody/Section Exceptions to Standard Regulations
- Combined trout: 10 daily and in possession.
ANTELOPE BUTTE LAKE aka Ostle Reservoir (Teton County)
- Open May 15 at 12:00 noon through Nov. 30.
- Catch-and-release only.
- Artificial lures only.
AROD LAKES aka Eyraud Lakes
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
- Spearing: open for northern pike and non-game fish through the ice only.
- Catch-and-release for arctic grayling.
Downstream from confluence of North Badger and South Badger creeks within National Forest
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession, none over 12 inches.
BEAVER CREEK (tributary to Canyon Ferry Reservoir)
Mouth to US Highway 12
- Open June 15 through Sept. 30.
BEAVER CREEK (tributary to Missouri River below Hauser Dam)
Open June 15 through Sept. 30.
Entire river
- Rainbow trout: Catch-and-release only.
- Brown trout: 5 fish daily and in possession. All fish must be less than 18”; except for Clark Canyon Dam to High Bridge FAS and Barretts Diversion to the mouth, see special regulations below.
- Artificial lures and single-pointed hooks only. No treble or double hooks. Anglers may remove treble or double hooks from the lure and replace them with a single hook, or the shanks may be cut off the other hook points to leave a single hook. Lures with multiple hook attachments may still be used but any treble hook must be replaced by a single hook.
Clark Canyon Dam to Pipe Organ Bridge
- Open third Saturday in May through Sept. 30.
Clark Canyon Dam to High Bridge FAS
- Catch-and-release only.
High Bridge FAS to Henneberry FAS
- Closed to float fishing by nonresidents and float outfitting on each Saturday from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day
Henneberry FAS to Pipe Organ Bridge
- Closed to float fishing by nonresidents and float outfitting on each Sunday from the third Sunday in May through Labor Day.
Barretts Diversion to the Mouth
- Open April 1 through Sept. 30.
- Catch-and-release only.
Highway 91 South Bridge (Tash Bridge) to Selway Bridge
- Closed to float outfitting from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day.
Fishing Regulations
Entire river
- Catch-and-release for arctic grayling.
Headwaters to Dickie Bridge
- Combined trout: 5 daily and in possession, no size restriction.
Dickie Bridge to the Mouth
- Open April 1 through Sept. 30.
- Catch-and-release only.
- Artificial lures and single-pointed hooks only. No treble or double hooks. Anglers may remove treble or double hooks from the lure and replace them with a single hook, or the shanks may be cut off the other hook points to leave a single hook. Lures with multiple hookattachments may still be used but any treble hook must be replaced by a single hook.
Recreation Rules
Entire river
- All float users are limited to a total of 2 launches at or near each official access site each day. See Big Hole River map for official access sites
Headwaters to Mudd Creek FAS
- Closed to float outfitting from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day.
Mudd Creek FAS to Fishtrap FAS
- Closed to float outfitting on each Tuesday from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day.
Fishtrap FAS to East Bank BLM FAS
- Closed to float outfitting on each Thursday from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day.
East Bank BLM FAS to Jerry Creek FAS
- Closed to float outfitting on each Wednesday from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day.
Jerry Creek BLM FAS to Divide FAS
- Closed to float fishing by nonresidents and float outfitting on each Saturday from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day.
Divide Bridge to Melrose Bridge (Salmon Fly FAS)
- Closed to float fishing by nonresidents and float outfitting on each Sunday from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day
Melrose Bridge (Salmon Fly FAS) to Glen FAS (bridges)
- Closed to float outfitting on each Monday from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day.
Glen FAS (bridge) to Tony Schoonen FAS (Notch Bottom)
- Closed to float outfitting on each Friday from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day.
BIG SHEEP CREEK (Beaverhead River drainage) AIS
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
- Bass: 10 daily and 20 in possession.
- Shovelnose sturgeon: 2 daily and in possession.
- Sauger/walleye: 6 daily (only 3 may be sauger) and 12 in possession (only 3 may be sauger).
- Channel catfish: 6 daily and in possession.
- Burbot (ling): 3 daily and in possession.
- Hook and Line: 2 lines with 2 hooks per line on open water and 6 lines with 1 hook per line through the ice.
- Anglers obtaining live bait fish in Montana may use them only in the Montana portion of the lake.
Entire river
- A State of Montana Fishing License is required for all anglers to fish on the Bighorn River within the boundaries of the Crow Reservation. A tribal permit is not required.
Afterbay Dam to cable 600 feet downstream and downstream from Bighorn FAS
- May use live non-game bait fish (as identified in Standard District Regulations).
Cable 600 feet below Afterbay Dam to Bighorn FAS
- Artificial lures only.
BLACKTAIL DEER CREEK (Beaverhead River drainage)
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
- Open to fishing for anglers 14 years of age or younger only. One rod per child.
BOULDER RIVER (tributary to Jefferson River, near Cardwell)
Mouth upstream to the bridge on Boulder Cut-Off Road (mile 14.4)
- Open Jan. 1 through Sept. 30.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice.
- Catch-and-release for brown trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 brown trout daily and in possession any size.
- Walleye: 10 daily, only 1 over 15 inches. Possession limit is twice the daily limit.
- Yellow perch: 10 daily and in possession.
- Northern pike: no limit.
- Spearing: open for northern pike through the ice.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
Magpie Bay
- Closed (as posted) March 1 through June 14.
CHESSMAN RESERVOIR (Tenmile Creek drainage, near Helena)
- Closed to fishing (City of Helena water supply).
- Burbot (Ling): 3 over 23 inches daily and in possession.
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession.
Mainstem downstream from the bridge at Bridger
- Hook and Line: 2 lines with 2 hooks per line all year.
CONFEDERATE GULCH (tributary to Canyon Ferry Reservoir)
Mouth to Highway 284
- Open June 15 through Sept. 30.
COTTONWOOD CREEK (10 miles SW of Martinsdale)
- Combined trout: limit includes 2 cutthroat trout daily and in possession.
CULVER POND (Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge)
- Closed to angling from Nov. 30 to April 15.
- Artificial lures only.
- Open entire year downstream of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation boundary in T33N, R6W, S2.
- Combined trout: 10 daily and in possession.
- Snagging: open for kokanee salmon Oct. 1 through Dec. 31, 35 daily and 70 in possession.
- Open third Saturday in May through Nov. 30.
Upstream from Highway 434 Bridge in T18N R6W, Section 29
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession, only 1 over 12 inches.
DEEP CREEK (tributary to Missouri River, near Townsend)
Mouth to North Fork of Deep Creek
- Open June 15 through Nov. 30.
DICKENS LAKE (Sun River Wildlife Management Area)
- Open May 15 at 12:00 noon through Nov. 30.
DIVERSION LAKE (Sun River drainage)
- Catch-and-release for arctic grayling.
- Combined trout: 5 daily and in possession.
DRY CREEK (tributary to Missouri River, near Townsend)
Mouth to Flynn Lane
- Open June 15 through Sept. 30.
DUCK CREEK (tributary to Hebgen Reservoir)
- Open third Saturday in May through Nov. 30.
Above Hyalite Reservoir including East Fork Hyalite Creek and West Fork Hyalite Creek
- Open July 15 through Nov. 30.
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
Below Hyalite Reservoir
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
EAST FORK RESERVOIR (near Lewistown)
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice.
- Spearing: open for non-game fish and northern pike through the ice and by persons swimming or submerged.
- Northern pike: no limit.
ELK LAKE (Beaverhead County)
- The Narrows Creek spawning channel is closed to angling.
- Catch-and-release for lake trout and arctic grayling.
ELK SPRINGS CREEK (Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge)
- Closed to angling from May 15 to June 15.
- Artificial lures only.
ELKS CLUB POND (Lewistown)
- Open to fishing for anglers 14 years of age or younger only. One rod per child.
- Catch-and-release for arctic grayling.
EYRAUD LAKES aka Arod Lakes
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through ice only.
- Spearing: open for northern pike and non-game fish through the ice only.
- Open to fishing for anglers 14 years of age or younger only.
Entire river
- Northern pike: no limit.
Yellowstone National Park to East Gallatin River
- Closed to fishing from boats/vessels.
Porcupine Creek Road to West Fork Gallatin River
- Open third Saturday in May through Nov. 30.
GHENY POND (near Twin Bridges)
- Open to fishing for anglers 14 years of age or younger only. One rod per child.
GIANT SPRINGS (near Great Falls)
- Closed entire year where enclosed by concrete walks and masonry work.
Gibson Dam upstream to the point where the North and South forks of the Sun River meet, regardless of reservoir level
- Combined trout: 5 daily and in possession. Catch-and-release for arctic grayling.
GOOSE LAKE (Madison County)
- Open June 15 through Nov. 30.
GRAYLING CREEK (tributary to Hebgen Reservoir)
- Open third Saturday in May through Nov. 30.
Willow Creek arm, as posted
- Open third Saturday in May through the end of February.
Tributaries to reservoir - North Willow, South Willow and Norwegian Creeks - from the Highway 287 bridges to reservoir
- Open June 15 through Nov. 30.
Including Canyon Ferry Dam tailwater and Lake Helena
- Combined trout and kokanee salmon: 5 trout and kokanee salmon daily and in combination and 10 trout and kokanee salmon in possession in any combination.
- Walleye: 10 daily, only 1 over 15 inches. Possession limit is twice the daily limit.
- Yellow perch: 10 daily and in possession July 1 through March 31; 1 daily and in possession, 14 inch minimum, April 1 through June 30.
- Northern pike: no limit.
- Catch-and-release for brown trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 brown trout daily and in possession, any size.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
- Cutthroat trout: 2 daily and in possession.
Including irrigation canal in the area from the discharge outlet to 400 yards downstream
- Manually operated watercraft and watercraft powered by electric motors only.
- During ice cover: no fires, all-terrain vehicles, off highway vehicles, snowmobiles, or any other vehicles allowed on the ice. Powered ice augers are permitted.
- Snagging: open for kokanee salmon Sept. 1 through Oct. 31; 35 daily and 70 in possession.
HELLROARING CREEK (Yellowstone River drainage)
- Cutthroat trout: 3 daily and in possession, only one over 14 inches.
HELLS CANYON CREEK (Jefferson River drainage)
- Open June 15 through Sept. 30.
- Catch-and-release for rainbow trout.
HIDDEN LAKE aka Our Lake (Teton County)
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession.
- Open June 15 through Nov. 30.
Up to American Bar Gulch (approximately 4.6 miles downstream from Hauser Dam)
- Catch-and-release for brown trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 brown trout daily and in possession, any size.
- Walleye: 5 daily, only 1 over 25 inches. Possession limit is twice the daily limit.
- Combined trout and kokanee salmon: 5 rainbow trout and kokanee salmon daily in any combination and 10 rainbow trout and kokanee salmon in possession in any combination.
- Yellow perch: 25 daily and 50 in possession.
- Northern pike: no limit.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
Above Hyalite Reservoir including East Fork Hyalite Creek and West Fork Hyalite Creek
- Open July 15 through Nov. 30.
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
Below Hyalite Reservoir
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
- Catch-and-release for arctic grayling.
- Open to fishing for anglers 14 years of age or younger, holders of a “Resident Person with a Disability Conservation License” and holders of a “Permit to Hunt From a Vehicle” with the proper prerequisite Fishing License. One rod per angler.
Entire river
- Northern pike: no limit.
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession, only 1 over 18 inches and only 1 may be a rainbow trout.
Hells Canyon Creek and Willow Springs Creek
- Seasonal spawning closure at tributary mouths: Closed to fishing 100 yards upstream and downstream from the creek mouths from April 1 through April 30 and from Sept. 30 through Nov. 30.
LAKE ELWELL aka Tiber Reservoir AIS
- Cisco and whitefish: all fish must be released immediately or killed and counted as part of your limit. It is unlawful to possess live cisco or whitefish for any reason.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
- Spearing: open for non-game fish, northern pike, walleye, and burbot (ling) through the ice and by persons swimming or submerged.
- Closed entire year around the water supply outlet as posted.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
- Spearing: open for non-game fish, northern pike, walleye, and burbot (ling) through the ice.
- Catch-and-release for brown trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 brown trout daily and in possession, any size.
- Yellow perch: 10 daily and in possession July 1 through March 31; 1 daily and in possession, 14 inch minimum, April 1 through June 30.
- Walleye: 10 daily, only 1 over 15 inches. Possession limit is twice the daily limit.
- Combined trout and kokanee salmon: 5 trout and kokanee salmon daily and in any combination and 10 trout and kokanee salmon in possession in any combination.
- Northern pike: no limit.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
Including inlet areas on state land
- Snagging: open for kokanee salmon Oct. 1 through Dec. 31, 35 daily and 70 in possession.
Mouth to Big Sheep Creek
- Open third Saturday in May through Labor Day.
LYMAN CREEK (near Bozeman)
From the City water supply intake to a point 1,000 feet upstream
- Closed entire year as posted.
Yellowstone National Park boundary to Hebgen Reservoir
- Catch-and-release for rainbow trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 rainbow trout daily and in possession, any size.
Quake Lake outlet to Lyons Bridge
- Catch-and-release for trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 trout daily and in possession, any size.
- Artificial lures only.
- Closed to fishing from boats/vessels.
Lyons Bridge to Varney Bridge
- Catch-and-release for trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 trout daily and in possession, any size.
- Artificial lures only.
Varney Bridge to Ennis Bridge
- Catch-and-release for rainbow trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 rainbow trout daily and in possession, any size.
- Artificial lures only.
Ennis Bridge to Ennis Lake
- Catch-and-release for rainbow trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 rainbow trout daily and in possession, any size.
- Artificial lures only.
- Closed to fishing from boats/vessels.
Ennis Dam to the mouth
- Northern pike: no limit.
MAGPIE CREEK (tributary to Canyon Ferry Reservoir)
- Open June 15 through Sept. 30.
- Combined trout: 5 daily and in possession, only 1 over 18 inches.
- Mountain whitefish: 35 daily and in possession.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 2 lines with up to 2 hooks per line all year.
MIDVALE CREEK (Blackfeet Reservation)
- Closed entire year from intake of Glacier Park Hotel Company water supply to the park boundary.
Confluence of Madison and Jefferson Rivers to Holter Dam
- Northern pike: no limit.
Toston Dam Reservoir (Toston Dam to approximately 1 mile upstream)
- Northern pike: no limit. Spearing allowed through the ice only.
Toston Dam to Canyon Ferry Reservoir
- Localized spawning areas closed as posted from March 1 through June 15.
- Catch-and-release for brown trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 brown trout daily and in possession, any size.
- Walleye: 10 daily, only 1 over 15 inches. Possession limit is twice the daily limit.
- Northern pike: no limit.
Canyon Ferry Reservoir
- Catch-and-release for brown trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 brown trout daily and in possession, any size.
- Yellow perch: 10 daily and in possession.
- Walleye: 10 daily, only 1 over 15 inches. Possession limit is twice the daily limit.
- Northern pike: no limit. Spearing allowed through the ice only.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
Canyon Ferry Dam to Hauser Dam (includes Hauser Reservoir, Lake Helena and Canyon Ferry Tailwaters)
- Catch-and-release for brown trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 brown trout daily and in possession, any size.
- Combined trout and kokanee salmon: 5 trout and kokanee salmon daily and in combination and 10 trout and kokanee salmon in possession in any combination.
- Yellow perch: 10 daily and in possession, July 1 through March 31; 1 daily and in possession, 14 inch minimum, April 1 through June 30.
- Walleye: 10 daily, only 1 over 15 inches. Possession limit is twice the daily limit.
- Northern pike: no limit.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
Hauser Dam to Holter Reservoir (Hauser Dam downstream to American Bar Gulch approximately 4.6 miles)
- Combined trout: standard river/stream limits apply, except catchand-release for brown trout.
- Walleye: 5 daily, only 1 over 25 inches. Possession limit is twice the daily limit.
- Northern pike: no limit.
Holter Reservoir (American Bar Gulch downstream to Holter Dam)
- Catch-and-release for brown trout, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may take 1 brown trout daily and in possession, any size.
- Walleye: 5 daily, only 1 over 25 inches. Possession limit is twice the daily limit.
- Combined trout and kokanee salmon: 5 rainbow trout and kokanee salmon daily in any combination and 10 rainbow trout and kokanee salmon in possession in any combination.
- Yellow perch: 25 daily and 50 in possession.
- Northern pike: no limit.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only
Holter Dam to Cascade Bridge
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession, only 1 over 18 inches, and only 1 may be a brown trout.
- Walleye: 20 daily and 40 in possession.
- Northern pike: no limit.
Cascade Bridge to Black Eagle Dam
- Walleye: 10 daily and 20 in possession.
- Northern pike: no limit.
Morony Dam to Fort Benton
- Smallmouth bass: 10 daily and in possession.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 6 hooks per line all year.
- Catch-and-release only.
- Artificial lures only.
(Including a 400-yard reach of inlet stream from the mouth up to a concrete water weir, and a 120-yard reach from the dam outlet down to Secondary Highway 259 culvert crossing.)
- Snagging: open for kokanee salmon Oct. 1 through Dec. 31; 35 daily and 70 in possession.
Upstream from the point where the North and South Forks of the Sun River meet, regardless of reservoir level
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession, only 1 over 12 inches, all may be cutthroat trout.
Within the National Forest
- Catch-and-release for cutthroat trout.
NORTH WILLOW CREEK (near Harrison)
Highway 287 Bridge to Harrison Reservoir
- Open June 15 through Nov. 30.
NORWEGIAN CREEK (near Harrison)
Highway 287 Bridge to Harrison Reservoir
- Open June 15 through Nov. 30.
O’BRIEN CREEK (near Neihart)
Above intake to the Neihart public water supply
- Closed entire year.
ODELL CREEK (Red Rock River drainage) AIS
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
OSTLE RESERVOIR aka Antelope Butte Lake (Teton County)
- Open May 15 at 12:00 noon through Nov. 30.
OTTER LAKE (Madison County)
- Open June 15 through Nov. 30.
- Combined trout: 1 rainbow trout daily and in possession.
OUR LAKE aka Hidden Lake (Teton County)
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession.
Downstream from Loomont Lane
- Open June 15 through Sept. 30.
PELICAN POINT POND #1 (largest pond on Pelican Point FAS - near Cascade)
- Northern pike: no limit.
- Spearing: open for northern pike through the ice only.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
- Snagging: open for kokanee salmon Sept. 1 through Dec. 31; 35 daily and 70 in possession.
RAT LAKE (Gallatin River drainage)
- The unnamed tributary to the lake, inlet and outlet, is closed all year.
RATTLESNAKE CREEK AND TRIBUTARIES (near Dillon, Beaverhead County)
- Closed entire year from city water supply intake to a point 1,000 feet upstream as posted.
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
RED ROCK CREEK (Beaverhead River drainage)
- Open entire year except May 1 through June 14.
- Artificial lures only.
Lima Dam to Clark Canyon Reservoir
- Open third Saturday in May through the end of Nov.
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession, only 1 over 18 inches.
ROCK CREEK AND TRIBUTARIES (tributary to Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River)
- West Fork Rock Creek is closed to fishing from the Red Lodge water intake to 1,000 feet upstream.
ROCK CREEK RESERVOIRS (Robb-Ledford Game Range)
- Catch-and-release for cutthroat trout.
Upstream from Ruby Reservoir
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
Downstream from Ruby Dam
Catch-and-release for rainbow trout.
- Closed entire year just below Ruby Dam (that portion of the Ruby River from its confluence with the Ruby Dam outlet channel upstream to the dam, including the outlet channel).
Ruby Dam to Alder Bridge (Ruby Island FAS)
- Catch-and-release for brown trout.
- Open April 1 through Sept. 30.
Alder Bridge (Ruby Island FAS) to the Mouth
- Brown trout: 1 daily and in possession, must be less than 18”.
SAGE CREEK (Pryor Mountains)
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
SAWTOOTH LAKE (Beaverhead River drainage)
- Combined trout: 1 golden trout daily and in possession.
- Closed to fishing (City of Helena water supply).
SHEEP CREEK (tributary to Missouri River south of Cascade) AIS
- Open third Saturday in May through Labor Day
Entire River
- Smallmouth bass: All smallmouth bass caught must be killed immediately, kept and the entire fish turned into FWP. Anglers who catch smallmouth bass in the Shields River are required to report the catch to FWP within 24 hours (406-577-7900). Anglers will be asked to provide location, date, and time of capture and may be asked to provide their full name, ALS number, and phone number. Anglers are required to turn in the whole smallmouth bass to a FWP office within 10 days of capture (frozen is allowed) during regular business hours.
SILVER CREEK aka D2 Ditch (tributary to Prickly Pear Creek)
Downstream from the I-15 bridge near Helena
- Open third Saturday in May through Labor Day.
SLOUGH CREEK (Yellowstone River drainage)
- Cutthroat trout: 3 daily and in possession, only 1 over 14 inches.
NOTE: Floating on the Smith River between Camp Baker and Eden Bridge is strictly limited. Mandatory registration, floater’s fee and other regulations apply. A drawing for launch dates is held in February with remaining launches filled on a first-come basis. Contact the Great Falls FWP office at 406-454-5840 for more information.
Sheep Creek from bridge upstream of Moose Creek to the mouth, Rock Creek from bridge at Lingshire Road to the mouth, Tenderfoot Creek from falls just upstream of Daisy Creek to the mouth, and Hound Creek from Upper Millegan Road bridge to the mouth.
- Open third Saturday in May to Nov. 30.
Camp Baker Bridge to Eden Bridge
- Combined trout: 3 under 13 inches daily and in possession and only 1 over 22 inches daily and in possession.
- Artificial lures only, except anglers 14 years of age or younger may use bait.
SODA BUTTE CREEK (Yellowstone River drainage)
- Cutthroat trout: 3 daily and in possession, only 1 over 14 inches.
SOUTH FORK MADISON RIVER (tributary to Hebgen Reservoir)
- Open third Saturday in May through Nov. 30.
Upstream from the point where the North and South Forks of the Sun River meet, regardless of reservoir level
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession only 1 over 12 inches.
- Catch-and-release for cutthroat trout.
Within National Forest
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession, none over 12 inches.
SOUTH WILLOW CREEK (near Harrison)
Highway 287 Bridge to Harrison Reservoir
- Open June 15 through Nov. 30.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
- Spearing: open for northern pike through the ice only.
- Combined trout: 5 daily and in possession.
- Bass: 3 daily and in possession, none over 10 inches.
- No spear fishing or bow fishing allowed.
Downstream from Pishkun Reservoir
- Catch-and-release for arctic grayling.
- Combined trout: 5 daily and in possession.
SWAZEE LAKE (Sun River Wildlife Management Area)
- Open May 15 at 12:00 noon through Nov. 30.
- Cisco and whitefish: all fish must be released immediately or killed and counted as part of your limit. It is unlawful to possess live cisco or whitefish for any reason.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice only.
- Spearing: open for non-game fish, northern pike, walleye, and burbot (ling) through the ice and by persons swimming or submerged.
TROUT CREEK (Tributary to Missouri River)
- Open third Saturday in May through Nov. 30.
TUNNEL LAKE (Teton County)
- Combined trout: includes 1 arctic grayling.
TWIN LAKES (Big Hole River drainage)
- Catch-and-release for lake trout.
- Combined trout: 3 daily and in possession.
VIGILANTE POND (near Virginia City)
- Open to fishing for anglers 14 years of age or younger only. One rod per child.
WADE LAKE (Madison County)
- Spawning channel and channel inlet closed as posted.
WARM SPRINGS CREEK (tributary to Missouri River, near Townsend)
- Open June 15 through Sept. 30.
Above Hyalite Reservoir including East Fork Hyalite Creek and West Fork Hyalite Creek
- Open July 15 through Nov. 30.
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
Below Hyalite Reservoir
- Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout.
- Catch-and-release for rainbow trout.
Red Lodge water intake to 1,000 feet upstream
- Closed entire year.
WIDGEON POND (Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge)
- Closed to angling from Nov. 30 to April 15.
- Artificial lures only.
WILLOW CREEK (Meagher County, near White Sulpur Springs)
White Sulphur Springs water intake to its source
- Closed entire year.
- 5 trout daily, only 1 over 20 inches.
Willow Creek arm, as posted
- Open third Saturday in May through the end of February.
Tributaries to reservoir - North Willow, South Willow and Norwegian Creeks - from the Highway 287 bridges to reservoir
- Open June 15 through Nov. 30.
WILLOW SPRINGS CREEK (tributary to Jefferson River)
- Open June 15 through Sept. 30.
- Catch-and-release for rainbow trout.
Yellowstone National Park Boundary to Pine Creek Bridge
- Catch-and-release for cutthroat trout.
Yellowstone National Park Boundary to Springdale Bridge FAS
- Smallmouth bass: All smallmouth bass caught must be killed immediately, kept and the entire fish turned into FWP. Anglers who catch smallmouth bass in the Yellowstone River above Springdale Bridge FAS are required to report the catch to FWP within 24 hours (406)577-7900. Anglers will be asked to provide location, date and time of capture and may be asked to provide their full name, ALS number, and phone number. Anglers are required to turn in the whole smallmouth bass to a FWP office within 10 days of capture (frozen is allowed) during regular business hours.
Springdale Bridge FAS to the North Dakota border
- Smallmouth bass: 10 daily and in possession.